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Sketchbook: Marnik

polycounter lvl 8
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Marnik polycounter lvl 8
I don't have very many new things uploaded to my computer, but I figure I should get something up atleast. So here's some of my older stuff, I believe the oldest is from early '07, the latest is from april of 08. Here is my hand, it's holding a pencil =]

This was a doodle in a sketchbook that started out as a tribal eye, but somehow got transformed into an alien ^_^

This is a concept for a sculpture in my art class senior year, HEAVILY influenced by geiger

crits and comments always appreciated! Thanks for givin' me a look


  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    I forgot that I saved some pictures of skeletal studies from my Life Drawing class, so here's some of those

    my roommate has a camera and hopefully he'll let me take some pictures of more of my work once he gets back from break.

    Once again these are recent and any critique is greatly appreciated!

    thanks =]
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8



    shameful self-bump

  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    lawl, that was shameless. Not really the way to get people to notice your sketchbook. Just keep making more art man instead of waiting for someone to give you comments. You'll get noticed if you just show more persistance. Its been 10 days since your last post!

    Post art at least every other day! No more shameless bumping without art, bad bad.

    edit: nice layne staley painting by the way, instantly recognizable and I dig the colors you chose.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    thankyou, but I post my art as often as i can. Most of it is too big for the scanners at my school and I don't have access to a digital camera very often. The last picture on here I had done about 3 months ago.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Alright, so I have a couple life drawings to put on here, i'll probably take pictures of them tomorrow in between class and work. In the mean time, here's my first two attempts at digital painting. The first is just "colorizing" one of my old sketches, the second is my first attempt at speed painting an environment. I didn't really have a concept in mind, I just wanted to see what I could do. I want you to critique the shit out of these if you have the time or want to! Be as harsh as you need to be.

    thanks for your time ^_^
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    I started this one at work, I'm about 20 minutes in. This is a coloranatomy study. please critique!Color_and_Anatomy_study_WIP_by_elderyouth.jpg
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Alright, so first things first, with finals I've had no time to work on anything besides school. And i was working during break, but I couldn't take a wacom tablet out from the school over break, so this is as far as I've gotten on the color/anatomy study so far.

    and I had my first 3d modeling class today. This is posted more or less for the sake of tracking progress than critique, but I know you guys and regardless you won't let me down ^_^

    yes... that is a furry snowman...

    anywho, the assignment was to create a snowman using the primitive shapes in Max2009. I decided to try some poly editing out on the arms and for the hat and eyes. Then when I went to render I accidently hit the effects tab. I decided to look around and found the hair/fur deal, so I figured I'd give that a shot. This is what came out ^_^

    Thanks for your time guys, look forward to hearing some responses =D
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Diggin the furry snowman! :D
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    lol, awesome! thanks, haha.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    here's some more stuff from my intro to 3d class, C&C welcome and encouraged! By all means, tear me apart!

    Here's a knight
    and here's the wires for it

    I have more 3d stuff done, I just have yet to post it. I've literally just learned how to unwrap, so I'll be messing around with that for a little bit too ^_^

    Thanks for your time guys
  • sicsided
    you've got quite a few polygons around the butt of the nose that dont add any curvature, can take those out. Same with some of the faces running down the 'chest' of the horse/knight. Great model though, has some interesting form compared to the usual knights I see.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks sic! I didn't even think to remove any of those after I mesh smoothed, I'll have to remember that the next time I'm in a lab at school.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Working on an environment for my Character and Object class. This is supposed to the home of a raver who happens to be in the throws of a couple different drug addictions. His main afflictions are pills and hallucinogens and I'm trying to get a feeling of grungy solitude and isolation from society. Crits and Comments are encouraged and appreciated!

    Right now I'm working on making everything that has to do with the bed look like what it's supposed to be and I'm going to add a bucket filled with water from a leaky roof by the pile of clothes and an over-turned trash can with garbage around it somewhere. Let me know what you think! =D
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    looks good mike.

    the dresser's perspective looks a little off to me. I don't really know many pieces of furniture that are as sharp as you have it depicted.

    I'm guessing you're just playing off of the angle of the shot, in which case it might work, but you might want to play with that perspective to try and get something a little less threatening.

    this is max by the way haha.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Haha, I was gonna say. For a second I thought I had a polycount stalker ^_~.

    Yeah, I ended up posting this on DA and asking about it in the forums and that seems to be a consistent response. I'll definitely work with it and see what kind of stuff I can do to make it seem more dresser-y... But looking at my dresser, it's just a bunch of 90 degree angles. but my dresser's wierd
  • Onuris
    Hope ya don't mind, I threw a few quick lines in to point out some things.

    So... If this is 2-point, you need to figure out your second point. The 1st point is almost spot on, the bottom of the window doesn't line up perfectly, but it's close enough and the headboard and the top window-sill line lines up fine to the point on the right. The other point is pretty much nonexistent though. The lines of the floorboards are almost entirely parallel and the bed isn't in line at all with the other wall. And then you have the dresser, which has already been mentioned. As for the perspective issues you have right now, just bring the lines to one point, probably directly in between where the two lines currently meet the horizon line.

    Overall, I like the colors and the composition though, it has personality to it that fits your character. You just need to work on the perspective. GL man.

    <- Ian btw

    edit, and I just realized now that the floor lines that I didn't go over would also be wrong for the perspective too >.<
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    ohhh, hey ian. thanks for the paintover, it actually helps alot =D

    Not gonna lie, i completely threw perspective out the window on this one >_<. That dot on the left was supposed to be my first vanishing point, but that was before I said "fuck it." The floorboards actually are parallel, well, they were before I threw in the shading... Shift+alt+drag ftl v_v

    I don't know though, I'm running really short on this deadline... 23 hrs left to go and this is still my first environment. How many were we supposed to have anyway? From what I remember there were a couple who had four, most had two or none (cough cough), then max had five frames for his. =\.
  • Onuris
    Well, he didn't actually specify a number for the roughs, but at this point, what you need for the presentation is one fully developed one. You could throw together some real quick sketches of some other scenes and then just develop this one all the way. You can do it! lol
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Ah, color? I'm just gonna block some stuff in and throw some values in for the sketches in that case. Thanks man, good luck for everything tomorrow
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    I haven't done anything in forever, so here's a crazy crustacean space robot with wooden cone heads for hands... >_>

    Ionno *shrugs*

    Check out the deviation for a quick background on him. http://feel-the-void.deviantart.com

    Thanks for your time, guys
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