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Animation challenge?

polycounter lvl 11
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Andreas polycounter lvl 11
I actually brought this up over at gameartisans, but that place is already overloaded with comps/challenges, so I thought this place would be a good place to suggest this.

There aren't any game related animation challenges that I am aware of. I think it would be great to have one on polycount. I know pc doesn't do frequent challenges, but a comp would be great. There could be a list of several animation events that show up in games, like climbing a ladder, reloading a gun, a three move sword-fight, whatever. And the contestants could each pick 4 or so out of the list to do themselves, and maybe have to choose one mo-capped action and kinda retarget it so it looks a bit nicer. And those five clips would be their entry. Would be a nice addition to portfolios methinks.

Thoughts on this? Any animators on polycount?


  • Mark Dygert
    "Any animators on polycount?"


    But seriously, it would be nice to have more animators around here. I really like the idea and would probably join up. BUT I don't think there are enough people around here who animate to have a top 5... but who knows maybe it would pull them all out of the wood work?
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    *slowly raises hand*

  • bounchfx
    I'll give you a dollar if you animate two characters having a girly cat/slap fight. hows that for a challenge
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Vig wrote: »
    "Any animators on polycount?"


    But seriously, it would be nice to have more animators around here. I really like the idea and would probably join up. BUT I don't think there are enough people around here who animate to have a top 5... but who knows maybe it would pull them all out of the wood work?

    Hmmm...maybe then a little -vs- comp would work? Not anywhere near on the scale of UC or DW...but if gamesartisans doesn't have many animators, and polycount doesn't have many animators, if you put them together...there might be enough to consider having the comp.
  • DerDude
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    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
    i would like to roll it when i got some spare time
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    If you want to be involved in the animation contests, you might get a LOT more out an actual 'Animation' based community.

    11secondclub.com is an animation community with amazing monthly contests.

    Winners get their work critiqued by their peers at Pixar, Dreamworks, PDI, Disney etc.

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    well I do a little anim in my spare time.


    far from convincing though:)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    jox wrote: »
    If you want to be involved in the animation contests, you might get a LOT more out an actual 'Animation' based community.

    11secondclub.com is an animation community with amazing monthly contests.

    Winners get their work critiqued by their peers at Pixar, Dreamworks, PDI, Disney etc.


    Yeah I am aware of 11secondclub. Personally I find it to be absolutely horrible. The dialogue is always dull as hell, the forumites are extremely condescending if you post a W.I.P and you don't have post count in the hundreds (because that means more than my five year animation degree) or extremely unhelpful when I've had a noobish query. I'm looking for a more 'game animation' orientated challenge.

    Ruz, that your model? It's really good! As for the animation, all that it's missing is overlap mate, then you'd have a pretty damn solid run cycle!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah thats mine Blenderhead. I was working on a bunch of base models a while back

    Problem with my animation is the more I try and fix stuff the worse they get he he
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I'm an animator.. and I might be down. Might be fun to incorporate all the non animators by having them make characters for us. Kind of an optional team thing.

    The good thing about doing just a game animation challenge is that it's mostly short movements or loops, so it wouldn't take more than half a day to pound out an entry. The bad thing is, most aren't that interesting to work on, or watch.

    I use to be a member of a forum (now extinct) where we did weekly animation challenges. They were 3 hour animations, no more. How it worked, was that you e-mailed an e-mail address, and then it automatically sent back an e-mail with the theme of the particular animation of the week. Then you had 3 hours to e-mail back a clip of your animation attached to the e-mail. Then they were all posted by the admin with no names attached, and we voted on them. Probably the most fun I've had with any sort of online challenge. I did about 10-15 of em I think.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    just add a swinging package to make your animation eternally memorable, ruz.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah I had thought of that thomasp, it would only need overlap on the package to make it work:)
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Yep guys, already tried to get this ball rolling myself at GameArtisans a while ago and i was very close to actually doing it, until that dreaded day! When I got hired and had little/no time ;)

    But seriously looks like there is way more of a response for it here than I got over at GameArtisans.

    And to answer I myself do join in the 11secondclub but i prefer to use a mute character as i want to animate solely body mechanics, but this gets looked down on so much its unbelieavable ;(

    Id like to propose the idea of mebe doing glory/hero shots as apose to simple cycles/loops? Like right now ive just finsihed a pretty cool animation of my main character having to jump across a hole in a bridge ;)
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    yeah sometimes the 11 second club tends to lend more towards staging than actual quality of the animation.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Flynny wrote: »
    but this gets looked down on so much its unbelieavable ;(

    The snobbery over there is f***ing unbelievable. I actually hate this latest generation of animators that tend to frequent that place, have the animation podcast on auto-download, complete one course of animation mentor and think they can take on Glenn Keane and can quote Brad Bird all f***ing day and fap over anything mildly related to Pixar.

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I would be on for doing something 'simple', like cycles or gesture stuff.

    It would be actually good to get some help on this stuff.

    Most of the animators I have ever worked with just smile at my stuff with a kind of aww the

    modeller is trying to be an animator type of look:)
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    "Most of the animators I have ever worked with just smile at my stuff with a kind of aww the

    modeller is trying to be an animator type of look:)"

    In answer Ruz.... aww the modeller is trying to be an animator :) ;P couldnt help it heh, but i would most definately like to see this happen here ;)
  • flow3d
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    flow3d polycounter lvl 18
    animators are the laziest of the bunch!
    we'd never finish a challenge! ..

    however, some people here at polycount are nice enough to hand out their kickass models, I usually get my dirty paws on them and do some animations.
    guess thats as far as polycount will every get with animation ;)

    hate it when they dont model in proper t-poses or at least somewhere in the vicinity..
    Im an animator, not a rigger .. like I want to spend all day skinning those shoulders so they dont implode onto the chest?! .. bah!

  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    flow3d wrote: »
    animators are the laziest of the bunch!
    we'd never finish a challenge! ..

    however, some people here at polycount are nice enough to hand out their kickass models, I usually get my dirty paws on them and do some animations.
    guess thats as far as polycount will every get with animation ;)

    hate it when they dont model in proper t-poses or at least somewhere in the vicinity..
    Im an animator, not a rigger .. like I want to spend all day skinning those shoulders so they dont implode onto the chest?! .. bah!


    Or you could use Character Studio, or the hundreds of rigs available for other programs on the web?

    My suggestion wouldn't involve modellers becoming our slaves, rather I think it would be best if we just used box characters.
  • Mark Dygert
    flow3d wrote: »
    hate it when they dont model in proper t-poses or at least somewhere in the vicinity..
    Im an animator, not a rigger .. like I want to spend all day skinning those shoulders so they dont implode onto the chest?! .. bah!;p
    I hate it when models are in the T-Pose, I like the arms to be at a 45 degree angle away from the body. T-Pose normally stretches the shoulders all to hell when you bring the arms down to a relaxed position. 45 is also halfway between relaxed and T, so its half stretching either way you go, not full stretch just to get to relax.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    What about an FX animation challenge?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    adamBrome wrote: »
    What about an FX animation challenge?

    Like an ingame FX challenge? With billboards and such. That would also be an interesting challenge...I would probably only be an envious fanboy for that one though. I've tried particles in my time, but not for ages...
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    What up Blenderhead? I commented a bit on the gameartisans.org thread but didn't really explained all my thoughts on it. I know that when 3dtotal.com had an animation challenge, no one really joined and when the final entries where up..I'm sure like many other people like me didn't really bother watching them...because they're not on the forum page...you have to go and either DL to your computer, the people that use rapidshare or any kind of file hosting, or go to youtube and watch them....that's not really fun for me.

    I want to be a game artist, model and texturing. I personally wouldn't join the animation contest unless, the same model and rig was supplied to every body and it was just down to...animating it. I really don't want to spend time rigging, skiing and animating a character when it's not really what I want to do in the end, you know what I mean?

    I just heard of 11secondclub.com from you guys in this thread. It seems like the place to be for animators. Game animations involve more than a gun reloading or climbing ladders, there's a lot A LOT of cutscenes that you would end up making the character talk and those animations are usually the ones that get looked at when people rate the games or play them. You can give the smaller, loop animations to the interns, lol.

    I respect you being an animator and wanting animation challenges...if you make it easy enough for the rest of us I'm sure you would get a better outcome than 3dtotals animation challenge.

    ...and sorry for the wall of text.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Walk cycle...GO!

    I've wanted to try more animation. Many studios ask for examples of animation work, even for environment artists.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    adamBrome wrote: »
    What about an FX animation challenge?

    sign me up for that!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I think there is all of 4 people on this forum who can, and want, to do fx work...
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    I can animate... with a pencil and many sheets of paper...and/or toonboom studio.... I didn't much enjoy digital as much as traditional, but it was on my list of things to learn.

    I'd like to get into modeling and rigging first... in order to better understand the space I'm working in, I better understand how all of it works at a certain level first... only problem is I don't have a whole lot of time to learn outside work... and my current work is sucking in terms of letting me learn new stuff right now. A pretty damn good reason for me to want out, but my portfolio is lacking after 2 jobs and 5 years of bullshit.
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