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Sculpt WIP: Star Wars Clone Wars: Ahsoka

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Okay, here is another personal project that I recently started...

A week ago I finally got a chance to see the new star wars movie "Clone Wars", the animated film. I was really blown away by the art style of the flick, and despite the many poor reviews I actually enjoyed the movie a lot (maybe because my expectations were so low, I don't really know).

Needless to say, the film inspired me, so I decided I would work on my sculpting skills a bit by re-creating the "Ahsoka" character.

I'm going to do the full character, but the main thing that I really need advice for is getting the face just right. So I figured I post my WIP here for feedback.

Right now, I am not so sure with how she looks from the side profile. I think I have the general silhouette right, so the depth of her face must be off in places or something.

If anyone can see a way to make it better, please critique away.

I have included some reference pics I screen grabbed from the movie, incase some aren't familiar with the Ahsoka character; and of course my WIP shots.


Oh, yeah..
Here are the crappy orthos I made which might be part of the problem:

BTW: Another reason for me choosing this character is because my family often accuses me of only doing evil or mean characters. So I wanted to switch it up and do a "nice" character; which is also why I wanted her smiliing in the sculpt.


  • Mark Dygert
    Off to a good start =)

    - She has crazy eyes. A good rule of thumb to correct this is rest the upper eye lid on the inner iris (black part) and the lower lid on outer iris (color part). The iris is almost always covered in some small way by the eyelids.
    - When sculpting eyes it helps to push the inner iris in. Since it actually is a hole in front of the lens. It helps capture that effect if you ever bake it to a normal map. It's also a curious fact that ancient sculptors did the same thing...
    - Her brow line is also really high, leading to a surprised/crazed look. It's hard to dig up ref where the characters faces aren't animated =/
    - Deep lines around the nose/mouth aren't really part of the character's style. Great care is taken to minimize those lines to make people look pretty. The deeper the lines, the older and less attractive someone is. Its not bad to hint at them, but not that deep.
    - Paint over.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Vig: Man that's a great critique. I really eat this stuff up, and I really appreciate you taking the time here.
    She has crazy eyes.

    Ha ha, Yes she does have crazy eyes now that I think about it. They were actually just simple spheres, and I threw in the iris detail right before I posted.

    Also, I have always struggled to get the eyes looking right, so I will certainly stick to the rule of thumb eye setup you outlined.

    Lastly, I didn't know that about the deep lines being an issue with making one look attractive. It's something I certainly be more careful with and consider in other future sculpts. Of course, I'll fix it here too.

    So, thanks for the paint over and other tips, I have some stuff to work on now; which is great because I was feeling really stumped.
  • woogity
    hey man to follow the direct proportions of the characters face, the chin could be a tiny bit smaller and the lips a little bit bigger also i think the eyes could be slightly more narrow, and the cheeks a little bit less defined. The nose and overall proportion of the head looks very close right now tho, just a little tweaking and you will have it!
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    Very nice! I think I spotted something wrong with the head, The distance from her bottom lip to the end of her chin is larger on yours than the one in the film. Very good though!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Woogity: Thanks man, I think your right on all accounts.
    AshleyTayles: Thanks for pointing that out, hopeful I fixed it now.

    Well, I think I am done with this one. I was initially planning on doing the whole character strictly as a high poly sculpt, but I figured that it would be better to just focus on the upper torso and get some paint on there too. The lower half of the body is pretty simplistic and I didn't feel the need to waste any time on something that won't be impressive to anyone (due to the simplicity of her lower half.)

    Anyways, here's what I ended up with...

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Pay extra close attention to the original's eyes. The colored part needs to be carved at a deeper angle (especially noticeable on 3/4 views). On yours it's at best parallel to the front plane. Once you fix this you will avoid the doll look a little, since light will hit these parts more naturally.

    Also careful with the curve of the upper eyelid. It has to overlap the eyeball more, especially if you make her smile!

    Good luck!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    2 Crits:
    Perhaps you could tighten the mouth up and just make it smaller. Giving the girl a larger jaw on impressions. I think making her mouth smaller would make a huge diffence.

    The shoulders and arms in general, have a much smoother feel to them, in your Ref. (rounder edges and all)

    Iam deffiently digging what you got. Keep at it!!!!
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    cool stuff, brad. well executed. the only thing sticking out to me is the silhouette of her torso, it's a bit off I think.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    nice start, but not there yet, capturing someone else or someone elses work is always a challenge.
    i'd say the jaw is a little to boxy compared to the original, it's not that thick
    agree on the eyes with pior and i also think that eyes and mouth could get a little update especially when it goes to clean forms try as less details as possible, the original is just plain areas floating into each other you are trying to break these areas with extra details, which is a nice thing normally but not on such a clean design
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Pior: Your absolutely right with your crit. I tried to fix the eyes as you said; and I think its definitely looking better now.

    Mikezoo: Yeah, I played around with the jaw and lips some and it wasn't working so well. Let me know if you still think its an issue and I will tweak it some more.

    Cody: I worked on the torso a bit since you mentioned it. I think it could be tweaked just a bit more, but I think its a step in the right direction. As always, thanks for the crit dude.

    Neox: Thanks, yeah, the eyes are an issue, and hopefully they look a bit better now. As I said to mikezoo, I couldn't get the jaw working much better, there is just some really minor adjustments done to that area. But maybe it looks better with just the subtle changes, please let me know.

    Well, I'm pretty happy with the changes I made this time around, but its really subtle I know. I completely redid the eye balls, and adjusted the eyes, jaw, torso, and arms. I think I may be finished now, unless anyone has something major to point out. Thanks for everyone's feedback thus far.


  • psychoticprankster
    This looks better then the TV series, Ahsoka. well done! the shoulders look a bit off compared to the picture from the TV series though.
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