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Dilapidated Hallways

polycounter lvl 17
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DInusty polycounter lvl 17
Just been dinking around in unreal and decided to make a small area to dink around in. no set final look for it but it will be having things im experimenting with in the art direction of a Dilapidated hallway. hope to have some great things come out of it whether it be learning or just some cool little assets. enjoy.

First off block out.



Next a more blocked out refined version. Tell then :)


  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Good start! Wich artistic direction are you goin? Some kind of fantasy decayed hallway? You have any concept shots or reference?
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good so far. 1 crit though, there seems to be some big seams (I caused by the lighting I thing), You might wanna try and sort them out.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    @Coldhands: This is some of what im looking to get style wise.


    Some more overgrowth also. going to have a pillar from the outside that's slammed a wall and is bringing light in. so open ceiling from that, light raying in, the pillar from outside sticking in and a pillar or two destroyed on the inside. should be interesting. Ill me updating as soon as i feel there is some decent progress.

    @AsheleyTayles: Yeah i see what your talking about. in the end non of the mesh u see cept maybe a way more refined version of the wall will remain. these are just here to block it all out.
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Are you going to do some of the high tech looking bits as well bro? like the generator looking thing on the floor.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    @ Ironhawk - Im planning on doing something similar to that. if you lower in the thread there are insets in the walls where u would put paintings or statues for show, these areas will be reworked for machines by what looks like a revamp of the house from a house to more of a generator of power for the building. this is also abandend so its been a while since anything has been working right but i think there will still be glowly bits. :)

    Little heads up: Work being delayed for an art test :)
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    alright back on it now that im done with the art test and have gotten the job woot! the idea is to get some old house work with stone and crowning but then add on a lot of tech over the top of it as if they had melted together as one style.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    @Tumerboy: Thanks!

    Decided to show some of the sketches for ideas for this hallway. working on the pillar on the bottom right now. should have something to show by tomorrow.

  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    Basic block out and just seeing if any cool shapes start popping out to me, also one of those pillars will be half destroyed from something else crashing into the wall from the outside. haven't decided what that will be yet. but it will have happened some time ago maybe one or two hundred years ago so there will be large vines and roots coming in and basically nature taking over from a brightly lit gapping hole in the wall/floor. alright bed time.

  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    Little bit of progress. think im starting to get a feel for what the hallway will be in terms of shapes and what not. started fleshing out the pillars and just wanted to see what they would look like with the current lighting. also the lighting has just been me messing around with it. by no means final. just trying to see whats going on and feeling it out as the hall grows and changes. Also there are not any light map UV sets so some of the lighting might be strange haha. im liking the feel so far though.

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    cold warm contrast again ;) a big trend lately - looks smotth so far
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    @Renderhjs Thanks, yeah seems to be a pattern on the forum lately. dont know if this is a good lighting setup for the scene but for sure im liking the blue on the top.

    Just some pillar progress, still have some kinks to work out on it and detail transitions. the little cubes in the inside are going to be stone so its like a tech with temple theme mixed together.

  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    I think im gonna ding up the metal some also but bit o progress for ya polycounters

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    nice pillar and a good start to the block out, maybe on the lighting create a focus light, id suggest a whitish light streaming through a break in the wall from one side of the corridor towards the end with fat jesus rays streaming in.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    @Shepeiro yeah i totally agree with the rays idea. had a idea thats sounding just like yours a few posts back. after these pillars im gonna make a modular set for the floor and ceiling. thinking about making a more of a walk way with a depth to the sides where the walls meet the floor. and maybe putting a thin dent path on the ceiling so that there is room for the piping that will be exposed. Thanks for your comment too by the way! much appreciated.
    Frozan wrote: »
    also one of those pillars will be half destroyed from something else crashing into the wall from the outside. haven't decided what that will be yet. but it will have happened some time ago maybe one or two hundred years ago so there will be large vines and roots coming in and basically nature taking over from a brightly lit gapping hole in the wall/floor.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    ahh try to work some arches or different shapes into the ceiling instead of the flatness of what looks like the bsp.

    it will add depth by not being so flat and be more interesting overall.

    keep it up man
  • FuzzYspo0N
    its looking good from what i can see in the shots, keep at it
  • carlo_c
    I like how you started with a block out and got the lighting down before bringing in the more detailed meshes, seems like a good workflow. Good stuff so far :)
  • Freestone39
    Hey good job. Hallway looks great. I love the lighting style too.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    Just doing some quick unwrap- lower poly- normals- tests.

    this is the some what lower poly. i decided i wasnt going to make it game level per say as far as limitations. going to take it to what i think the "next gen" level will be after the current gen we are currently at. so more polys, larger light maps, also with higher res textures. we will see were it goes. not really gonna go for performance but more on thats looks awesome! quality. hehe so where i can you parallax there will be parallax. heres a test of the low with normal and ambiant.


    now to make the final bake and nice texture to boot :)
  • nrek
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    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Looking good Frozan, I really like how all the details turned out in the rocks. Just out of curiosity, are the blocks separate pieces that can be rearranged in other pillars to make each one seem more unique?
  • rjhalvorson
    That pillar really came together nice. I had talked to you before about how much I liked the contrast in the lighting. I like the style you are heading towards and definitely can't wait to see the final result. It's looking really solid.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    just a little bit of an update. low poly with the normal and basic diffuse on it. still have a lot of color tweaks and art style directions i want to take with it. just a show of progress :)

  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    just thought i would put it in engine to see what it looked like. that metal defiantly needs some work damn...

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    good first pass just push the spec on the metal and pull it back on the rock-maybe
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    the green paint just seems to be sprayed on but its not over the entire surface. There is no point where the paint is chipping away to reveal the metal underside.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    almost forgot to respond to you guys.

    nrek i made the stone itself and the pipes or wiring there own mesh so that i can put the tubes on every once in a while and the stone i made separate so i could rotate them so its not repetitive.

    SHEPEIRO thanks for the small crit. I totally agree with what your saying hehe would be horrible if i was saying it was final pass. but yes the spec isnt even in there yet i beleieve its just the diffuse acting as the spec. metal is defienatly going to be a bit rough since i dont make it that often but i will remember high spec on it.

    Autocon thats interesting you see the green at paint, ill be honest and tell you i dont know what it is haha. ill prob be pulling it out in gernal though becuase i think its just a by product of me tweaking things within the base texture i chose for the metal. thanks for the crit :)

    all in all there is still tons of work to get in on the diffuse and the spec needs to be made specific to the material and even just made.
  • ThatDon
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    ThatDon polycounter lvl 11
    love the lighting.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    alright gonna move on to the floor for now. getting sick of seeing that blown out ground. played a bit more with some lighting. i will of course be revisiting the pillar. its not to the quality i want it at yet.

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    way to much contrast in the last piece- gone are the soft transitions between shadows and light - and resting surfaces.
  • carlo_c
    Agree with above! Too much black, I cant make out some of the nice detail on the pillars anymore.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    agreed :) good thing its not the final lighting hehe gonna adjust it one last time so that u can see it all still then gonna leave it tell i do the lighting pass.
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    alright here we go. got the more detailed block out of the floor done. also pulled the lighting back to a "idle" lighting so u can see everything but still has a bit of mood to it.


  • Rated Rrr
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    Rated Rrr polycounter lvl 17
    Man this hallway would be a bitch to drop your keys down on the floor. :P

    I like the stone look of the pillars in this way much better. Not sure if I'm alone but I feel like those cool mechanical pieces are blending in too much with pillar and that they should POP out a bit more.

    Other than that I'm eager to see more.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    yeah think the floor is possibly too deep, [IMO] will give too much parrelexin when walking over it, loose the top half of the underfloor model [IMO]
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Would make a cool flying game if you could turn that bottom of the floor to a racing path ;]

    Their is no point in showing the bottom portion btw. You, the player, will never look under the railing. If it doesn't look good from the top, who cares if it looks good from the bottom, your only going to see it from the top.
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