This project is going to be a little more ambitious than the tower. This time going for some Kismet, a full arena (to the tunnels and up to the roof and jumbo/strip-o-tron), cooking for PS3 (which would mean branching the pipeline) and figuring out how much UnrealEd can deal with. I want to do many things that we weren't allowed to do in an NBA arena (tech-wise and art-wise). Never seen a UFC match and really don't have an interest in it, I just like the challenge.
My previous job had me making NBA arenas. I've done those for 4 years solid, so re-use of geometry is like 2nd nature. Also, I have arena specs from a half dozen still stuck in my head along with sizes and dimensions of tons of objects.
My friend is taking on the character and crowd models, I handle the shaders, Kismet, lighting and venue. To place objects off the grid in Unreal and have then accurate I am using a Mel I made called Unreal Mambo, it takes the locations of meshes in Maya and exports the data for Unreal to read. Much faster placement with vert/poly/edge snapping. Probably have to write a custom script for character placement.
This is the source image I am starting from. I am sure Unreal has nothing in place to deal with a crowd of this magnitude, but I do have some ideas on how to go about this:

So, gonna grab a glass of Kool Aide and get to it... starting with the ring first, then create the shaders for the character (clothes, eyes, hair, skin) and back to the arena.
/edit BTW, Spike TV only sponsors small-ish events, the big PPV events don't have any Spike logos on. Just sayin'.
Highly doubt UFC would do any different. They tour and use general purpose buildings. It's much easier just to hang up a screen for the night.