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Looking for low poly 2D/3D artist

Joris, who is our current artist for this particular project, referred me to this site to seek for artists.
Team name :
Scarlet Gaming, Inc. - Registered Company
Project name :
Project Lifeblood - Replica Hunters (formerly Exploring the Stars)
Brief description :
We need a replacement artist. Our current artist that was working on this project hase alot of activities outside the internet going on and we need someone that can help us meet a very tight deadline. The publishers want us to make the art in our game more appealing to the typical casual game demographic. They want the art to be more inviting and cartoony.(stylized according to one of my artists) A reference to this style is our direct competition Magic Ball 3 which you can pick up an hour demo by googling it. We do not want their work, we just want you to use them as a reference for style.
Target aim :
35+ female and their families is the demographic.
The publisher will give a user a brief 60 minute trial version of a game and they will pay to download the full version.
Compensation :
We are paying as soon as we have established that their are no changes that the publisher wants us to make. We can discuss payment terms and amount further in an email with you.
*edit* I forgot to say that this is contracted position.
Technology :
For this particular game we used Bullet physics engine though we will never again because of many issues that my programmer had to fix that other physic engines would have done automatically. You can use whatever art programs you need to accomplish the task.
Please note:
All 3D object files will be sent to our programmer in .x format and I will want the originals work files upon payment.
Talent needed :
A 2D & 3D artist that knows how to texture in the style mentioned above. They will have to know how to do low poly models for our unique items. Most other objects are simple in nature due to the way collisions work.
Team structure :
Company Owner - Michael H. - This is me. I own the company. I am the designer, producer, marketing and project lead for alot of the company's games. Eventually I dont want all these duties and want someone else doing them for me.
HR Director - Leslie - She handles morale, interviews, scheduling, payroll, and employee documents as well as our Human Resource duties.
Lead Programmer - Michael B. - He handles most aspects of programming as well as managing the Programming Team of both projects. He is currently putting finishing touches on Replica Hunters.
Assistant Lead Programmer - Harrison Brock - He handles all the same aspects as Michael B does. He is their to assist the lead. He has worked in various areas on two published games for other companies and this can be confirmed upon request.
Lead Artist - Radhames - He handles most aspects of art as well as managing The Art Team. He is currently preparing concept art for the next 2 casual games that are in the early stages of production.
Assistant Lead Artist - Joris - He handles most aspects of art as well as assisting Radhames in his managing of the Art team. He was the original artist on the Replica Hunters project and did a wonderful job on all the space art.
Music and Sound Production Manager - Josh Bramlett - He is our sound guy who did the original sound work on Replica Hunters and he is also doing the rework so that it appeals to the demographic better. He also outsources some production work so he is the final say on music.
Website :
scarletgaming.net However, we are having revisions done on the site.
Contacts :
You can contact Leslie our HR Director at ladyshey@scarletgaming.net .
Please make sure to include your name, a resume/portfolio that gives a breif overview about your work, and anything else you would like her to know.
Previous Work by Team :
various games for our clients - The name of these games can't be stated because of our NDA with our clients.
our most recent project - Replica Hunters (formerly named Exploring the Stars) - some last minute art changes and this item is to be released to our publisher
Additional Info :
We don't care where you are from for all Lifeblood positions as long as you speak english.
Feedback :
We prefer only interested canditates to give feedback as our needs are specific.
This post is not for any other position type though we are always accepting resumes/portfolio for those.
Here is the artist test that will show us you are qualified taken straight from two of Leslie's email that she has given to other artist.
The 3D test that we need you to do is this:
1)Look at Magicball 3.(This means you need to download a trial of the game.)
2)Understand its style and scenery.
3)Create a level using that style and a graveyard theme.
b)floor (play area)
c)the wall needs to be brick that if shaded a different way can be used in a different themed level
d)it needs to have models (flowers, gravestones, leafless trees, ghosts, skeletons, ect)
e)we just want to view a render of the whole scene.
Leave the ball out as we already have a ball

We will be looking at the following:
1)Did you use stylized art like that of magicball 3?
2)Did you use low poly counts?
3)Did you accurately render the graveyard theme with a cartoony/inviting look so that the 35+ female demographic and their families will want to play?
4)We want to see original work. Our owner has already dealt with a couple of artist that have proven to be unable to meet this particular criteria

Leslie Harper
Director of Human Resources
Scarlet Gaming
Something else I forgot to mention that Michael pointed out was that we will be looking at quality and time for creation. We really prefer fast pace medium to high quality work as we will be pushing hard to meet deadlines.
Leslie Harper
Director of Human Resources
Scarlet Gaming
We are looking forward to seeing everyone's work. Good luck to everyone.

ADDED 01/01/09
We have been getting quite a few portfolio submissions. However, most of them have not had the style we are looking for. If you feel that you don't need to do the artist test, then please look at the game we referenced so that you can make sure your portfolio has art in it that will match that style. Otherwise, if you can create that style then it would be best to take that test if only to have this style in your portfolio for other companies. This an insurance policy to make sure the we are not wasting your time or ours.

Leslie says it all in her replies for these submissions:
It can only benefit you because it shows us that you can create the right style with a difficult scene. At the same time, it adds this style to your portfolio for future job offers from other casual game making companies. It is only a render and it should not take you long to make.

One of the candidate we recieved a test submission from only took 6 hours to make his rendered scene and even included the Tris count.

Even if we don't use you for this particular project, we may use you for one of our future projects. If you do not have the right style for this project and you know you cannot create this particular style, you should submit your email still but use "3D artist for Future Games" as your subject line.


  • C0D3M4N
    Offline / Send Message
    We have made our decision for our current game but we welcome your portfolio and test submissions for our future games. Moderators can close this if they choose.
  • C0D3M4N
    Offline / Send Message
    Hate to make a 3rd post in a row but only way to make sure people know there is a new post. The artist we picked looks like he may not be able to deliver on the services he said. That means we are again looking for someone that can meet these pulisher demands.
    Something else I forgot is that we need MAX artists and not Maya at the moment.
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