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Can't see changes with Lighting Subdivisions in UE3

polycounter lvl 14
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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
So I'm messing with AdvancedLighting subdivisions on my meshes and I can't seem to find any differences when playing with the min & max values after I attempt to 'Build Lighting'. I've checked and unchecked bOverrideLightMapResolution and I can't seem to get a difference there with meshes I'VE imported either.

Now that bOverrideLightMap thing seems to work just fine with built in Epic static meshes.

Just wondering if anyone has played with this and if they could help me understand what I'm, umm, not understanding I guess?

Thanks. oh and Merry Christmas. :)


  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Are you trying to use lightmaps on your static meshes? If so, then UV channel 1 (0 in UnrealED) needs to be 0 to 1 non-overlapping. Also a setting of 0 means vertex lighting. You can double click the mesh in the Generic Browser and set the lightmap resolution as well.

    Maybe you clicked one too many checkboxes and have gone past the point of no return? Remove the mesh from the world and place it again. Scroll down and change the LM resolution to something like 256x256 and make sure you did what I outlined above.
  • Junkie_XL
    Offline / Send Message
    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    You can double click the mesh in the Generic Browser and set the lightmap resolution as well.
    Looked everywhere but here. Don't really need the lighting subdivision now. Thanks that solved my problem. :thumbup:

    Although I still don't understand why my mesh is set to "0" and the Epic mesh was set to "1" and the significance of that. I notice when I changed mine to 1, changing the lightmap resolution wouldn't change anything. Might be because my mesh only has one UV channel while it looks like the Epic mesh has two?
  • salman_fas
    This should explain if you have any confusion.
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