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the 3ds-max mirror - normals - problem

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rollin polycounter

sorry that I have to ask about such an old problem but I realy need some way to build an workaround

ok I have a model with around 40% mirrored Objects.. if i export the model as obj these parts are flipped (suprise suprise..).

Now I need some kind of a script or something that pics every object, apply an reset-xform and flips all faces if the object was mirrored before

or some other solution that gives me a model with correct normal-orientation without doing it object by object manually



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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Symmetry modifier?
  • rollin
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I´m proud to be able to answer my own question

    the answer
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18


    1.Mirror objects that need mirroring
    2.Select one of the original objects...attach...pick all mirrored objects (not the other way around)
    3.Detach objects one by one.


    Mirror objects....create a new box primitive, move to 0,0,0, with box still selected ...attach...select mirrored objects. Detach mirrored objects or delete box in sub object mode.


    Attach all the mirrored objects together, reset xform (move pivot point to 0,0,0 if needed), select all faces then flip. Detach objects, done.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    thx psyko.. but that would have been too time consuming
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Last one is actually the quickest when symmetry fails, maybe you have 1000 objects to process then yeah its time consuming. Of course the script will own all anyway :D
  • Mark Dygert
    From this point forward I would consider the mirror tool, the work of the devil unless you plan to flip everything you mirror at the time you mirror it (which can be scripted). I personally love symetry since it welds and mirrors without flipping. You can also go back down in the stack to Edit Poly, turn on Show End Result and watch both sides update as you edit the original. You can also rotate the symetry modifier to do things like make spokes, gears, tires, cylinders.

    The quick way fix it as you go, if you still want to use the mirror tool, would be to replace mirror with a script that does a few things;
    - Activates the mirror dialog
    -Then after the mirror is complete, prompts to flip the normals, if you say no it stays fubar, if you say yes it...
    - Resets xform
    - Applies a normal modifier then collapses.
    Same great mirror tool, no bad after taste!

    That would be VERY easy to script to a hotkey or tool bar button. If you need help with it let me know.

    Also what Psyk0 suggested could also be scripted... but slightly more manual.

    EDIT: I went ahead and wrote it, because I wanted to replace the mirror tool.
    When clicked it will ask you "Do you want to correct the normals?" If you click yes it will flip the faces and mirror. If you click no, it will do the standard fubar mirror.
    To install:
    Go to Main toolbar > MAXScript > New Script
    Copy this
    Macroscript VigMirror
        if querybox "Do you want to correct the normals?" beep:true then
                max modify mode
                modPanel.addModToSelection (Normalmodifier ()) ui:on
                modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Poly ()) ui:on
                maxOps.CollapseNode $ off
                    max mirror
            max mirror
    Paste it into the new script window, Evaluate it (Ctrl-E)
    It will look like nothing happens but...
    Go to Main toolbar > Customize > Customize UI > Catagory VigTools and you'll see VigMirror. Bind it to a key on the keyboard tab or drag it to an open spot on the tool bar or create a new toolbar and dock it some place (toolbar tab).
  • RobertRamsay
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    RobertRamsay polycounter lvl 9
    I just noticed this, what a bummer. I fixed this through element mode.
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