the story says the teams were moved to the Burnaby location, not that everyone was fired, but im sure some people were still cut. with 2 of their studios so close by to each other it kinda makes sense to merge em at the EA campus, that place is bloody huge. hope anyone effected lands on their feet!
(Off Topic Question)
02car: did you have long beast build times on Mirror's Edge?
yes abot 25 hours at 150 GHz per level. 50 computers working.
we had about 150 machines in total in the renderfarm so we could do 3 bakes simultaneously.
Halsa grabbarna om den finns nan kvar jag kanner dar borta
(Off Topic Question)
02car: did you have long beast build times on Mirror's Edge?
i will say hallo when i get back, temporarily living in Tokyo at the moment.
yes abot 25 hours at 150 GHz per level. 50 computers working.
we had about 150 machines in total in the renderfarm so we could do 3 bakes simultaneously.
haha (jerk)