Project name:
Carnage !
Brief description:
Carnage ! is a 2D, top down view arcade shooter in the style of Smash TV and Geometry wars. In a small squared area, the player is confronted to many different enemies and has to survive for a set amount of time before completing the level. While each level is played in the same map, they have differing enemies to balance the challenge level and keep the game play exciting.
Target aim:
The aim for this game is to be released on XBLA somewhere around the end of the year, or possibly later then that if additional work is required. The game would make a good candidate for Microsoft's next year's Dream Build Play contest, if one becomes announced.
No money will be paid upfront. We could discuss a percentage of the revenues that would scale according to the amount of work provided.
Talent needed:
2D Artist : An artist who can provide graphics of equal or greater quality then those displayed in the demo and screen shots posted below. I will not impose a minimum amount of work on you, but i expect to be told (roughly) how much work i can expect.
Team structure:
Me : Programming and 2D Art
Chimera Music Group (Rayko, MrGamer, Marcel, Okeanos) : Music and sounds
Franco Jordan : 2D Art (soon to be retired)
Kristian and Olivier : retired artists who provided some art in the past
None yet
email or msn me at :
you may also pm me
Previous Work by Team:
Work on Carnage ! has started a long time ago as a part time project and i have some screen shots as well as a somewhat solid demo to show.
Here's some screen shots :

Here's the download link of a recent build :
Download Carnage ! (updated 2008/12/17) !
The game is playable either with an xbox 360 controller (by far the best experience), with a combination of a mouse and keyboard (decent if no xbox360 controller available) or with only a keyboard (outdated control scheme).
The game also contains 2 replays if you head into the 'Watch Replay' menu. Those are replays of hard levels and serve to display what the game play is like once you get the hang of the controls.
The 3 suggested levels for beginner's are : Easy Classic, Easy Atomic and Spider Boss.
Chimera Music Group has a lot of interesting MOD music produced and you can see their work here :
Chimera Music Group Homepage !Additional Info:
This game started of 7 years ago as a vb6 game using GDI. It has been abandoned for many years until i decided to re code it from scratch a bit less then a year ago. Since then, many features have been added, the old graphics have almost all been replaced and all new (authorized) music has been produced for the game.
This has been a part time project, but i have been able to clear my schedule for 4 months starting january 1st until may 1st. During that time, i will be working on the game full time and will be able to put much more time into the game then has already been put in a full year ! I have a lot of exciting ideas on additional content for the game, as well as many planned refinements to what is already here !
I hope to welcome an artist to work on the game with me, full time or part time, to help me with new enemy designs and also to polish the rougher edges of the graphics !