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Hello got a nother Newbie at the site

Hi my name is Reese and i love to mess around with Blender 3D(a free open source application). I mostly make low poly stuff. I am not the best at modeling people or weapons or cars or levels, I like to make props. I started a game project called Nation Of The Dead. I have four members right now. Kyle, he is a Python Scripter. Mike he is a modeler and texture artist, John is a props modeler and animator and script. and myself i am the leader story line and modeler..
P.S I am only 13(not like that matters though)


  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Welcome to the Polycounts.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
  • bounchfx
    you have a good head start! head over to the Pimping and Previews section to show off your stuff and get crits or to learn from the others using the boards. Stick around and you're sure to learn.
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    P.S I am only 13(not like that matters though)

    Oh wow you are so cool man I wish we could hang out and chill some time because you're that cool.
  • Steviant
    Leviathan: Lay off. I was 13 when I first joined this place. People starting this game art thing that young is a good thing. By the time he's 18, if he keeps at it (like I didn't) he'll be on the fucking top of the game, as it were. Makes me wish sometimes I *had* kept at it.

    Kap'n: Lets see some of your stuff in the P'n'P forum :). Always good to see new faces.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'm actually a little jealous. I was twenty before I started getting into modeling. I would have loved to have been able to start younger. Good luck with your Blender game, Kapn' Kronic. There's a fair number of Blender users who frequent these boards. So you should be able to find some help or advice if you need it. Be sure to post often in the pimping and previews section, it is the best way to get feedback on your work and on your game.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    LEViATHAN, that was completely unnecessary.

    Kap'n Kronic, welcome to Polycount. Its awesome to hear that you're getting a good start on these things at such a young age. Be sure to post some of your art in our Pimping & Previews section and stick around. The things you'll learn here will be better than most (if not all) game dev schools out there.

  • bounchfx
    yeah leviathan that was honestly a bit pointless.

    I must admit I'm a little jealous too. I didn't get into modeling or any art whatsoever until I was around 19 years old, when I finally said hey I'll go do this for a living.

    just keep at it and you will be LEAGUES ahead of your peers.
  • Mark Dygert
    LEViATHAN wrote: »
    Oh wow you are so cool man I wish we could hang out and chill some time because you're that cool.
    LEViATHAN is just showing how much more immature he can be... but really we all know he can go much lower.

    Welcome to the big green space station. May toothy smile upon you =)

    I wish I had started down this road when I was 13, but then again I was still trying to jiggle the naughty bits of my TurboGrafx-16. Not like there was much of anything going on at that time.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Welcome aboard.

    Vig, I'm going to report you if you post any more pet names for your. . . dangly bits.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hell yea dude, keep at it and you can save yourself a ton by not having to go post secondary.
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, welcome Kapn. I'm 18 and just getting into it now. Keep at it man, wish I started as young as you =]
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    With the way 3D Packages and Workflows have matured by now, and with the Internet being widely and cheaply available, with access to many established art communities, it's much easier to start at a young age than it was 10 years ago.

    So yeah, welcome :).
  • Mark Dygert
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    Welcome aboard.

    Vig, I'm going to report you if you post any more pet names for your. . . dangly bits.
    heh, my controllers had rumble long before anyone else on my block...

    Read that how you will. =P
  • debaser
    Another Polycount Newb here...
    Hope Kap'n Kronic doesn't mind me piggy backing off his thread but figured you guys really didn't need another one of these 'hello my name is_______' threads


    Pretty much polar opposite of that guy, my names jon I'm 35 (not like that matters :poly122: )
    been a CAD monkey way too long 10 years mechanical design w/ solidworks ...gradually making transition over to Maya. A friend of a friend of mine that posts somewhere on here, pointed me in this direction and I've been learning a lot just lurking on here and figured I'd stop in and say hello.

    So...um... Hello :)

    I hope to annoy you all with lots and lots of newb questions and these ellipse things... which apparantly I have a tendency to overuse
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Welcome to the place debaser. I'm new too, in case you couldnt tell from my whopping 14 posts.

    Good call on the whole "not making another thread" deal, at least that's what I thought, I just kinda jumped in ^_^

    Good luck and I look forward to learning with you
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Welcome to the boards, guys!
    debaser wrote: »
    Pretty much polar opposite of that guy, my names jon I'm 35 (not like that matters :poly122:

    I had never even touched a mouse until just over 10 years ago, when I was 27 years old. So with your CAD experience you have a nice head start!
  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    YEA!! more noobs IM NOT ALONE w00t!
  • Kap'n Kronic
    WHOA! Weird..I thought that my computer was being stupid not showing all the posts here..But THE THREADS GO FROM BOTTOM TO TOP!! WOW!!!..lol..
    I am mostly here to work on Low Poly contests..I am really bad at modeling though..But i plan on getting better and hopefully getting a good career in game design....
  • Kap'n Kronic
    LEViATHAN wrote: »
    Oh wow you are so cool man I wish we could hang out and chill some time because you're that cool.

    Wow you are so cool for telling me that I am cool.?? What the hell??
    I know your being sarcastic... That or you being a pedophile:poly122:...
    I don't want you to think that just because I am 13 I am going to act like I don't know how to talk, or that just because I am 13 my work is good for my age. Please don't think that. Just because I am 13 shouldn't matter. I want to be treated like everyone else. Give my work good crits on where i need it...I can take a joke or people giving good crits on work.
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