I'm having trouble trying to do the basic of things. Importing ONE box into Unreal 3 editor and i keep crashing. I created the box in max named it SM_Box and even just Box, put smoothing 1 on it, named the material SM_Box and my second try just Box, UV's flattened, then I export as a ASCII file. I then went into my max folder and tried to import it from there and it crashes. Could it be my computer? I have a laptop 1gb of ram with 80g of space.
I think for static meshes you're best off using .ase iirc..
Did you check out the export settings? I think this tutorial might got some:
Mesh Definition
Mesh Normals
Mapping Coordinates
Those checked always works for me.
can u post a link to the ase, so I can import it on my end? See what results I get.
but yes,what leedee said
In my launch log. I found this in there. "Critical: Vertex element type 11 not supported" anyone knows what that means?
- Your model data exported is faulty
- Your graphics card can't handle the data
Are you able to run the actual game?
What video card do you have?
Can you import other people's models?
Did you try exporting without materials?
The video card i have is..ATI RADEON 200 XPRESS
I don't have a ready made model from someone but I can try to find some. Anybody here could help on that.
Yes I did export the max models without materials.
erh.. apparently that link is only usable once. didnt bother finding a better file host. heh.
There's your problem right there.
Just load up a checker pattern bitmap. It has to be a physical texture file that you apply on to your mesh before you export it to the .ase file.
You can't just rename a default material in max, or apply some sort of max-generated checker/image. It has to be a physical file on your hard drive that you assign to the object in max before you export.
So the simple steps to get a box from max to UE3:
Create a box in max.
Open Material editor in max.
Find an image file on your computer and put it in the diffuse slot in the material editor in max.
Apply material to your object in max.
Select Box.
File-> Export Selected.
Make sure all the things in Lee's post are checked.
Save file somewhere.
Open up UE3.
Save Map file (just makes it easier so you don't need a package).
Open Generic Browser.
Import StaticMesh. (use your saved-file name for your package name)
Place StaticMesh into the map.
Save Map again.
At this point you should have a map with its own package and your box static mesh inside the package. At this point you can now import textures or just create generic materials etc etc.
Also, the UV's shouldn't matter as long as it has a texture file on it. Obviously objects should have UV's so I should have added a simple flatten step.
I think I have that right. I haven't imported in a few weeks though so I'm slightly cloudy.
edit: I might have misread you there. Sounds like you've tried both ways?
I imported it from my desktop. I didn't change the filename. Neither of these things matter in my experience - you can call a static mesh whatever you want and import it from any folder.
The only name specific things are sockets,bones and team materials/texures
Also, Unreal looks for how many materials are used, and how many UV's are on the surface, does not matter if it's the default material or not.
Try FBX, and see if that works.
Yeah I believe it's my video card. Soooo until I get a new computer altogether ill have to wait to use the Unreal 3 editor. I just switched to the Crysis editor which works fine for now, but now I cant use that either because the stupid exporter isn't out yet for max 2009!!?!? Isn't technology grand? Anyways guys thanks for the help.