Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum but just wanted to share a plugin that I've created for doing Automatic UV's in maya and much more. Its called Diamant UV..
I have just updated Diamant UV to version 1.2 beta . It is a free beta of the first fully integrated Automatic UV solution for Maya. This version has tons of fixes and features including the first version of Modeling tools. Great for retopologizing!
If you guys have not heard or checked out this tool, I'd recommend at least giving it a shot. Its a very production driven tool that does a ton more than just uving. There are 2 new videos that show some of the new features of this version as well as some workflows.
Christophe Desse also has created a tutorial video for the gnomon master class which is going on right now.
Any feedback is welcome. This version is for 8.5 to 2009.. both 32 bit and 64 bit.
all information can be found at tools3d.com .. you need to register to get to the forums for the download..
here are links to the new videos. check them out!
New in beta 1.2
modeling tools
I'll be checking it out though
thanks a ton
my favorite feature is component sliding over the object or target object. I've been trying to figure a wieldy way to do that in maya forevah! Super awesome.
I agree about the videos though, sometimes you drag your feet getting into your really awesome tools and I'm sure people get bored. Also, you've used spheres for all these tests up until 26 minutes into the modeling video!!!. Anyway, it's unfair to criticize your videos so much, but I don't think they're doing your kickass tools justice. Maybe if you split the videos up into smaller chunks they'll be handier.
BUT SRSLY this rocks, thanks a bundle
I understand about the video.. and I do agree.. i want to do little video's that are about 5 min or so going over the individual features.. i guess its just really hard for me since there is soo much to the tool that I haven't thought about how to get it across without boring people
One thing I tend to do a lot is go over every little thing instead of letting people just figure it out. I just want to show people how useful this really can be without them missing features. When people were beta testing it here they tended to not know about a lot of the features and helpful things within the tool.. so i guess i tried to overcompensate for that..
I'll try to cut it down a bit and do some more smaller ones.. thanks for the feedback..
and please do let me know what you think of them..
and on the sphere note.. the next tutorials I'll do will be on real world objects... sorry haha ..
I think just split them into topics, so people can home in on the stuff they're interested in-
maybe one per tab?
I'm going to have a shot when I get home tonight
I just gave this a whirl for some quick retopo tests and it's fantastic. It even plays pretty nicely with my scripts! I can see this will hugely speed up my workflow.
Awesome work.
Thanks a lot, Rich