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No reply, do i keep emailing?

polycounter lvl 16
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Indecom polycounter lvl 16
Just this past week i've decided to take it upon myself to finally apply for an industry job, one that could lead me to the job that i really want at the company i really want to work for.

The job i'm applying for is Mobile Game Artist at Id Software, in hopes that it will lead me to mainstream 3d character artist in time.

This company is like, the reason i became a game artist, the reason i love doing what i do and i want to do it for them on any project they have in the pipeline because i know that i'm going to love it. I love their mobile games, though i think i'd be a more fitting artist as their current art is really lacking in the mobile department.
I really want this job, and i keep hearing that persistence is key, but do i have to worry about becoming irritating?


  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately unless they write back it probably means they are not interested or have tons of applicants. When a company is hiring it is normal for tens and possibly even hundreds of applicants to send in a demo reels,if its a big company like ID i suspect its quite alot of demo reels to sift through and normally they go through various hiring stages where the pick the best reels and begin to narrow down the list from that so unless you made an impression on them with your reel its possible and very likely you wont hear anything back. The hiring process takes alot of time and money so often companies do not have time to call you back to tell you your not interested. Not that it doesnt happen mind you but not very often you'll hear back if they are not interested.

    But then again it doent mean you wont be called back because there might be alot other applicants they have to look at.

    Also keep in mind during the holiday seasons those sort of hiring desicions could be pushed back until the new year.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I'd think that too if i were applying to work as a mainstream artist, but i'm looking into mobile gaming, things like cell phones, ds, and iphone. And i dont think they'd get anywhere near that many applications for their mobile sector.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Indecom wrote: »
    I said how i loved the games, but found the artwork to be lacking compared even to Id's old school games, they just werent up to par and that i could bring them to where they want to be.

    you did what now?

    lets see if i've got this straight ... you applied directly via email to the BOSS of a company, and told them that their art was poor and that you are the saviour of this problem, telling THEM where THEY want to be?

    seriously, what reaction were you expecting here?

    "but ... but ... my god, he's right! What the hell were we thinking? We need to fix this soon as, quick, get him in, only he has the ability and insight to make this happen"


    "excuse me? Get stuffed, you cheeky twat" (or whatever the american equivalent is)


    "... yeah, yeah, whatever. Next."

    i mean, a bit of common sense never hurt, did it.

    seeing as you've already taken this direction, i really would suggest backing off and hoping your stuff slips quietly into the HR keepnet
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Indecom wrote: »
    I'd think that too if i were applying to work as a mainstream artist, but i'm looking into mobile gaming, things like cell phones, ds, and iphone. And i dont think they'd get anywhere near that many applications for their mobile sector.

    Well you cant be certain of that,mobile aspect of game development is growing and it seems like quite a few developers are getting into it as the market for mobile games grow. I had a few ex colleagues leave my company to form their own mobile games company and they are already getting quite a few clients.

    But you could be right,it could be either the holiday slow down,so it could be that the company isnt hiring until after the start of the first business quarter or they just did not like your work enough to give you a call.

    EDIT: Oh i missed that part that Danr just pointed out. That is not good to do.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Indecom wrote: »
    I said how i loved the games, but found the artwork to be lacking compared even to Id's old school games, they just werent up to par and that i could bring them to where they want to be.

    You gots some stones, son!

    I wouldn't hold my breath - they might take a few weeks or even months to get back to you (if they want you to come in for an interview/art test that is). If not, you probably won't hear from them at all. I'd send them an email once every few weeks, or whenever you update your folio with some new work - shows them you're keen.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Maybe you've had no reply because "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"

  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    What?! :/
    Echo-ing dan...you emailed ID software.The biggest daddy of the biggest daddy there is, and you told them that their art wasnt upto par? YOU CRAZY?!
    Serioulsy,though. To be VERY honest, if i got that mail,i'd think that the mail was sent by a teenager(the ones who post up game/mod requests and dont even know how to make one) who didnt know what he is talking about. You dont have ALOT of art in your folio (theres the bobo skin,the low poly knight and that wraith guy) that would show that youre experienced but rather shows you just started and youre expecting that ID is going to pick you up? ID is no joke.They're the pioneers of alot of shit that you see being done these days.To be honest, i dont think that NO artist should be so full of himself that he thinks that HE HIMSELF has what it takes to "take a company up".
    bad move :/

    Good luck though! :D

    haha or that ;)
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    You could always wait for them industry convention and try and meet up with them and explain yourself.

    The thing is, NEVER badmouth people's stuff, especially the ones in charge, in their own position they can get extra touch about that sort of thing. Hope the part you mentioned helps to defend your statement.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Indecom wrote: »
    I said how i loved the games, but found the artwork to be lacking compared even to Id's old school games, they just werent up to par and that i could bring them to where they want to be. I then showcased a work i did tailored to Id's mobile department, a 3d ds spec re-imagining of one of their mobile enemies, this image here:
    As said before, this is a pretty bold (and quite stupid imo) move. It only shows how inexperienced you are with the technical specifications of low-end game art creation.
    - Your entire texture is twice as big as the actual screensize of the device you made it for
    - Half of your texture could ahve been mirrored, making it possible to make it a 128x128 instead
    - 256x256 are insanely large texture size for a mobile game(hell, its probably too much for a nintendo ds even!)
    - Alpha maps on a mobile phone? You should have avoided those.

    You should have gone with a 'Im new, but willing to learn blabla' kind of thing man.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    change your name, and apply again, but this time go through the proper channels.
  • Rens
    Indecom wrote: »
    i keep hearing that persistence is key, but do i have to worry about becoming irritating?

    i think your trying/pushing too hard

    6 days is extreemly short for a company to reply, some companies give you a short note that they recieved your stuff, others wont.

    It mostly takes at least 2 weeks to recieve that note, and then another 2 before they know if and when you can drop by for an interview.

    If you havent heard from them after those first two weeks, yeah sure through up a reminder, there is a chance you ended up at a pile of other stuff they have to work though, but 6 days..

    Say only positive stuff in your email (within limits, not ooo i love you balbabla, just say you want to make kickass art.), if you put in negative things they may not quite get your point and you look like a retard. You should not want to crit them on things anyway, but if you do, do it in an interview or something so you can back it up with why you think so. oh and let someone els read your email before you send it.

    persistence is not key, and if you dont need a job by the end of next week, give them some time. If you keep spamming them it becomes irritating. Also putting up time limits for them to react wont work, they will contact you if they want something.

    Dont feel bad if this doesnt work out, maybe try somewhere els to start out, build up portfolio and you can always try again later.
  • cgmonkey
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    cgmonkey polycounter lvl 18
    Specifically from the job page " Please do not call or send unsolicited email to other id Software employees.". The worst quality you could have as an employee is to not follow orders.
  • Fliff
    i never thought i would see dan using CAPS so many times
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    The CEO has probably released the savage hounds in your direction. Don't open your front door:)

    I once thought about applying to ID as a cleaner and then leave bits of my artwork lying around.

    It would be a bit like good will hunting( maybe not)
  • greenj2
    I agree with kwakkie's crits on your character and the approach you took to applying for a job.

    Though the character does look very nice, personally I'd mirror the UVs of the hood and cape and stack all the finger UVs on top of one painted finger. Use creative UV mapping and geometry tricks to get asymmetry, instead of textures.

    As for the application, I wouldn't expect even the most accomplished/established applicant in any industry to directly criticize the work of a company he/she was applying for.

    If you never hear from them, there's a good chance it's because of your approach, or maybe they just didn't bother to inform you that they weren't interested (very common in this biz). Regardless of the reason, I'd suggest you take on board what people have said here so far.

    Don't let it get you down, chalk it up to experience and be more tactful with your words next time around. You can easily say you think you'd be an asset to somebody's team, without ragging on the people you're looking to end up working beside.

    I'd also drop the part about telling them when you'll be following up your app', it sounds almost threatening, in a weird way. Personally, I wait two weeks after applying and then follow up if I've not heard anything. I politely ask if they've had a chance to review my app' and tell them I'd appreciate any feedback they might have regarding my application and folio, even if they aren't interested in hiring me.

    Good luck, dude. Keep us posted too, maybe some nutter in HR will think you're a tenacious go-getter and offer you a lead position or something. :D
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    I think your email is probably doing the rounds around the office getting quite a few laughs. You don't ever email the CEO of a company telling them that their art isn't good enough and that you are their saviour. You'll be lucky if you can apply again in a year or two without them going "Oh yeah, that's the guy who emailed our CEO... lmao" *trashcanned*


    In order for this post to be somewhat helpful, check out Kenneth Fejers work, he has some amazing mobile/ds spec art. Lowpoly page here: http://www.kennethfejer.com/lowpoly.html Note the textures sizes... Check out his other stuff as well since he's a very talented artist.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps they read the bit where you said you'd like to be apart of their team.

    Definition: separated or at a distance in place or position or time; "These towns are many miles apart"; "stood with his legs apart"; "born two years apart"
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    I'm sorry, but this thread makes me laugh :(
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    PixelGoat wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but this thread makes me laugh :(

    Hey Pixel,were you awake this morning during the earthquake?
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    JO420 wrote: »
    Hey Pixel,were you awake this morning during the earthquake?

    Yes I was :D my apartment was rocking hehe. Was kinda cool :)
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    PixelGoat wrote: »
    Yes I was :D my apartment was rocking hehe. Was kinda cool :)

    I woke up for a moment,thought the neighbhors upstairs were shagging and then went back to sleep. Totally missed it.

    Sorry to derail but i was wondering about the earthquake that occured this morning in Denmark and Sweden
  • Rob Galanakis
    We need a thread of awesome threads like this one stickied.
  • Mark Dygert
    This happens to everyone, unfortunately everyone looking to get a start shoots too high and hopes to leap frog over the hundreds of other qualified candidates with experience who have been working for lesser companies for much longer. However I doubt most people fail so hard at writing the cover email...

    I see two ways into the top places. (Yes even the mobile division).
    1) Be so amazing that they can't afford to not hire you. Which means outshining everything they are currently doing effortlessly (BUT BEING HUMBLE ABOUT IT).


    2) Be so amazing that they can't afford to not hire you. Which means working in the industry for a few years at a lesser studio, building up your rep, your experience and your resume and slowly deflating your bloated ego, then sliding over (after killing a few other applicants).

    Mind you, that both examples actually require you to be better then you actually think you are.

    With the huge amount of layoffs recently, the frenzied hiring (that happens in the summer to make it on store shelves by xmas) slowing down and places just starting new projects and not needing huge numbers of staff at the beginning of projects, they are more interested in experienced people looking to lay a solid foundation. The frenzied "we'll hire anyone, even with a huge ego" comes at the tail end, normally in the summer. I doubt they'll have trouble finding super qualified people willing to work on mobile games.

    Personally I think Dan hit the nail on the head, you blew it big by taking your ego and ramming it head long into theirs which is much bigger, and has hardened over time. Unfortunately this will only make an amusing "how I didn't get in on my first try" story. Don't worry everyone has one, even if they don't want to admit it.

    Lesson learned now buck up and get crackin' There's a place out there willing to work with you, just make sure you learned your lesson before applying.

    In short: Don't talk down to Eisenstein about his theory of relativity. Yes even in the off chance that he's wrong and you're right, be respectfully humble and reverent.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    :poly142: To get hired from id, there's a few of them here, you need to be pretty much on top of your game in your peers and have about 6 years industry experience. Everyone and their brother would love a job at id and have applied for that job, with all those jobs lost in Dallas the last few months this area is saturated with folks looking for game jobs. Good luck though man. I'd also ask a moderator to just delete the thread, lots of folks that work at id post here too..
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    To the original poster,dont take it so hard people are taking the piss out of you but in this industry talent is important and so is your reputation.

    Its probably best you learn that now early because it could save you alot of problems in the future.

    Its a small industry and one stain on your reputation can follow you a long time in your career.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    id are hiring mobile game artists and I wasn't informed? You go now.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    You should follow-up every day until you get a response and be sure to further explain how you can help them improve their quality level. I would also explain how you can teach the other artists there to be as good as you. If you don't get a response after a few weeks of this you should just show up in person and refuse to leave until they put an offer in front of you. Chain yourself to the CEOs desk if you have to.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    that just made my day AZ....funny shit
  • bounchfx
    You should follow-up every day until you get a response and be sure to further explain how you can help them improve their quality level. I would also explain how you can teach the other artists there to be as good as you. If you don't get a response after a few weeks of this you should just show up in person and refuse to leave until they put an offer in front of you. Chain yourself to the CEOs desk if you have to.

    I can confirm that this will get you some attention.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    george costanza would be proud :D
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Hehe, I really don't think that 6 days is long time, I wouldn't expect any reply within min two weeks, unless something else is stated. I was actually really freaked out when I was contacted for an interview the day after I sent my application :) Its not been my experience that you get quick replies.

    Apart from that, yes, normally you tell them what you can bring into the company, but you do NOT tell them that they are wrong and you got the solution. Its just a pompus attitude. I doubt that you ever will get a reply on that mail.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I understand that perhaps telling them that i found their mobile artwork to be lacking in comparison to their technology might not have been the best idea, which is why i'll be working on more low spec models and sprites over the following weeks to actually prove my worht and upload them to my folio once i get more bandwidth. I wasnt quite as pompous and big headed as you guys are making me out to be, i was generalizing the statements, i wasnt copying them exactly, i was quite humble in how i approached it. I never said the artwork was awful, nor did i say that i'm better. I said i think can help.

    I also was unaware of the current job problems in the industry, being a freelancer normally, doesnt give you this insight into the industry.

    As for not emailing the ceo, well you guys should do a lil bit of research like i did before i emailed. I use Id's Job page to find the email to apply for mobile artist. If you go there and look at the email address, its kak, not jobs. kak is Katherine Anna Kang's email, aka ceo of fountainhead, and John carmack's wife. I did my research so i could personalize the email, and call her by her name. The application is SUPPOSED to go to the ceo, i didnt aim that high because of my eagerness.

    I appreciate every comment you guys have left me, i'll definitely be taking it much slower, as for the email in 3 days, i'll wait a couple weeks before i send that one, wich many more mobile spec samples to show just how eager and happy i would be to work in their mobile department.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    You should follow-up every day until you get a response and be sure to further explain how you can help them improve their quality level. I would also explain how you can teach the other artists there to be as good as you. If you don't get a response after a few weeks of this you should just show up in person and refuse to leave until they put an offer in front of you. Chain yourself to the CEOs desk if you have to.

    I think that pretty much sums it up haha
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hahah, I got a good read out of this one, and have to agree with what some people have said in response. You think that by applying to a job and saying "you guy's suck!, I am an art god and if you hire me within 6 days I will give your a game a chance from not going into the dollar bin!!! would work? Your approach was honestly all wrong, and probably sealed you in there minds from not ever getting in there. If I did that when I applied to Id, I would not be a character artist for the Doom team as we speak. Drop the attitude, get into learning how to be better, and take a class on how to email future employers. Good luck, but if I were you I would move onto applying to another company.

  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I'm sorry, i followed the advice of apparently the wrong people. I figured that since i'd only be in the mobile department it wouldnt make that big of a deal with you. I heard that if you want a job as a game artist, try and show them that your better than what they have, which is what i tried to do, i never came out and said all those things.

    Its not like i'm trying to replace the lead artist on the doom project, i just want to help make art assets for a cell phone game.

    Maybe i'll just go in hiding for a while cuz i have apparently solidified myself in all your eyes as a complete douchebag. so yea thanks for that.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    welcome to the game industry!

    Apply today, follow up a week later, send a second followup so they know you're still interested.........never hear from them again.

    but.....there are rare exceptions, like when I was hired at gearbox in less than 2 weeks back when Aliens was starting to ramp up. Out of the 30 companies I applied too since my layoff at the end of October only 4 have responded. It's a sad state at the moment for us out of work.

    My advice is to keep applying, while your waiting for a response back. Work on your portfolio, make something new and better. Eventually someone will contact you.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    just keep working hard and post cool stuff, i think you didnt mean to sound that cocky, but i would advise to be carefull with words in future job app.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I was trying to be careful with my words, i was very careful to make sure i didnt sound cocky, i never said that their graphics werent good enough because obviously, they've made 2 mobile games that have won awards. All i said was that i have an idea for the graphics that i think they might be interested in.

    I think i'll just wait a month or two to make a whole bunch of new shit, then try again.
  • Dusty
    Honesty, your painting skills are pretty good. I would do just as you suggest, make a buncha new shit and send it off. Just say the bare minimal, Hello my name is whatever and here is my artwork. Thats enough to get into the door of most companies.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I'll admit though, i need to learn some patience, so i'll definitely take my time from now on, even though i hate it :P
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Portfolio's not too bad, I guess the only thing you can really do now is just work on yer stuff and still gear it towards them if you can.

    When the next Dominance War or CG Challenge comes along you can prolly redeem yourself through that if you can pull it off.
  • Mark Dygert
    Indecom wrote: »
    I heard that if you want a job as a game artist, try and show them that your better than what they have, which is what i tried to do, i never came out and said all those things.
    Well that's good that you never actually said those things. However that person was right, you do want to show them that you are actually a bonus to their studio, but you don't ever want to puff yourself up by tearing them down (like you did in this thread).

    Show don't tell.

    As for this debacle, its nothing. You can weather this. Seriously you're fine just don't continue to make the same mistakes. The first mistake is always free...

    If you do feel like making contact again (which I think you should), wait two weeks, and in that time update your portfolio, crank out a new piece and really make it optimized for mobile. As stated before the wraith asset you did has some pretty major changes that need to be made for it to be usable. That way your email won't be just pestering but "Hey check out this update I did".
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    you could call up the office and say "Hi, I'm just calling to follow up on the position I applied for a few weeks ago".

    I did that for Mythic and I was sent to the main HR guy who checked out my website portfolio while we were on the phone.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    Hahaha, seriously i had no idea i'd be getting this many replies at all, i was shocked when i saw this morning i had 32. But what i'm going to be doing over the next couple weeks is to just create more and more stuff catered to them, try to cram as much art as possible while keeping it good, and low spec
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    If your work is solid enough and in demand you'll get a reply, don't worry.

    I'm sure you didn't come off in your email anything close to what this thread has made you feel like, so don't sweat it. It's the people in charge of hiring that count, always remember that and don't get discouraged by companies not getting back to you or passing you by, you'll never know the exact reasons why. So just keep at your work and improve because it's what you love and you'll get hired when the time is right. If your work was good enough but a company didn't give you a test and an interview because of some stupid internet thread or heresay, would you really want to work for them anyway? Doesn't seem like a very objective business philosophy does it?

    Keep rockin'.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Indecom wrote: »
    i just want to help make art assets for a cell phone game.

    I'd think that too if i were applying to work as a mainstream artist, but i'm looking into mobile gaming, things like cell phones, ds, and iphone. And i dont think they'd get anywhere near that many applications for their mobile sector.

    Try also not to sell the artists in those jobs down the river as you do it. I would assume those artists working on cell phones would consider themselves mainstream artists too.. A few times in this thread, you've stated I'm not applying for a great artist position, I'm applying for a shitty cell phone art position. This may not be what you meant, but it can come across that way.

    When applying for a job and they get the feeling you are just applying to get a foot in the door and don't plan on staying at that position for long, because it seems beneath you, they'll just move along to another candidate, so be careful how you word things, even on forums. It's a small community, and people that you are trying to impress may very well be perusing these forums as well.

    Good luck though man, you'll find something eventually, it's just reeeeeeal rough out there right now.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    hehe this kinda reminds me of when I was looking for work a few years ago and brome gave me an email address to his lead. Then as I clicked send he asks me what email he gave me, turns out he gave me the email address for everyone in the company... So after that I cheked them off my list for any chance for working at for a while. You might might want to do the same for the time after you send the second email with more work next week.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i don't think the whole "start on cell phone game art and move into a character artist position on a next gen project" career path really exists, its totally different skillsets that don't really transfer over, if thats what you want to do then you should probably either do more of that in spare time or try to get a job doing that anywhere, your first job is most likely not going to be your dream job, but you have to realize its your skillset thats going to be the most important thing, not the company you work for, i doubt wow GMs ever get promoted to character artists just by the virtue of working for blizzard.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I heard that if you want a job as a game artist, try and show them that your better than what they have

    This is actually pretty sound advice, you just did it wrong. Don't try and show them (i.e. tell them), just actually be better, and let your work speak for itself.
  • Hebs
    slum beat me to it,
    good read though , i honestly dont blame the guy for being impatient with the replies...
    When i was trying to get into the industery I was obsessively checking my email for replies (im not the only one guilty of this) and would freak out if i didnt hear back within a few days, i have learned my lesson though because i have had replies from companies take months at times.
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