Anyone watch this show? I got the first 2 seasons from a friend and spent most of the day today burning through the first season. It's fun, each episode is a contained story, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. The budget seems it could be better, but doesn't distract from the rest of the show.
Sort of an updated Eerie Indiana, if anyone remembers that show.
but yeah it's a fun one.
I was totally comparing it to Erie Indiana too. Surprised anyone else even remembers that show.
Some episodes from Season 3 are up on Hulu along with some clips. Most of the clips look to be the commercials which are hilarious.
I've liked it every time I've caught it, but for a while it was kind of sporadic without a regular schedule. Might have just been the writers strike...
Indeed, at least there will be an episode to help wrap up the show properly (according to wikipedia)
Why cancel genius? The new season has been pretty dam good too.
Maybe with the internet powers of felicia day it will continue life as a web show :poly142:
Warehouse 13 is fantastic as well, enjoying that. Fringe is back now, as well as Dexter and How I met Your Mother, so TV is back to normal for me
Next year is the final season, but its a stupidly short season sadly
Im just about done season three. Im starting to notice a repeat in things gone wrong. Usually has something to do with invisiblity or something of the sort. But im still finding it enjoyable.
woooow, I think I missed most of season 4... how the F did that happen. I thought I watched it all start to finish. Fack