I'm trying to find a three button mouse.... and it's impossible apparently.
I'm not talking about 2 buttons and klickable scroll wheel and I'd rather not use a thumb button. I want a mouse with three buttons on the top. I have a bunch of old SGI mice that I like alot (like this one :
LINK) but they're all PS2 and I need an USB mouse now
Anyone know of any?
I used one for ages before I bought a new mouse, had no problems with it. Here's what it looks like:
Then again, even though I like the sgi mice, It would be nice with an optical/laser mouse that I won't have to clean all the time.... (or I'll have to stop eating in front of my computer)
And if you wanted to spend a bit more for optical:
It has 4 actual buttons, as well as the usual middle mouse functionality.
Takes some getting used to, but works awesomely
I found that same one when I was googling... But I was kinda skeptical about it, but after some reading it looks like it might actually be a good choice
Thanks for the tips guys.
I recommend the three-button logitech wingMan mouse. It's very comfortable, and you can get a new one on ebay for $30.