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(Civilian) (
Editor Screen Grab.
Haven't gotten too much feedback at other forums, so I figured I'd register up here and let you guys tear into it.
There is no seats yet, but the rest of the interior is pretty much done.
Not sure what game it's going into, if anything.
His has more additions, but if you want it can help you with your proportions. Come check out Modacity.net for more indepth views of what the halo nazis have to say.
but it looks like the main body of the car itself is suffering from some weird wireframe.
since you can spend some polys i guess, try to clean up the body,
maybe add some more vertical cuts and less all the way down from this side to another, and weld it together.
overall looks like a pretty good warthog to me.
i find it better to do the uv map after you're done making the highpoly. if you end up havind to make some changes to the low poly, you need to clean up the uv and end up doing it twice.
theres no need to do a highpoly model in another aplication, so if you are using max, just stay in max and start adding details.
Any critque's on it?
I'm no where near an expert in edge flow, but there's no edges that flow from the front to the back, which I think is bad...
Here's my quick paint over. Blue = New Edgeloop, Red= Remove. This good/bad?
I would take what you have and retopologize the surface.
Use PolyBoost to do this. http://www.polyboost.com/
Watch from the beginning to 1:45 here...
Also: Should I take it from being similar to the game(Halo 1), to making it realistic? Sort of like Crysis did with all of it's models, little things are detailed, like an accurate winch and what not.
This essentially lets you draw on the surface of your object instead of the default which is the ground.
Hope this helps.
Talbot: you are always promoting eat3d. You on the payroll yet? Ha ha. But seriously they do have some good dvds over there.
I am part of the mod as a designer