I just watched these two trailers and thought I would share:
I always love watching Final Fantasy trailers and seeing the video they put in to the games. I haven't played a FF since FF7 on PC, but I do love to see the trailers Square produces for their games. I think their art direction and CG is incredibly well done and different from a lot of the other games you see.
if only there were movie studios adapting such visuals for animated features instead of all the dreadful furry animal thingies.
FF13 Vs. seems to be set in the FF7 world, FF13 seems to be set in more of a 8,10 or 12 setting
Versus does have that Advent children kinda feel, but some of those secondary characters brings me back to ff8 style... I don't know what the f is going on either way.
Crazy fight scenes that don't reflect the gameplay at all? Check.
Angsty McEmo storyline? Check.
Yeeeup another FF title is on its way
Vs. is being made by the guy who made VII, explains the dark urban vibe
13 is being made by the guy who made X2, explains why it looks like a Jpop video
i already know which game will be better....
There were a couple things that made me think this was the FF7 universe, the pack of dogs running at the start of the XIII movie, the "corporate" element to the versus video, and the dudes who look surprisingly like Turks.
/ff geek off
looks sweet.
Generally I don't like the FF franchise. the only game i've actually sunken any time into was FFX - and even that one I didn't like much. VS has me intrigued, though.
character design seems a bit "blah" to me, especially for Vs.