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Help with texture painting.

HI guys I'm a longtime modeler but one of my weaker points is texture painting.

I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share one of their PSD's or such so I can take a good look and decipher the work flow.
I have a base understanding of blocking out base color and light direction.
But I would to see how some folks break it down into layers and if at all make use of adjustment layers.

I've read stacks of painting tuts but they never really go into much depth about the layering process unless I've just been reading crappy tuts.

Any help links / files / samples / videos / books would be great.

I just want to better this aspect of my skill set :)

Thanks In advance.


  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    I dont have a set process, it changes according to what it is I am texturing but basicly I try to do this.

    1st layer base colours(usually 2 or 3 solid colours)
    2nd layer lighting and shadow
    3rd layer details (decals, paintwork, scratches etc)
    sometimes 4th layer(baked AO on multiply)

    then more layers get added inbetween those basic layers with some colours or blending modes or adjustment layers. I dont know if my methods are good or not but it seems to work alright for me.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I'd highly recommend getting the Gnomon DVD "Character Texturing for Production" by Ian Joyner. It's not for a game model, but still a great way to learn.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    yeah Gnomon dvds are the way to in regards to tuts, eat 3d also has a great one, but its for enviro type stuff
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    buy books about oil painting and color in general, you lear tons more believe me :)
  • G()5u
    Thanks guys :) means alot
    I've been wanting to get "Character Texturing for Production" for some time now maybe I should consider it more seriously though.
    but could anyone show a break down of the layers from one of their flats?
    You can water mark it to fubar and back I don't mind :)

    Im just under a little pressure at the moment since Im making a char that needs texturing.
    the great thing is it has a very cell / anime colour palette so no real intense texturing.
    I hope to make up for the detail in the sculpt (seams / stiches.)

    but psd work flow would help out alot at the moment.

    and Thank you Ged!
    That clarify s things abit
    so anything along what Ged has said with some visual samples.

    :) I will post my progress though as I get to the texturing phase.
    you can see my current character here.

    Thanks once again :)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    If i am doing faces/hands etc I try to have minimal layers. when I happy with something I tend to flatten it.

    My workflow is basically airbrush the colour, then blend it.

    very similar to oil painting.

    If its next gen I have AO on the layer above, then paint the colour underneath.

    when I am happy with the painting I remove the AO layer or lower the opacity right down
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    http://www.game-artist.net/forums/14672-post6.html That's one I did some time ago (diffuse only - no normals/spec). It's kind of old now, but it might still be helpful?
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