Deadly Poison Studios is currently developing a horror RPG called Vergundia Wrath of Hellartra(VWoH). VWoH is not like most other RPGS, it doesn’t have elves and dwarves and ogres etc. It’s different. Its humans are different. And it has an entire host of creatures that are, different. Even the birds are different, and the bugs. VWoH don’t have horses, it has other weird and wonderful creatures.
I am currently looking for:
3 character modellers
2 character concept artists
3 architectural concept artists
4 architectural modellers
2 composers
3 animators
The positions wont be paid as I currently have no funding, but the team that I gather will be making a playable demo that can be shown to investors, with emphasis on game play rather than graphics, then once the funding is gathered, the demo will be remade with better art and then continue on with the rest of the game.
This isn’t a full commitment, if things come up, or you become to busy, you can leave, that’s fine, so don’t feel that if you accept, you have to stay until the game is done, if you do that’s great, so far the only one that has, is me. I am very dedicated to this project, and have gone through some tough times, i.e loosing the entire team, twice.
The story for VWoH is as follows:
A history of Asodon
As told by King Hammersher
Years 0-300
It started with Hellartra, and will no doubt end with Hellartra to. I guess I should start by telling who Hellartra is, she is lord of life and creation, but also of death and destruction, Hellartra is lord of all. She created everything on Asodon, from the tiniest grain of sand on the Western Seas Great Beach, to the tallest mountain of the Misty Range in the Far East. All of it her creation, all of it her work. I believe that it will end by Hellartra’s hand as well, Asodon will burn, as fire burns, as Hellartra herself burns. In Hellartra’s eyes, the world was perfect, nothing was wrong, but as time past she grew lonely. Hellartra created company for herself, in the form of Creatures. Two creatures, two pets, a Hentra, and a Slevna. But two wasn't enough, Hellartra needed more, so she created more pets, four more Hentras and four more Slevnas.
100 years passed in slow peacefulness, the Two races steadily growing untill there was a large population of both. Again Hellartra got lonely, again she created more creatures, six Zergons, and twelve Humans, these humans were named Hadran Humans. The Zergons partially resemble Hellartra, if the cave drawings by those early races are correct, showing that she took pride in them, or at least favoured them.
Years 350-500
Fifty years after Hellartra had created those first Hadran Humans, they started building a underground cave system, in case they ever needed to shelter somewhere. During the building of the tunnels, there was a disagreement between two of the humans. The few Humans that there were chose sides, and small fights broke out.
Unhappy to see her creations fighting, Hellartra waited until there was another small squabble between the two sides before making her move. Just as the fight broke out she swooped down from above, her massive form covering them all in shadow, they all stopped and stared upward, few had actually seen Hellartra, only those still alive from when she first created them had. They stared in wonder, just moving out from under her in time, so as not to be squashed. Once she had landed Hellartra spoke to both sides; "you have betrayed me, I wanted a world of peace" she boomed out "why do you fight?" One of the more braver fighters answered "they stole food, and took water from our wells". Hellartra was disgusted, "what a small thing to be fighting about, go, and stop this squabbling". As she flew away she turned to look back, and saw the two sides tentatively moving toward each other again, enraged, she made the ground between them burst into flame, creating The Black Strip, which can still be found. The two sides halted, and finally turned away, one towards the East, the other towards the West.
As the years passed, one of the human factions developed new technologies, including the use of metal. They discovered armour, and used metal to strengthen the creature skin they normally wore into primitive armour. They also used metal to tip some rare, or expensive weapons. These more advanced and evolved humans became know as the Darto humans, my ancestors, and who I now lead. Fifty years had passed after the Dartro Humans formed when the Hadran Humans split again. This time the group that split off didn't change at all, not yet any way, they lived the same way they had before they had split, just under a different name and different leader, the name was Yarrow Humans, and the leader was Lord Aferdire. As Hellartra had told the factions to do, they lived in peace with each other, partly. There weren’t any fights or skirmishes but that did not mean that we agreed with each other. So fifty years passed in this way, No wars, but no peace either, that was before they arrived, those dark, cloaked menace of a creature. They were evil in a solid form. They came by boat. They arrived on North Shore, where the Yarrows lived.
Years 575-600
Bad luck on the Yarrows, they were taken over and contorted, becoming the creatures servants. These new creatures were called Reavers. After seeing what they can do, like contort the Yarrows minds, and slaughter anything easily, the Dartros went to the Hadrans and asked if they would help them in banishing the Reavers from the land. The Hadran accepted. Together the two sides built up an army, and marched to the North Shore. Once they arrived they saw what they were up against, massive machines the height of two fully grown men, flinging fire at them. Still, they marched boldly ahead, and attacked. A brief but bloody battle ensued, and three quarters of the Human Army was massacred before the leaders withdrew.
After that massive slaughter the two factions drew away from each other again, the Hadran hating the Dartros even more than before, as they blamed the Dartros for the death of so many of their people. Because the Hadran and Dartro were unsuccessful at killing the Reavers, the Yarrow stayed powerless, and continued to do the Reavers will, kill all in front of them. Though some Yarrow humans did manage to break free of the curse, and fled, to either the Hadran or Dartro. These few people had very strong minds, which, the few people that escaped said, was essential to escaping the Reavers spell. Time passed and neither the Dartro or Hadran dared to make another attempt to rid Asodon of the Reavers. People went out on ships to explore new places, and brought back new and exotic creatures and plants. In this way the worlds creature and plant number expanded, until the world was full of creatures and lush vegetation.
I hope to see this game though till the end and would be happy if people would help me achieve this goal. Here are images of stuff already done:

more available
if you are interested in one of the open positions please PM me here or email me at
Thank you for taking your time to read this
can see samples of my work here:
and contact me at: