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Pokey: Never enter a gunfight with just 1 knife

*edit* old title for this thread ain't really applicable after design changes
(and was pretty lame anyhow :poly142: )

Aloha...here's another guy I'm working on for the reel.

Any crits or suggestions welcome. :)


The 10 knives and harness rig makes up approx. 3500 of the 13K tris, with the
intention that they are viable throwing knives in-game. (head is pretty heavy,
but I wanted his features less polygon-y)

Not sure what kind of pseudo-enviro to put him in...was thinking of having him
leaning up against a wooden lightpole with one hand on a knife at ready-ish
(kinda old dock shipyard type of thing)...any thoughts?



  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    pretty solid model, but I guess the concept is just kinda bleh- (i have this issue all the time) without the knives I would assume the character is supposed to be just a static background character al-a "generic man model 23" in game like gta.

    try and think up a fictional story for your character- you might find that the process could drive some design decisions.

    you could definatly push it further, this seems to be an awesome start tho-
  • vj_box
    looks good,the zip fastener could have some more details,it looks kinda blurred and muddy now.

  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    you need to exaggerate him alot more...he needs more detail to make him more bad ass, rips in on his jacket, gang logo on the back, scar on the eye, tattoo on the neck, just ideas. i cant tell if hes a protagonist or antagonist character he just seems like a guy from the south with a knife fetish =/...the geometry looks pretty good, i dunno seems like you couldve cut back on some polys on the face but its far from done id say...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    EggE wrote: »
    you need to exaggerate him alot more...he needs more detail to make him more bad ass, --- scar on the eye

    Yeah give him more generic features, come on an eyescar? Now this is new, no one has done this before it's totally fresh and unusual, it's like no "badass" character ever had an eye scar.

    please don't do it
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Scrap that, just give him huge metal armour, blue lights, and a bald head...

    THEN give him an eye scar.
  • JesterBox
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    JesterBox polycounter lvl 18
    I like 'em

    I think you could make his clothing a bit more interesting... maybe some more textured stuff

    I did a sketch...


    But I somehow ended up down a Gi Joe route.
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    i was joking about the scar... =/ but he is boring...you cant tell me this character is done.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i think jester got it. he needs a lot more character.

    also, that head looks great, but the rest of the body isn't up to par at all. the texture needs a lot of work. actually i almost wonder if someone else did the head.
  • MLinderholm
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    MLinderholm polycounter lvl 12
    Not the biggest issue, but why does the stiches in his hat change direction when folded? :D
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks for the blunt feedback, gents.

    While I agree with the overall feeling of 'boring-ness', I do think my
    realtime XSI captures strip a bit of some of the work I put into the
    textures and normals...but he needs alot more character.

    Here's a screenie of the lowpoly newly retopo'd head (now down to
    2010 tris) in 3dcoat:


    konstruct: appreciate it, my original 'backstory' was that he was kinda retro-30's-
    40's in his dress, but he was sensible enough to buy rock-climbing shoes for
    those pesky assassinations that required some stealth/climbing...also wanted to
    make his clothes 'regular' enough so if he took the harness off he'd fit in a bit,
    but I don't think that will work given that he wears 10 knives and needs them
    to be visible and accessible.

    JesterBox: thanks for the quick sketch...I may borrow some of the
    glove/vest idears and see how they turn out (if you don't mind).

    MLinderholm: thanks for that catch.

    anyhow, more work to do, and thanks for the feeback. :)
  • woogity
    like everyones said needs more character to the uhhhh character. he uses knives ok, hate to be steriotypical but that makes me think outdoorsman. think about taking some elements from classic outdoorsman type cultures, ie 1700's french canadian trappers, native americans, wild west mexican bandits, find elements you like and can tie together, also i think since he has so many knives it would serve you well to make some of them different from others have like a main melee knife or two or three? and some throwing ones maybe mix up serrated blades with fillet ones fist knife maybe? do anything to make it more interesting, dig the fumanchu tho also pay some more attention to his harness that holds the knives its unrealistic now use refrences of gunbelts, and climbing harnesses http://www.australianclimbing.com.au/shop/images/Harnesses.jpgto help you if you are having a hard time winging it ;)

    gl on fixes man

    no eyescar unless it is the one bishop has in x men :)

  • acidrain
    I know it's a fictional character but the idea behind rock climbing shoes doesn't really make any sense. If you do rock climb, you know that the shows are almost always 2 or 3 sizes smaller than a regular pair of shoes so that you can get the best grip. I don't see an assassin wearing climbing shoes since it would be extremely uncomfortable and definitely would hinder any chance of a getaway if the need arises. :P
  • woogity
    the comment was rock climbing harness as reference to hold the knives not the shoes, rock climbing shoes look silly imo :P

  • acidrain
    Ah I didn't see your comment. I was responding to his comment about the shoes. :P
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    Story / character development. Read some Robert Service ..."Dangerous Dan McGrew" or "Sam McGee" may help.
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks again for all the feedback, gents and gentlewomens. :)

    here's where he ended up:

    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    clothes still need more work, they look out of place, maybe make the top a slightly shiney padded variety and i like the idea of him carrying a bunch of climbing rope over one shoulder
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
    You have alot of polys in his face, but his cap needs more polys, in the first pic it really looks lowpoly compared to the rest.
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