so ive talked about this with friends before and well its becoming so strange that it hasnt happened yet so i wanted to start a thread about it.
Why hasnt a pokemon mmo been created yet. i mean seriously. a kids mmo that adults can enjoy too? duels. so much you could do with that.
caretaker for others pokemon.
the elite 4 could be real players!
my god haha.
just thought i would bring it up. interesting topic, something for us creative to brain melt on too. Enjoy
At first, something like this looks great in your mind. But I can think of many reasons why there shouldn't be a Pokyman mmo.
One, MMO's are a HUGE waste of time. And not in the same sense that your parents would say "video games are a waste of time". I would hate to be the kid that grows up with only that sort of thing to look back on. And miss out on many fun events because they were "raiding/grinding".
Two, it wouldn't teach good lessons to young minds. If you can't overcome something...outnumber it? Boring repetitive tasks lead to big rewards?
Three...IT'S ONLINE! Nintendo are smart about this. You don't willingly place a game into the hands of kids, if the rating of the game changes with online play. Think of all the groups (you know the ones) that would be all over that...griefing children.
Four, adults playing Pokemon? WTF?
Then again, I could be wrong.
I think even an 3d action rpg would kick ass - YOU control the pokemon and their four moves are assigned to one of each of the face buttons, with cooldowns of course, and being able to swap out pokemon (also with a small cooldown) would be so freaking fun, catching them all in 3d and maybe have an online multiplayer mode with co op or even just duels. dammit. NINTENDOOO/GAMEFREAKKKKSSSSS
if i had one real request though it would be to STOP ADDING NEW POKEMON. Just improve the damn game, and make a good 3d console one.
For the most part, I agree. But a cool, new style of MMO incorporating the themes of an unexplored franchise always has potential in my book. I just fucking hate that all MMOs are the same goddamn thing again and again. If there was a Pok
The end game possibilities are endless, because you can choose and change your team whenever you want. Its not like WoW where you are restricted to 1 single race/class/talent spec, you can switch between 5 completely different characters at will. And were only talking combat end-game, the breeders can probably make some money out of successful breeding, traders/collectors have a big library of pokemon to catch and it seems they just keep making more and more of them so this should please the collectors.
Hey you can even add talent-trees for TRAINERS that give bonus to pokemon abilities, that way no trainer using the same set of pokemon team will be the same due to different talent specs. And of course throw in the ability to respec, because permanent spec decisions are too harsh for kids Maybe give trainers like 10 talent trees that expand into different specialties like breeding/chance of succesfully catching pokemon/boosting each type of elemental abilities/etc. Can even add some talents for using legendary pokemon, that way people have to sacrifice other useful talents just to be able to use the legendary pokemon.
But of course all mmos need some kind of loot or reward system to go with the end game otherwise it will just die. So throw in customizable trainer avatars and there you got your loot-incentive Since its Nintendo they can use some of their licensed character outfits like link and mario, and of course create endless amounts of clothing customizations to keep people motivated.
You can even add in some spinoff mini games, like taking photos of wild pokemon - maybe the player wants to be a pokemon photographer and he can take photos to sell, or maybe gets achievements for taking certain photos of certain pokemon just like the game.
How about the trading card game? Players can find/win cards around the world by beating other players, this will attract all those trading card game players as well.
ohnoes the pokenerd inside me is spilling out, better stop now and sleep.
The item hunting, the levelling up, and the online trading.
I personally like it the way it is, and I don't think an MMO could add anything to the franchise (as most MMOs are based on team-work type situations at higher levels).
Pokemon could use a type system for secured gameplay, and item/pokemon trading, but I don't see what other kind of benefit it would have. as I don't think pokemon is about teamwork.
But who knows Yozora's ideas sound pretty cool.
Could be awesome, wait till someone makes a mmo pokemon knock off.
i would soooo much love to work on that title