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awesomest two days of my life

i turned 18 yesterday, dec 4, and since the morning [00 00 really] the day kept gettin better and better.

i got a lot of gifts:
fable 2 [parents], a handmade xbox 360 plushie with a controller [gf], beats by dr dre [gf], a home-made cake [gf] and a mini-party. later on was added a scarf inside which was secretly wrapped mirror's edge [brother]. then, my two best friends got together and got me eminem's autobiography.

and thats only a part of it.

today in the morning, i had an interview with a graphic design company.

their art director was 'impressed' by my portfolio, which mainly had graphic design and after effects work, and when i said i would be happy with an internship to step into the graphic design industry, he said 'consider it done.'

so starting april, or possibly a bit later, i am working as an intern at

they even showed me around, and invited me to drop by whenever i wanted to see their workflow between now and my 'start date'. i'm so excited cuz these guys are pretty big!

i just had to share this with the polycount community

cheers guys!


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