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Job Market: Animators

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
what does the job market in North America look like as far as entry level game animators go? I have a friend who is in school and is trying to decide whether to direct his education more toward environment art or character animation.

he's a big fan of both, but has recently started to find a niche in animation... the deciding factor, at this point, will probably be 'which career field, generally, has more entry level openings' in the game industry?

I told him I think it's for modelers, but I have no fucking idea tbqh.

Any input would be much appreciated - cheers!


  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I have no idea either but logically I'd say modellers too.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    There's a lot of work for decent animators...Seriously though he should just do what he likes doing. Otherwise he might find himself in a couple of years thinking " what the fuck am I doing this for? I dont enjoy it. " If he's passionate about animation, and pursues it, he will find work.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    ^ what he said.

    While I think there are more env positions overall, and more entry level ones at that. if he likes Animation more then Env art, then he should animate. If you're DAMN good, then people will make a position for you.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    which career field, generally, has more entry level openings' in the game industry?

    QA. Just sign up at one temp agency that services devs.

    what does the job market in North America look like as far as entry level game animators go?
    I think it depends on what type of game animation he wants to pursue.

    Since more and more devs are using mocap or procedural animation (aka ragdoll), your friend may want to think if he would have a problem cleaning mocap or not.

    Otherwise, I recommend stacking his reel with creature animations or cartoon style (w/c I think is common in casual/handheld console games). FX and cinematics (particularly in-game) are other avenues for possible animation work. If your friend is more into rendered cinematics I think he should look more in studios like Blur that aren't game devs but more of a vfx house.

    Besides knowing how to do mocap cleanup, rigging and skinning skills will give you the edge in jobs. Oh and another thing, let your friend know not to rely too much on class work for his demo reel or website (unless he's coming from animationmentor or Sheridan).
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