Hey guys!
I recently created my online portfolio, and I'm currently looking for jobs or an internship, but I thought I might show it to you guys for input on things I could change, seeing as I always get really good feedback here.
http://www.disting.eu -
THIS IS OLD, no longer workshttp://artbywiktor.com NEW, EDITED (2013-09-01).
Is there something in the design I should change? Should I change the thumbs? Are there any models I shouldn't show on my portfolio that you think lower the overall quality?
Any feedback is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Oops.. I forgot to add "Environment Artist" at the end of the title.. sorry. Asked a moderator to change it.
Yeah, I've heard that a few times before, and I'm definately gonna follow that advice! However, right now I'm quite busy looking for an internship and finishing up the last course at uni. But after that I'll definately fix it. Either fix the organic parts, or leave them out and just show the armor.
Thank you!
Your hard surface modelling is excellent and i think this is the niche you should push. If you do truly want to be an environment artist then you need more environments in your portfolio.
One comment on your texturing, its really good, but in quite a few places (notably on the building) i can see a fair bit of repetition where you have duplicated the same piece of texture to another piece of the texture map. This is wasted space and just comes across as a bit lazy when clearly your skills are better than that. Try to avoid copying the same bit of texture to a unique piece of UV space unless you are going to change it.
Other than that a good portfolio with a consistent standard of work.
Frubes: Some of the pieces are rather old, and I didn't know the same tricks as I do now. I'll definately try and optimize my UV space more though! Thank you!
However, I'm not sure what you mean with the Environment Artist part. Don't environment artists do more than environments? I mean, weapons, cars, trashbins, pizza boxes, airplanes etc?
Please correct me if I'm wrong!
JohnnyRaptor: That's a very good idea. I'll definately look into it! Extra speed and saving bandwidth is always a huge plus! Thanks a bunch!
Hahaha, Senior Brick Modeler.. Imagine having that as a job!
No offence if anyone out there has that job though! ^^
To me your portfolio demonstrated a clear understanding for hard surface modelling and a good level of texturing. However i cant judge from one building how you would be as an environment artist as that is so much more. Its how everything works together. I know the splash damage test gets thrown around a lot but even a small environment like that would let me know how you think when you are creating an environment, thats what i was hoping for. For me, if you want to be an environment artist, you need to demonstrate a good understanding of colour theory (which i think you do with what you presented), but more importantly an understanding of what makes a good environment, not just singular props which may go in it.
If you are looking for an internship i dont think you need to tie yourself down to specific role but show an understanding of as many areas as you can (but keep the same qaulity). However, if you are looking for a job you might need to hone your skills to fit a specific area as your work shown defines your capabilites. Currently i would employ you as a hard surface modeller or a props/vehicles/weapons artist.
ill get my coat
Maybe I should say that I'm a prop/hard surface artist instead?
I'm pretty sure I'll be creating some environments in the future though. I've only been doing 3d for 17 months, so these months I've mainly been doing smaller stuff just to practise on different aspects of game art.
Again, thank you!
For the moment i would just call yourself a modelling/Texture artist and allow employers to work out if your work is what they are looking for. Yes its general but i think it sums up your skills best and they wont open your portfolio and have a preconception of what they should be looking at.
I think the layout and everything works fine.
I think your work is great. You've got the sci-fi hard surface stuff down pat. But you need to broaden your horizons a bit. If you want to be doing environments for games you need to show you can handle a variety of styles, time periods, resolutions, etc.
Alright, I'll change the text in the header! Been thinking of adding my email and perhaps phone number, just like you said.
Oh yeah, you're definately right about that I need to show that I can handle more styles. I've really snowed in on the sci-fi side.
I have created quite a few fantasy objects too when I worked on a game project. Can't say anything about it though, since it's not announced yet. =/
But yes, I'll start working on some models in other styles.
Thanks for the comment!
Broaden your horizons, Get rid of repeating themes and colours, work a bit more on the textures(everything isn't worn out from 100years of using ) and maybe show of some more regular fast made props that is used alot in games. Maybe you have a favorite company you're aplying to? Make something that they "could have used" in any of their games.
But on top of this, im mostly annoyed and a bit confused when i enter your page.
I don't know if this is a blog, is it a portfolio or is it a tutorial site, it's very confusing and messy if you ask me. Especially if you enter the site from somewhere else and might end up in your blog. If you want to show of your work, get rid of everything else around it. And keep it simple.
In your resume, 2 projects you've been working on, but no links or images to them?
And also no mailto's if the companies wants to click on your email and send you something right away.
And i don't know about having a tutorial page there too unless you're really gonna put in some work there. It seems a bit lame as it is right now.
Or maybe I am the one that is lame, but this is my opinion at least.
for your title as "Environment Artist", its true u don't really have a true environment artist portfolio going here. Since your just graduating you should probably just say your a "Digital Artist" instead. It doesn't limit yourself and if u haven't had a real job in the industry yet then u really haven't got a real title yet, and you really seem to be able to do more than just environments.
thats just some advice i got
good luck
The tutorial section is being worked on. Trying to add 1 tutorial per week at least.
You know I don't think you're lame, buttercup!
About the links to the projects.. 1 of them only has a development forum, and I don't think they'd be too happy if I let non-dev people in there. ^^
The other one I might add a link too.
I also remembered just now that I've been part of another project this year. The josef fares one!
Again, yes, I will do other kinds of styles. ^^
Might wanna correct that.
Because we had a course at uni where we were told to create a character, and I was happy with the result so I added it to the portfolio.
Unless of course, you want to do characters for a living, which in my opinion you won't get hired for. If you really want to do env stuff and incorporate your love of characters why not try doing some statues? Until that I'd take the mech guy out.
You obviously dont understand the awesomeness of orange
Either way I really like your work. Good luck.
Just because this guys work is top shelf!