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I just got like 3X better as an artist

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
You know what? for the longest time i was worried about being original, and I'm happy to say that I'm finally over that stupid bullshit.

if i was texturing a model, i didnt' want to incorporate cool things i saw from other pieces because i was just.. taking them. i thought that somehow, new ideas had to come down, uninspired, perhaps from the heavens.. i dont know...

finally i got over that. FINALLY. i've just been taking great elements and styles that i like and combining them.. ripping off art styles, copying stuff, making it my own, combining things to make something new.. it's great! and you know, i learned that the originality is always going to be there.. because i can't remove myself from my work, even if I'm "copying".. it's still a clear description of me and what i like.

so yeah. thought i'd share that.


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