Hello everybody!
I'm looking to get some feedback on my portfolio, i will be sending it out over the coming days to try and get an internship position as a part the game art program I'm attending. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have, site and contentwise.
the feathers look really inefficient, you could get away with a much smaller alpha and 3 or 4 unique feathers.
good presentation.
Well done! I think you'll find work!
All luck to you Spinks.
Good luck.
Also agree with jonas and mLinder, some basic objects aswell, mainly low poly work and maybe some inorganics aswell. An EXCELLENT oppurtunity for you would be to take part in the Low Poly Challenege currently underway. You could make s small environment and low poly characters aswell
Though i also agree with lO about your characters standing out on your own, i believe jonas also has a major point. I honestly hate barrels/dumpsters etc. but something more complex? im sure barrels and shit wouldnt be a problem for you, so maybe trying out the new LPC would be the best option? its low poly AND inorganic plus youll have a deadline to deal with aswell. What more could you ask for!
Your site doesn't show any traditional 2d skills, I reckon you have a section to show off your concepts as well, or incorporate your concepts into your 3d somehow.
The ability to get a character job, I believe, also highly depends on your willingness to relocate. GL!
It's definately a solid portfolio, and considering how it looks in the industry in Sweden right now, I don't think they would "not" give you an internship just because the lack of a few props. But more likely because it's such a bad timing for hiring people/internships.
Your 3d work is solid enough to at least sell the feeling that you probably don't have any major problems with other stuff like props too. Great stuff Spinks, but i bet u know that already!
dude, forget the internship, your stuff looks great, I'd suggest just applying for a character position.
I really like the chun li model.
Good stuff for a student though, definitely!
And as ppl have mentioned before it's not the best time to be looking for a internship/job in Sweden, but it's not impossible.
Of course applying for a job instead of a internship can't hurt, keep all options open
MoP i agree with you, it's one of the things i've been struggling with, i'm reluctant to add details in the diffuse that's not in the normal map, when i do it comes out looking flat. i'll keep at it and see what i can come up with
thanks again!