EDIT: We are finished! Check out the finished product
First contest, looks like a fun brief!
Hope we can complete it in time.
alexl: environment
oldephase: zombies
I'm having a go at a school classroom, heres a wip shot. Everything is still neat and tidy, nothing is UV'd, really early stages.
QFT! If I were in that room, the desks would all be piled against the doors.
Started texturing my first batch of props, crits welcome.
@Kio: Yeah your right, I might have to redo that or maybe put the fonts on a seperate sheet with more room and overlay it as a decal.
Thanks for the feedback.
The blurriness may be fine if its far away. I'd work on that first then re-UV if needed.
(Yes yes I am well aware that pixel density should be a concern if this is for practice and you're making it for an in-game asset). But this is a competition where the focus is on 2 beauty renders, so.. ha!
If its meant to be a low poly game piece though, it should still be more equal. If it's purely for a pose then I can understand limitations based on camera position.
My first zombie is based on the stereotypical Emo type, so hopefully I don't offend anyone by the fact that he may have razor blades jammed into his arm.
Crits are more than welcome, in fact they are needed!
Second batch of props, crits welcome. (Doh, just noticed an upside down texture again , haha bad habit there)
EDIT: Updated the image, took onboard some of the advice below, halved the lockers/filing cabinet and halved the window texture, added a radiator, drink can, and a light that is on. Theres still some room left over, will fill that up eventually.
Thanks for the feedback.
hope you can keep up the texel density for the walls in comparison to the props...
You could also use the file cabinet drawer and locker texture just once. They aren't really unique enough to warrant their own space, and the savings would be huge.
and textures (still got a fair bit of room left for more stuff)
Suggestions are still welcome for some last minute improvements.
Cant find anything negative to say about this, your lighting really works well.
Really nitpicking I'd say say that the shafts of light dont line up with the light
on the floor but...sod that, who cares its looks brilliant, artistic license and all that
Beauty Shot #1
Beauty Shot #2
Character Sheet
That environment was naughty
The lighting in the dark screen shot looks absolutely rockin'!!! Those object textures are awesome as well!
Great stuff!