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Looking for mini keyboard to use with cintiq

polycounter lvl 18
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Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
I just recently picked up a 21UX Cintiq and I've been using it on my couch from time to time. But having to bring my keyboard with me has been a bit annoying (I've got a Logitech G15), because its way too big.
I'm curious what the rest of you Cintiq owners use.

So far this is the best thing I've found, only I haven't been able to find a place to order/buy it. Its the I-O Data CPKB/BT (alternative link with more pics). But every review of it that I've found just states its a cellphone specific bluetooth keyboard. I'm assuming because its bluetooth, it should connect to a PC bluetooth reciever as well.
Could anyone confirm this?

I've also found the Logitech DiNovo Mini, which isn't so handy because it doesn't have a ctl and alt key. But the size is rad.

Preferably I'd like something that I can prop on the top of the Cintiq, the keys are easy to press, is wireless and is really small.

Thanks in advance for the help.



  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    You may be interested in a FrogPad but ctrl and alt are used through a combination of keys I think:

  • Spinks
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    Spinks polycounter lvl 18
    i have a vague recollection of pior posting his workspace and on one of his 18 cintiqs he had a litte keyboard hanging on the top edge, looked like a perfect match for what you're after. can't find the thread though.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    EmAr, sweet find, dude. I'll definitely look into that FrogPad a little further.
    Spinks, now that you mention it, I remember the thread you're talking about and the pics as well. Hopefully pior sees the thread and can help me out.

    Thanks for the responses, guys.

  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    a buddy at work uses one of these with his cintiq instead of the normal keyboard:

  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    We've got those n52te's at work, use it a bit while working in PS, but haven't bound it to anything in Bodypaint. I actually have enough room for my keyboard underneath the cintiq at the edge of the desk. I can slide it to the left a bit if I need to use it as I'm going at it. Haven't really messed with it all on a couch, though.
  • Michael Knubben
    The one had Pior had was the Apple keyboard, I think. The standard flat grey metal one, as I seem to remember it.
  • Marine
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    ...that belkin one is sweet !!! You could just get one of these...

  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    I recommend this bad boy:


    Or this one:
    be warned this keyboard is 1500 bucks! (each key has its own lcd display!)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah I have the Apple mini wireless keyboard. I sometimes put it on the edge of the Tiq, but the apple layout quickly bites you in the back if you are used to a normal keyboard! Ctrl, Shift and Alt are all messed up. I must admit I mostly use it for other things now, like controlling movies from afar aso.

    I just tried one of these laser projection keyboard Indecom! The Celluon one (a bit more advanced than the one in that picture). Unfortunately, they suck haha.

    Casey, it really all comes down to what you want the kb for. Since it is to be a tablet companion I suspect you mostly want it for photoshop shortcuts. In that case you can very well go for a gamepad instead with buttons mapped throught JoyToKey. I have been using that for a few weeks and it works great! You can even go wireless with a 360 controller with the USB receiver for the PC - will cost you 19bucks instead of the price of an advanced kb. As for the occasional typing, you can fall back on windows' built-in virtual keyboard!

    Good luck!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Slum & Xenobond, the Belkin n52te looks pretty pimp, but probably just a little too pimp for what I'm after and it doesn't seem like i can prop it onto the cintiq somehow without having to get all MacGuyver and hooking up some sweet clamp setup. Thanks, guys.
    Pea, sweet hook up on the Apple keyboard, dude! That seriously looks like the best candidate for what I'm after. It even has a little stand thing at the back which I can use to prop it to the cintiq. If nothing better comes along, I'll be picking up one of those on Monday during my lunch break.
    Marine, those X-Keys rigs are gnarly. I'll have a flick through the site a little more to see what is exactly on offer and sus out the prices. Thanks.
    Gav, do you know if you can bind keys to that keypad? I did a really quick (and I mean real quick) search in google and nothing really came up. I know I could just change the hotkeys in Photoshop/Maya/Mudbox/ZBrush, but there are no ctrl, alt or shift keys. Thanks anyway, dude.
    Indecom, not much to say about your post.

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I took ages with my reply, so I didn't see your, pior.
    I'd be using the keyboard for 2D, 3D and sculpting apps and potentially some typing (the typing is more a wishlist feature - for naming layers, text, saving files).
    I'm not sure what you mean about the Shift, Alt and Ctrl being all messed up, because I just looked at the keyboard layout on the Apple site and they seem to be placed where I'd expect them to.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well on the big one alt and win are flipped; Plus on the small one fn takes the place of ctrl and pushes it inside.
    I guess it's just that I am used to find ctrl thanks to the edge of my kb and alt thanks to the left edge of spacebar! Because of that tactile habit I am totally lost on the apple mini wireless :P
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Ahhh, okay. I definitely see what you mean.
    I can see that annoying me at first until I get used to the layout, but the small keyboard currently looks like the best option that will accomodate everything I need, plus more and within a reasonable price range.
    One last question, how do the keys feel in terms of sensitivity. Does it feel similar to a laptop keyboard, or is there a bit more force behind the keys?
    Thanks for you help, dude.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well as for everything Apple, some will say these keys are the greatest thing ever and other won't like them at all them. They do have a very short 'click depth' if you see what I mean, and feel rubbery. Also there is a strange caps lock behavior built-in : you have to keep it pressed for some time until it switches to caps. Bit stupid if you ask me! Yet they do look fantastic. Something to also remember is that the wireless one operates on batteries - no charging station.

    If you can stand the company of trendy hippies with greasy hair for a short while (I hardly can) I'd say give it a try at the store!
  • Michael Knubben
    Pior: I use software to make my caps lock do that, so I wouldn't call it stupid at all! Caps is a fucking useless key, and I've toyed around with just setting it to run scripts etc..., since I don't even use it for its intended purpose anyway
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hehe yup I hear you :P As a matter of fact doing it through software is a great idea! For a strange reason on the apple keyboard they hardwired it somehow instead of adding that to the OS (would make it available for every keyboard on earth...). Also I just found out that it seems likes this very function actually disconnects my keyboard. For sure the box says nothing about windows compatibility, but its funny to see that it *is* XP compatible ... except for the caps lock key :P

    Just velcored it on top of my secondary screen, it's actually quite handy this way (I love using my comp while standing up > less back pain!)

    Also Pea, I remember you using some kind of weird, huge white onscreen keyboard with big icons for app shortcuts. What was that again?
  • Michael Knubben
    That rings a bell, but I can't remember the name. Err... Let me think about that for a while, and I'll get back to you.
    I've gone one a gadget-diet, you see.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I almost picked up the Apple wireless keyboard today, but figured I'd actually ask if it is compatible with a Windows Based PC before i fork out AUS$100 for it. The dude at the store wasn't sure and told me to confirm online or go to an Apple store.
    Also, does it also come with a USB Bluetooth reciever? Or would you need to buy one separately?
    Thanks a shit tonne for the help, pior.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    You are welcome!
    Nope the mini kb comes with no receiver. I picked up a bluetooth usb dongle for cheap on newegg, it works!
    As for the compatibility, the package only states mac OSes, nothing about windows. It does work tho, but it seems like mileage may vary. I can just confirm that it was hassle free on my XP Home32 machine - except for the odd caps lock shutdown.

    I might use mine more in the future thanks to that thread reviving my interest, I'll let you know if I get more issues!

    Pea, you'll go back to gadgets I'm sure :P
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Well, if it was hassle free with your XP 32-bit machine then I should be good to go. I was going to pick up one of those bluetooth USB dongles because I assumed Apple being Apple wouldn't supply me with one in the box.
    Couch Cintiq sessions here I come! Now I just need to learn to paint gooderer.

  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    how the hell did i never think of binding key shortcuts to my gamepad?? That's an awesome idea! =)
  • Michael Knubben
    Peris: glovepie does that very well. I used to use it to control quite a few things on my pc.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Now I am wondering how you manage to hold your 21Tique on a couch!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    Now I am wondering how you manage to hold your 21Tique on a couch!
    Its all penis, baby! It even has a swivle function :D
    I actually put my feet on the coffee table so the screen is angled slightly and it nests in my lap (But you get a mad case of hot crotch after about half hour or more).
    The Cintiq isn't the uncomfortable part for me while on the couch, its having the keyboard sitting so low next to me and on a weird angle.
    But yeah... Its all penis.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I see :D

    Oh BTW. Once something like this

    or this

    is plugged in, is there a way to remap the keys as 'extra' keys instead of their initial numerical purpose? Like, f13 f14 f15 aso, and give them macros like "ctrl-shift-n, press enter" to create a new layer and validate it for instance? It would be a great alternative to the superexpensive X-Keys (looks great tho)

    Also about that Frogpad thing. Is there any other alternative for one hand typing? That looks super interesting. I hate having to drop the stylus just to rename a layer!

  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    You can use www.autohotkey.com for keyboard rebinding. You can have keys send macros like ctrl+shift+n, followed by enter etc. I've used it for a variety of things even though I'm not much of a scripter.

    If you are interested in half-qwerty typing, autohotkey has a script for that too


    Might be tricky to get used to, though.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet as, foreverendering! That opens up a few more options now.

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