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Starting Project..

Hey all,

I am still quite new to modelling I have to date done one environment (Which was terrible) and a character model which taught me quite a lot.

I am now in my final year of university and for my project I am going to develop a character based upon the limitations of the PS2 (In terms of characters) and apply modern techniques to it used in games such as Gears of War to measure the improvement.

I am going to have to look into normal maps etc which should be quite a good experience and I get to design and model a character from scratch.

As I say I am new to this so it will not be brilliant, nor will my drawing skills but I will still be doing it! The thing I worry most about is the texturing as I know this will be essential to make a good looking model.

But my first task is finding the average polycount of characters for the PS2, and the average texture size... and having it from a source I can reference been as it is an official project!

I will attempt to post here during the development of this however once I have got the limitations sorted and get some Crits if people are willing to do so, the work flow may be slow but hopefully I can create something worth while!



  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    For the amount of geometry in a character it obviously is based on many factors (game type, character importance, etc.). For some examples, in FFX-2 important characters range from about 2500-8000 triangles. In FFX the real time cinematic character models were upwords of 9500 tris. In kingdom Hearts characters normally ranged between 1500 and 3000 tris.

    As for using normal maps, it's simply not possible on PS2. You could make a character with general ps2 specifications, and then use a highpoly version for an ambiant bake to help with the texturing process, but really with the textures being so low res it'd be a large waste of time in most cases.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Jcb33 wrote: »
    But my first task is finding the average polycount of characters for the PS2, and the average texture size... and having it from a source I can reference been as it is an official project!
    No such thing.

    I play PS2 games with characters that have 10,000 polygons because there are only 2 on screen, and I play PS2 games with characters that have much, much less. It depends on lots of things.

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  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Hi Jcb33, welcome to the boards.

    I got slapped in the grundel a couple weeks ago asking similar questions: see my thread

    it's CHOCK FULL of echoes, as is the norm on polycount, but theres still some good information on there concerning polygon budgets, and it might help you understand what might be required for your PS2 project.

    Daaark made some informative posts on there too
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