the concepts are seriously awesome. I don't think the poppy-ness is carried out as well as it could or should be in the 3D tho... maybe specular needs more love? anyhow really cool, finally I see you post after what... 10 years???
You should spend more time setting up lighting and rendering and get more contrast, but still dont let the shadows go to total black. The textures seem a bit bland and would stand out much better with some hue and brightness adjustments. The last one is by far the best.
Those concepts are awesome! very bold. The models do look bland in compariso though. I think it's the lack of poses and like shotgun said, the specular could use some work. Cool work! do you have more to show?
First chick lost some of the gold trimmings she had in her concept, I think those could add a lot to the 3d version. Those holsters of her strike me as really awkward too, If they must stay I think they'd do better to hang from the hip due to their bulkiness (wide guns is wiiiiiide).
Second chick needs those pointy nipples back like she had in the concept. Seriously who doesn't love those.
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Who made those concepts? im thinking it's you. so excellent job on both ends
Second chick needs those pointy nipples back like she had in the concept. Seriously who doesn't love those.
Otherwise I think you nail the models quite good
Love to see more!