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I`ve finished my latest work, and actualy looking for new job. I decided make my old character from my personal project Shell_Pit from 2004 ( first image). Character will look like normal military person not supermodel.
I`ve finished sculting her in ZBrush (secound image), and currently I`m makeing LOpoly model in 3dstudio. Sculpt isn`t extremely detailed, I don`t make hairs, nails and other litle thinks what I can make in photoshop and put it to normalmaps. LOpoly model will have 6k-7k poligons, texture 1x2048x2048, normalmap, color map, colored specular, emissive map. It took me 3 weeks. I want make her wit 6 pairs of armors, all parts must fit with other. I have problem with textures of these parts. In my opinion there are two ways to do it. I think I can make all bots in one texture 2048x2048 or all parts in small textures. Don`t know what's the trend now in games. I have problem with hair too, maybe You got good sample with good sculpted hairs?. I hope U will find time to help me with this character.



  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    well, your high poly sculpt is great. good proportions and detail around the joints, etc. if you need references on how high poly hair is done, you can go to zbrushcentral.com or to the pixologic website and look for some blogs. i believe i saw a video on how to create sculpted hair there. but keep up the good work.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    nice clean sculpt ;)
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    wow. great sculpt. and excellent anatomy. these are getting saved to my inspiration folder for further study. thank you for adding some nice feminine shapes to the forum. :D
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yeah, this is really good. I like how you made the sculpt so realistic to how a real female looks, instead of making a fem-bot like many others do.

    The only thing that bothers me a bit is how pinched the area behind the knee is. Maybe just a light smooth would fix it. In any event, its an extremely minor crit, and this is really awesome work.
  • soda
    Thx for the replies, it's very kind of You.
    Brad do You mean the area of knee in back view??
    Hair.... I'm not sure if should sculptre it, should I ? I could draw hairs in PS and put to normalmaps. When I'll model hair I can have problem with fitting it with color map. I don't have too much experience with making hairs, maybe
    You can tell me what is Your way to make it.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    love those hips

    feet/ankles need more fat on them
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    cool female model!

    me waiting for more
  • Hatred
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    Hatred polycounter lvl 18
    soda wrote: »
    I have problem with textures of these parts. In my opinion there are two ways to do it. I think I can make all bots in one texture 2048x2048 or all parts in small textures

    afaik in Unreal each aditional material is aditional render pass to whole mesh, so it is better to have one texture with one matching outfit, in the other hand big texture take space in memory and not always it is efficient, especially when it use only 10% for actually rendered object,
    correct me if im wrong
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    the knees look great but what will they look like when deformed? To me they look sculpted in an exclusively "locked" position, maybe that's convention I dont know.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Soda: Yes, from the back view. It looks excellent from the front view IMO. I'm not sure about the deforming though that Harry brought up. I would guess, just go with the most natural look, which is how you have it. When the knee bends, you wouldn't see the detail much anyways. Its on the underside unless she is resting on one knee of course.
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    That's one of my most favorite sculpted abdomens ever, it's so fleshy. Keep up the good work!
  • soda
    Thx for explain.
    I must change area behind the knee. It`s can be problem with animating it. I must make fast test.
    Hatred thx for explain. I havn`t all concept now, and don`t know how size will be of the parts. I must make it in separatly small textures.
    I change back of knee and smooth it a bit, what do You think??

    And fast test deformation. I think isn`t look bad.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nice one. I think it definitely looks better and the deformation looks great!
  • soda
    I have finished the Lopoly model. The Polycount is 8944. Now I'm gonna rig her and change the model a bit if deformation would be bad. I must go back to ZBrush and try makeing hair.
    Once again thanks for reply. Critique is welcome.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I remember your original from a long time ago
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    the back of the knee is going to collapse really badly right now (low poly).
    the shape of the model is great, but there's a lot of it that can be achieved with fewer polies. i don't understand why you've cut the outline to her shirt into the low poly at all to be honest, or even some of the internal fold detailing which the normalmap will take care of for you.

    like i said, looks fantastic, but it's hardly economical.
  • tda
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    tda polycounter lvl 16
    the back of the knee is going to collapse really badly right now (low poly).

    I think that's the point, to stop the sausage effect that happens on the inside bend of a joint. It's used in really lowpoly models to good effect but i've not seen it used much on a high density mesh.

    Judging by the deform tests it looks like it's working real well though! Nice sculpt.

    I must agree that some cuts seem uneccessary though, like the neckline of the shirt?
  • soda
    THX for reply!
    Pior U work will be always inpiration for me:] Nice You remember^^ Almighty_gir and Tda U have right I must change this area but some loops may be useful when I make UVWmaping.
    Ok, I make next test of deformation, in my opinion looks ok, but confusing me black area when to poligons near themself. I hvn`t too much experience with riging, mayby this is normal thing?? Ia`m must smooth some muscles, mayby I do it in Photoshop, dont know yet.
    You may see it in first sample of JPG below.
    Now I`am must check arms.

  • Hatred
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    Hatred polycounter lvl 18
    dont you think your knee pop up a bit to much from leg shape?, also you at 1 screen it stretched up to the half of the leg
  • soda
    I`m baaaaaaccckk!
    I`ve finished maping and burn normalmap. Make ambient oclusion too. THX Hatred for reply U have absolutly right. I must change this rig. Now I must step back to ZBrush and make hair, but it is small problem:]
    I`m must repair normalmap and make rig and beautyful pose. Then my favorite part, making textures:]

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