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Vehicle - old truck

This is a old rusty truck model with its for a rural environment I've been working on.

All critics are welcome




  • Box
    Pretty cool! Well done. If it were me, I'd add small hints of paint still on the vehicle. Desaturated red or a rusty white. Also, the windows seem a bit saturated in contrast to the car. A crooked license plate would add a small bit... not sure if that would fit into the rest of your environment though... depending on the setting. Not really much to say... really nicely done. I dig it. All the stuff I said is a nit-picky. Be sure to keep us posted on the full environment... Good luck!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks pretty good in the end - some parts that stand out as a bit weird are the wheels (very bright, and much more obviously photo-sourced than the rest of the truck) and the windows (quite dark, too saturated, looks more like painted concrete than glass - a reflection map would help this a lot, as would desaturating the colour).

    Also you seem to have quite a lot of polys in the model which aren't really doing anything - for example the 5 edge loops running vertically up and down the cabin door, they're not actually adding any shape or surface information - you might as well get rid of them.
    Same with the back sides of the truck between the wheel arch and the cabin, it's a flat surface so it doesn't need any extra polys subdividing it.

    Also, considering how obviously low-poly the front of the front wheel-arches are in silhouette (they look very "pointy" when they should be more rounded), you have got loads of polys describing a fairly shallow indent between the hub and tyre of every single wheel.

    It seems to me that you need to re-think your polygon distribution a bit - nobody will notice if you remove a few bevels from the hub/tyre connection point, but that will give you hundreds of polys in hand to add surface curvature where it's really needed, like the wheel arches.
  • vj_box
    Hey somma,
    looks like a real good start.here are my suggestions.
    Take care of some of the unwanted loops in the Tyre(rim)
    The topology can be still neatened.
    Get rid of the pure photo looking texture in the Tyre,as it looks a bit different from the body,coz you have some nice painted details in it.
    Also post your construction sheets of the model.

  • Matroskin
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    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    great start Gab!
    Nice old rusty feeling.
    The mesh definitely needs more tweaks. I know it is still a WIP but i have done a quick image based on your current wireframe shot.

    Blue - suggested edges to add, Red - suggested to get rid of :


    Also glass looks too blue and the bump on it makes it feel like as if it had a thick layer of ice. I suggest not to use any bump on truck glass at all.
    Also wheels look way less aged comparing to the rest of the truck (cause the truck itself does not have any paint left but wheels do).
    Also the bump that you have right now suggests a layer of pant over bare metal that turned into rust. But the color is the same everywhere. Could be cool to have paint texture where bump map is higher and leave rust texture where bump map is lower.
    Keep it up!
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Looks pretty good to me too. I have the same crits that have already been said.

    Funny enough Matroskin's paint over is almost exactly what I was going to say.
    I also think the glass looks bumpy, not just dirty and too blue.

    Little bit of weird poly flow. Especially on the truck bed. I'd probably keep the wheel well seperate instead of one piece with the bed. You could save alot of polys, and it needs a sharp edge where it meets the bed anyway.
    I'd put a few extra polys around the side window corners. They seem a little square in contrast to the rest of model.

    I agree with some paint color and liscense plate.

    Back of the front wheel well could probably use a few mor loops to to smooth it out and make it rounder. You have plenty of polys to spare if you clean up the extra loop in the wheels.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    flatten the tyres?
  • Somma
    hey guys thanks for the pointers. Here is where the truck is right now.



  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    I can't see the image?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I say keep the bolts / nails as 3D geometry. I love doing that in engines that support self-shadowing. It's cheap to do (16 tri's or so) and looks cool.

    Otherwise, toss it in a texture.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Agree with adam. Its realy fun to have 3d geometry with self-shadowing :)
  • Somma
  • Somma
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    that llooks ace but i agree that one or all flattened tires would really look more in keeping
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    imho the wheels are too flat right now
    also i seems as if the back wheels are separate objects, you could easily save a few tris there by making them 1 object with just an indent in the middle.

    maybe try something like this:
    (the backs on this are flat like yours because they're not seen that often)
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    flat like puncture, and they holdup fine as they are
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    I agree that the wheels look to flat right now and you I think that you are making the right choice by modeling out the indentations and hub. It will give to more depth and characture
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