Couldnt think of anything new to put there, sorry.
Anyway, got hired by Rocksteady Studios this week as a Junior artist for Environments and Props, which is great. Start on Monday, sort of nervous but sort of really looking forward to the whole thing more so.
I'd like to thank this community as well, because its just so invaluable. When I went to careers fair, it was amazing how far a little knowledge gleaned off here (in terms of expectations, process, etc) went. And also, how much this place helped with my work. Even though I don't post for crits on everything, it's incredibly useful to pick up on other people's general crits.
So once again, thanks!
Good job.
Even if not, grats.
With a portfolio like that I didn't expect you to stay looking for long, but with the way things are you never know. Glad to see you can get in even in these tough times, that has to say something!
I would have put something about 'Bebop' in the title. GET IT?!
Think I applied there too:)
Thanks everyone, its all good to hear. Finalised everything and I start on Monday, bit daunting! Fairly sure its Arkham Asylum I'm working on, which is great. Stupidly, whats exciting me most is the version of UE3 theyre using, and getting to look through content of that game!
Little bit worried this week, got a few small questions.
I take it I dont need to take along my computer (snigger. I'm fairly sure but taking no chances!)
On a similar note, would you advice I take my own graphics tablet? I assume thats more of a sensible question.
That's it really, the rest are workflow questions I can quickly shoot off when I'm there. I know it might be a little studio specific, but just, out of personal experiences, if anyone could answer.