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WIP- Cannon

Hello everyone, this is a cannon I am working on. I am kinda stuck and not sure what to do with it right now and need some help. Also if you see anything wrong with it feel free to leave a comment.



  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    hey man i think it looks pretty good! I have a few suggestions though I and did a really quick paintover.


    First thing I think your texture is way to dark. To brighten it, I just took the render into PS duplicated the layer and put a screen blend on it. Makes it much easier to read. You can do the same with your texture.

    Second thing I did, was on the metal parts of the wheel ( I only painted on the front wheel) I added scratches to the outer rims of the metal where it would get scratched up the most and then a few scratches in various places of the metal. I also took a nice grunge brush and varied up the metal so it wasnt one consistant color.

    Anyways hope that helps some.
  • Morton
    Thank you, this definitely helps.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Morton wrote: »
    Thank you, this definitely helps out a lot.

    I'd also study Johnny's artillery model, (Search Function) the frequency and the surface details on his would be something to consider if you really want to take it to town.

    Some decent level of grime on the wheels would be good too.
  • Morton
    Thank you, but I am unable to find Johnny's artillery model can you post a link?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nice work Morton, and that's a great paintover Skeptical Nate.

    Looking forward to the next update.
  • Morton
    Thank you, I think the update will come will come sometime tomorrow.
  • JamesP
    I think if you added some metal to accent the wood on the top of the model it would look even better, but I like it a lot!

  • Morton
    Thanks everyone for your help I have a new update. Once again please feel free to tell me what you think.
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Looking much better, it's harder to see the "clouds" in your texture compared to the original. Keep up the good work.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    It is looking better, but here is how I think you can improve it even more.
    To me it looks like either you are using really low lighting, or you need to push the contrast even further in your color. It's still looking pretty dark where as if you pushed the contrast, the forms would really pop out much more.

    Nice progress so far though.
  • xysdf
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    xysdf polycounter lvl 17
    nice one! model looks good so far, the potential of the texture can be pushed much further.
    On your metal intoduce more hue shifts, more contrast. metal can get a lot of the colors from the enviroment, colors of rust (oranges, reds, yellows... must not be rusty, just some small areas for more life&story in the texture), edges can be pushed with higher contrast, scratches. also on the wood texture - you can intoduce some greens of moss or bacteria, yellows of maybe small mushrooms or you can show the wood structure a bit more. and you can think about connecting the materials better together, showing how one sits on the other...
    i made a quick&rough paintover on parts of the texture, i hope it can help a little (its a bit different in style, but maybe you can pick some colors or just to have some ideas out of it)

    keep on it, good progress so far.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    looks good man keep it up take everyones advice and this will end up pretty good, the only thing i could really add is get some real lighting in there, right now everything looks muddy and dark because the light setup is hardly there :)
  • Michael Knubben
    I think --on top of previous advice-- just doing a screengrab will help with presentation, as well. Not only do the lighting and background in your render fight the asset, in that it's all very dark and lacking in contrast, the blur introduced by the render isn't helping either.

    Also, maybe you could make some of the metal look like it was beaten into shape? The cannon doesn't look like it was made by anyone who possessed the mechanical tools needed to bend that metal without heating it and banging it with a hammer. At least, the bits on the wheels look like they were made that way, now if only the texture would support that more, it'd be cool!

    I know Peris did some of that type of metal on a project we were on together, but all I can find is this: http://cmdstud.khlim.be/~beulaers/portfolio/images/glaive_rockwall.jpg
    Which should serve as a pretty good example, still.
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