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Elephant oni WIP

shhhh dont tell anyone im working on this at work secretly:poly142: but anyways the basic idea is an elephant demon with some Japanese style traits ie. curled tusks and a mustache( not in this pic but on the current model ill update later. also im kinda unsure of what i want for armor so any ideas are welcome.




  • NiGHTS2o06
    Hey dude.

    I really like the scale of this one, proportionally it looks like it fits nicely. My only crit is that i'm not sure about the length of the legs compared to the body (see the most upper left view). It reminds me of a battle toad :D.

    Other than that I like it. Keep going mate.
  • woogity
    o i could use advice on modeling heavy set( fat) bodies if anyone has a good bit of experience please tear this up i was having some trouble getting the gravity look realistic
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hmmm, yeah, I don't know about he gap in-between the legs. It doesn't look right to me because as far as I know, nothing that moves on two feet are built that way. Like the gap is just too wide and awkward. I don't really have any expertise making heavy set characters but I would recommend looking up a bunch of resources and barrowing some of the ideas they use with there anatomy.
    The first one that comes to mind is also one of my favorite huge monsters: http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/competitions/1/preview_finals_1_320.html

    I think that you could definitely mimic the same kind of proportions and it would work quite well. Good luck.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    He's looking pretty cool. Hard to tell what's going on with his face right now though.

    The gap between legs is a little weird.

    I think the entire torso needs scaled up by 25-50%, larger thighs (that'll fill in the gap some too).
  • indian_boy
    looks neat
    the only issue may be the width of his crotch
    the legs are split a bit too far atm i feel
  • woogity
    ok got the armor roughed out probably going to add one more piece not sure what tho, if you have any ideas for anything on this please let me know im very open to suggestion. the mace looks corny but my research tells me its accurate, im torn between this and a lyre( oldschool guitar) that was in one of my refrence pics. also i very roughly penciled in a little red stick guy for refrence.


  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    you've got nothing besides the stick person that would let us know the scale. oversized limbs and head make him feel small, and the huge beads and weapon reinforce the idea. his belt is also made of some enormous twisted fabric.

    as others stated, his hips/crotch area is a little odd, but his armor hides that. the problem is repeated in his fingers, though.

    any chance of getting a profile shot minus the arm? right now he strikes a baaaad silhouette - his elbow lining up with the pack on his back to make him look poorly balanced.

    i like elephant demons and i like what you've done with his head - never seen that before. giving him a lyre is a good idea as well, though his hands don't look much suited for it - i'm sure that just shows the dedication he's had to put into his hobby.

    i'm really looking forward to seeing this textured
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Extremely excellent crits by sectaurs and the others.Work on them and youll be good :)
    Also,seeing the wires in the first post,id say you could take out a whole loop(the one which goes around)in his toes.
  • woogity
    thanks sectaurs i agree with pretty much everything you said im going to completely revisit the armor today since i have time it was kind of an afterthought im gonna draw it out a bit more also the beads are gone stupid add on concidering how expensive theya are budget wise i think next armor will be taken from actual garments worn by war elephants as opposed to the more human style he has now, and lyre it is i couldnt get the picutre of a lyre made out of a whole tree out of my head all night.

    o also the issue with the legs has already been adressed, thighs are thicker gap is much much smaller, will post update later.

    thanks this was a random inspiration, the head is the definate focal point

  • woogity
    Fully revised, uvs are done ready for normals. to correct myself the instrument is a lute not a lyre made of a whole tree caus hes a big fella. also made him more of a bard than a warrior so hes going to have a pelt around his waist probably tiger. he also has a big pack and a keg, as well as a scroll on his back, he needs to be able to study when hes not drunk and playing music. hope you like the revisions i like this version much much better.


    o the lute is not to scale in these images just wanted you guys to be able to see it

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    He's coming along well.

    There were elephant demons in Jade Empire which were a little similar to what you're going for here. Might make for useful reference.
  • woogity
    oh man thanks thats a great ref pic wish i had played that title now:( also will definatly add some earrings so much ear they deserve some bling...ugh i hate myself. but anyways since elephants are a big deal to the thai people ive found some awesome refs of thier demons who always seem to have these cool spiral patterns on their skin, im thinking that this guy will too, not unlike african scarification im definatly gonna sculpt it on its own layer tho because i could see it easily becoming too much< common problem here.

  • woogity
    normals done on the skin. the gaps are from me importing as seperate .objs and appending applies perfectly on the low poly. ill upload some caps of the three together when i have the time. thanks again paintovers and all crits welcome!



  • woogity
    normals applied as color and tspace nmap, i do this just to check for problem areas, but i just wanted to the normals applied to the low poly, dont mind the crap on the furpatches im gonna clone over that.


  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Cool woogity, the normal mapping is looking bold and interesting, the arms and hands especially. lookin forward to seeing it with a texture :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Coming along nicely man. I especially like the gear you have added, and the carving in the skin.

    What size maps are you using by the way?

    Looking forward to the textures also.
  • woogity
    thanks guys! the maps are 1024s i think i will bring the gear map down to 512 but im still on the fence because it is a large amount of area. ill be getting to diffuse this weekend since its a long one here, need to revisit the normals on the lute i think it needs a fretboard?

  • woogity
    yooooo textures done on the skin for this guy gear textures coming later this week! sporting 1024^2 diffuse, spec power, spec color, alpha and normals hope u guys like it!


  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    give me an A......


    give me an O......


    Render out an ambient occlusion if you didn't get it....yea
  • woogity

    any crits on the texture are most welcome this is definatly my weakest point in the creation process, if u want to save the crits for when the flats are uploaded thats great too. i always feel my textures come out a bit muddy/ too noisy.

    i used this workflow, and all the maps refrenced in it in around the same order. this model isnt lit yet other than the default light, may be what you are looking for the ao map is used 3 times in the diffuse. ill upload flats later tonight if u want to see em


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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    screen grab with some nice coloured lights and a darker background, defualt lighting is pants
  • woogity
    Shepeiro: Thanks for the advice the renders look light years better with a little color, used pcount green, orange and a light blue skylight.

    Ok here ya go skin 6272 with eyes, hardware rendered


  • woogity
    hey guys gear diffuse worked out, still open for comments still concidering this wip, the black areas of the texture do have alpha, however i get a bug in my maya viewport when i apply it, whole character seems to have a reverse backface culling sort of problem, im sure somebody has encountered this. any input to solve this would be most helpful.


  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    hmm, not a big fan of the colour choices.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    too much black in your diffuse shadows, go saturated instead
  • woogity
    thanks again shepeiro, as i said before the constructivity of your criticism is much appriciated ill go back through and adjust the variations of one of the ao map layers i think the fact that it is repeated 3 times might be building up to cause the issue.

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