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Portfolio Site Idea - Need Feedback

Hello all,
I'm looking to get a portfolio site together and I need something simple and easy to navigate.

Right now I have 2 images that I've designed in Photoshop for sample pages.
One home page layout and one prop page layout.

Now if I was going to show off my 3d models and textures, would this format work? Does it get the point across? Good layout for portfolio work?




  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    The first one looks good. It's very important that you NOT think about this. Name, contact info, resume (link and download), and a thumbnails of your work. The standards are set, anything more just annoys the employer or hides your work deep in clicks.

    Don't get flashy or fancy because you'll just be wasting time you should be dedicating to your content. I'd rather see a photoshop automated web gallery than some smug site by a guy that thinks he's going to reinvent the wheel.

    If you put too much time in it, next time you update you have to spend even more time getting your new content up!

    Protip: super basic thumbnail gallery where everything is named <yourname>01, 02, etc. Then anytime anyone saves your images they know who's it is, and anytime you need to update just upload new images with THE SAME FILE NAMES! Instant updates.

    It's not the site it's the content. We're hiring artists, not web designers.
  • sanhueza
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    sanhueza polycounter lvl 17
    Looks good! I don't like to put my phone number up on the internet, but that's an individual choice. Would be good to have mini thumbnail links below your menu and above your enlarged image, so that people don't have to keep clicking back to your portfolio to see the other images.

    Spellcheck: It's "intellectual" not "intillectual". And "Portfolio" not "Porfolio" :)
  • inewland53
    Offline / Send Message
    Sometimes I get to typing so fast the words just cume aut ass spitter spatter :D

    Not trying to reinvent any wheels here, just trying to come up with something that is clean and works.

    Also, are my textures to small on the page? Should I add them separately in larger formats?
  • System
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    System admin
    Will be doing this soon too:)

    Few suggestions...
    Your site seems ok, not feeling the colour choice but it does stand out reasonably well. I would shift the text on the left to paragraph left so it sits all together - the top line looks funny like that. Also make the dots inbetween the links sit in the middle of the letters and not at the bottom.
    Of couse this is all personal choice but another thing is the underlined links, they are so ugly! This should be left for purely factual sites and not art stuff.
    Removing the bottom links would be nice as they are just repeats, maybe replaced with one link "legal" and a small page expressing your copyright.
    Idea! Why not remove your contact info at the top right there and use a rollover or just plain link on your name that shoots to a page where your info is.
    Be sure to check spelling too "intellectual".

    *Edit sanhueza you beat me to it :P
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Don't give me a cropped thumbnail. I want to see the whole thing, the point of thumbnails is so I can see the whole of all your things on one page, and click the ones I want to see closeup.

    I want to see the textures full-browser-width. 800 pix is a good width to use. JPEG them to level 6 or 7 in Photoshop, so they load fast. Let your full-size images scroll downward, so like show the beauty shot first, then wireframe below that, then texture flats below that.

    You don't have to do it like this, but just to give you an idea.

    Sticky: Your Portfolio Repels Jobs
  • inewland53
    Offline / Send Message
    Alright, simplified to leave out all the extras....pretty bare now and to the point I think.
    Getting better/worse? Will the thumbnails work?

  • sanhueza
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    sanhueza polycounter lvl 17
    Looks good, but I'm not sure why you got rid of the menu at the top. It would be better to have the Resume, Contact, etc. links under your name where you had them before. Or, with the new layout, having them next to your name would also look good.

    GCMP: You gotta be faster on the draw than that, Pilgrim... :D
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