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ugh. bad dream

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
share your dreams... good/bad/wet. especially wet. in fact phone me with those.

and dream analysis too! lets get some self analysis going on. fuck ya!

i just had a bad dream man. it's graphic; human suffering.

i dreamed i was watching tv (but of course i had like crazy 3d-o-rama vision) and there was a narrated show about these farm people who lived neer some massive metal powerlines. one day, one of the young girls was out wondering about and one of the powerlines collapsed halfway, and she was trapped, with the wires hoevering slightly over her a few meters. APPARENTLY in my dream, this causes some kind of ratiation situation and it started to cook the poor girl alive.. but when ever she rolled to, it would just cook her worse. so the narration of the story just described how she just.. basically slowly cooked to death. a second seemed like an hour.

of course i was profoundly sympathizing with the poor girl (as emotions are usually stronger in dreams.. at least for me) and of course it was very painful. i knew what was going to happen, and i tried to change the channel but the narration wouldn't get out of my head. I have the type of personality that feels really connected to other people's pain, and i don't distance myself from it-- i feel like SOMEONE'S got to do something, kinda, so i feel obligated in a sense. this was interesting though, because it was like that, only about something totally futile --- but i couldn't disconnect. maybe i need to learn to disconnect.


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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    Freud says you're necrophiliac but don't want to hurt girls. :poly142:
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    Apparently if you have a dream that involves you running away/towards something and you're not making much progress (feet cant get traction, hitting invisible wall, etc), it's an inadequacy dream. Chew on that.

    All my dreams are epic adventures, every night is a couple days spent in dream land. Last night's ended with my fighting a couple of lumberjacks in a mill with a giant axe (it was self defense)!
  • Mark Dygert
    I have a kid, I've forgotten what its like to fall asleep long enough to even start dreaming.

    But seriously I've had a few dreams recently that where just plain messed up.

    I had a dream where it was the future some force had invaded the US (WOLVERINES!) I was a soldier painting a target with a laser, to guide a missile, just as the missle was passing overhead someone popped up right in front of me causing the missile to re target and blow us both up as it passed over. I lived but was horribly disfigured and broken, it ended as I was dragging myself along with one arm, for some reason I had also decided to also drag the other guy back and somehow clipped him to my belt.

    Not sure if that falls into the "can't get any traction" category.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I dreamed my dad had his 70s long hair and big mustache look still going. Haven't been that amused by a dream in a long time.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    i fell off a building once
    it was a lucid one but it felt great with the sudden fear in me causing me to wake up at the most appropriate of times
    bad dreams ftw!!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I had a dream I was in a post apocalyptic version of Frank Lloyd Wight's Ennis House and I was killing zombie teenagers with a lawn mower blade. I found it very disturbing that I could feel the impact and the wet "thunk" when I hit them.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Most the dreams i remember are all sex related and very fun, sky diving while having sex was an interesting one. I also find dreams of falling in the clouds to be very relaxing and helps me fall asleep.

    As for nightmares i don't have many. For Halloween i shaved all my facial hair off, so now i have nightmares of forgetting a spot or having it much longer where its growing back.

    The one nightmare i have had for as long as i can remember is a sound based one. Basicly the dream starts out with me in the desert sand dunes all around me clear blue sky and a relaxing deep murmer of sound. Over time the sound changes from the relaxing sound and inverts like the fanta commercials. As the sound inverts the sand turns darker and into sharp black jagged spires and the sky becomes filled with fast moving chaos. At that point i wake up heart racing.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I have a recurring theme in my dreams where I'm living in an indoor (usually at least partially underground) society where no one can leave the enclosure for various reasons, but then I lead a large group of them through a treacherous and claustrophobic path towards the outside while fending off some sort of opposition (monsters, the undead, authority figures, etc). The theme itself is kind of plain, but the actual settings and characters are usually really intricate and fascinating, and I try to write it all down when I wake up, but the written notes never really do it justice because a lot of the chronology and particulars of the dream situations are nonlinear or irrational by real-life standards, so it's hard to record the overall sense of adventure or the vastness or the level of detail in the environments. Reeeeeally fun to think about though before the memory of it starts to fade away.

    Also, I have a lot of dreams about disgusting ultraviolent sex acts appearing on TV or taking place in-person and being filmed or broadcast. There are always a lot of people involved and at least half of them are just there as audience members, laughing and cheering. A lot of times the audience members end up getting pulled into the activities, and despite being violated and utterly destroyed by the other participants, they're usually very excited to be included; as are their friends while they watch. It's all very disturbing, but I'm typically the only one in the dream who thinks so.

    Sometimes those two recurring elements appear within the same dream storyline, but the latter is usually just a small part that happens in passing during the former.

    Also, pinball machines that don't work normally (missing glass, enormous flippers, unusual balls, etc) and arcade games with nonsensical coin slots. The first time I encountered the Hercules pinball machine IRL, I kept checking my watch to see if I was dreaming because it was just like one of the machines I always dream about. I think that was the only time I was ever awake and genuinely concerned that I might be dreaming. Fun stuff.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I used to have dreams of my teeth falling out all the time. tis a fucked up feeling.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    I dreamed I was banging Johnys girlfriend on the beach....

    It turned out to be a nightmare as I pulled her hair and her wig came off actually revealing to me that it was Johny himself in drag...

    I haven't slept again since.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    all my dreams are bad

    most recently, i had to tell my parents that they weren't going to be accepted into the group of us that would be immortal. they were very accepting and said they understood, in that parental way, but i could tell they were crushed. i then watched them get old and die.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, lots of crazy ass dreams going on here. Haha, pretty interesting stuff. Dunno what they mean, I'm not a big one on dream analysis, but certainly interesting stuff.

    I once dreamt very vividly that I was in a fire fight, got shot and was dying. I could actually feel myself dying, could feel my life seeping away. Took about a minute for me to die, and in realizing I was going to die I actually started to feel very peaceful. Then I died and was in what I assume was heaven. Was actually a pretty cool dream, I woke up feeling very at peace. :) Also shows that the whole thing about not being able to die in a dream is bull.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    One way of deciphering dreams is to put yourself in the shoes of every character/actor/object in the dream. Effectively, you are the director of a short movie.

    Or you can view dreams as some sort of defragmentation application your brain runs to clean up loose ends of the day.

    I do think they hold meaning, though. Our deep self's way of communicating to us.

    I used to have these nightmares where I was being chased by a mob (sorta like a Frankenstein movie); eventually, I would wind up on all fours and ran like a dog. I rarely dream anymore.

    There was a time (10 yrs ago, about) when I was working two jobs and was tired all of the time. during this time, I had the two most vivid dreams I've ever had:
    • I had a dream where I woke up into another dream and then woke up. The most vibrant and colorful dream I have ever had. Kinda frighening, and I never questioned for a second that it was real.
    • I was in bed and there was this FUCK-OFF huge spider crawling on the ceiling (like dinner plate sized). I was petrified, couldn't move, but I forced myself to get out of bed and throw on the light. Next thing I know I'm standing up, the light is on, and I was just dreaming. The weirdest thing is that my room was perfectly convincing in the the dream. I had no idea I was dreaming until I was standing up.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    I dont dream anymore, probably because i dont get a full 8 hours and when i go under i'm gone 'til morning and nothing disturbs my sleep.

    Some memorable ones are:

    -Cutting my teeth with a jigsaw and then cutting some more to repair the crap job i did...which of course made them worse, i was freaking out when i woke up and kept touching them to make sure everything was ok lol.

    -Some kind of alien ship flying over the house, i was looking outside the window and when i spotted it, i became paralyzed with terror, after a while i went outside and saw huge fireballs hovering the end of the street. The terror was still there when i woke up, took me a few seconds to get back to reality!. Terror dreams are bad :(
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    my worst nightmare was when Psych0 removed his wig and mask and i realised i have been talking to mutant air !
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    a buddy of mine once had a crazy dream where he and this other guy snapped their wieners off and traded them. It was a wet dream btw.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I dreamt that I was hitler and I was trying to escape from some other crazy german generals.

    I pull my staff car over to the side of the road in a country lane and start cooking

    beefburgers/other meat products on an improvised barbecue

    I was worried in case they found me and stole all my food:)
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I just had a weird one the other day. This is what I sent to our lead programmer right after I woke up:
    So, I just woke up from a dream. In it, I was at work, and you came by and were pretty mad about something. You showed me pictures on your phone/blackberry, of this big, intricate, papercraft model of a honey bee. You pointed out a bunch of things that I had promised to do, but failed, and talked about how you had just shown this thing to investors or someone, and it had gone horribly. And I kept trying to assure you I had never seen this paper Bee before, and had nothing to do with it.

    The only other thing I remember is after you left, I went and found this big paper bee (it was about 3 feet long) and fixed the things that were wrong with it, and then kept wandering around the office looking for you to show you, but I couldn't find you anywhere.

    That's all, just thought you'd like to know that the big papercraft bee is fixed, and waiting on your desk now (in my head anyway).

    Dude, I totally wish I had the talent to make that giant paper bee!
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    I had this nightmare one time where I was desperatly trying to figth off a particularly vicious spider. I woke up in the morning to find a flattened out spider lying next to me on the pillow :'( (I hate spiders)
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I have bad dreams a lot too, guys.
    More often than not, I hope I have bad dreams so I can draw inspiration from them ( i do a lot)
    Often, my dreams have some colors very vibrant, other's muted. Smoke, distorted buildings (more often than not, it's places i've been or recognize, but they're different, but recognizable)
    A lot of the time, if someone in the dream isn't "Important" they appear as a shadowy blur, and produce appendages to do things (ex. arms to grab something)
    One I remember from a long time ago was my parents getting gunned down by clowns (that was a long time ago after I watched IT)
    In summary, my dreams aren't very good, but they can be kinda inspiring

    Well one example, I was sitting in a restaurant in my dream, and over these distant winding hills, massive ants came at a very vicious pace, and right as they broke through the window, all the gravity went off, but then there was like a lot of disturbing imagery.
    It was weird.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Haven't remembered a dream in years. Usually just nightmares. Though I haven't remembered having even one of those in a few months. When I have lately, it's been shit about my g/f leaving me or cheating, shit like that. I suppose once you get cheated on, it's hard to ever fully trust someone again (my guess at why I'd have those dreams).

    Also had violent dreams. Men breaking into the apartment with guns, raping the g/f, torturing me (slicing my skin and peeling strips off, or cutting open certain body parts with dull blades)

    When I was a kid we lived in a haunted house which was interesting in it's own right. Aside from the freaky paranormal shit that went on, me and my two brothers had similar violent dreams there, all involving the same
    A dark shadow figure with no face, who seems to be wearing a trench coat but at the same time moves across the ground as if floating. Very creepy shit. This thing would do unspeakable shit to our family.
    Mutilation, pulling eyes from their sockets while they're still alive, biting out their tongues, ripping off limbs, etc. These got nasty. The distress video in Event Horizon is a good example of similar type things.

    Not a pleasant mind, I know. Probably why I sleep like shit. I haven't been well for about 4yrs now due to several health issues. Coincidentally, this is also around the time my dreams went bye bye and my work ethic (outside of the office) went to pure shit.

    I don't get the teeth falling out dreams though. My teeth do that on their own :P
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    I used to have the teeth falling out one. Usually what would happen was that I'd clench my jaw so hard that I'd shatter all of my teeth and they'd fall out into my hands. Shitty dream. I know that some people clench their teeth/grind their teeth in their sleep, which is related to stress, so there's probably a link there.

    I also had a dream once where there was a cat tied up to a street sign outside my house and it kept doing that god awful cat scream (the one they do when they're in a cat fight). I went outside to find the cat and ripped it's head clean off. That dream scared the shit out of me.

    I think that dream probably came about because that house had a lot of stray/feral cats around and I probably heard a cat fight while asleep and incorporated that into my dream.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8

    I don't know why... but I've had many nightmares involving tornados. Always trying to run before they come, but always moving so slowly. Like trying to get in our car and drive away, but we're moving so slowly and my family is taking their time like there's no rush for them. Maybe this is one of those running dreams people talk about?
    But it's weird. Cause tornados really aren't something I normally fear.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17

    Unfortunately, it was based on something that really happened.

    Guess when I was a kid I believe in anything.

    Just had this dream last night after looking at one of the Polycounters' desktops.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey, it's weird to see people having the same dream-theme's. I have the teeth falling out one all the time. I think it has to do with stress and anxiety or something. I'm always amazed at how common a dream it is, with other people.

    I've been in a serious car accident where I broke the tips of 4 of my back teeth so I know what it feels like to have bits of shattered tooth floating around in your mouth. A memory of which always resurfaces after suddenly waking up after a dream of losing my teeth.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    this is a lot of trippy stuff. very cool.

    Ferg- that's great info. i do have those dreams sometimes. i will definitely chew on that shit. inadequacy fits me latey.. i've been purging an old emotional charge from my childhood..
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Vassago that sounds sick. Hope you dont have those dreams anymore...

    I often have lucid dreams and I cant remember the last night where I did not have a dream. Tonight I was dreaming about a game prototype being demoed (a Aliens concept involving all the 3 movies in one short fps experience) I dunno why 3 movies arent there 4?... well it wasnt my concept... at a later point I was in a gun fight similar to Counterstrike, terrorist versus Counter terror.

    Yesterday i was on a epic adventure, hunting for treasure in my submarine and with friends.

    Next up im probably gonna dream about zombie escaping and killing, maybe i should wait for the full game L4D...
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    when i do dream, it typically isn't wacky or evil like my artwork. it can, but if shit does go weird, i'll wake up. i haven't dreamed in a while. i usually dream about places and people, and experience it through my eyes or cuts in a movie - but it's not always visual. sometimes it's like... a comfortable stare, where i'm seeing but am not paying attention to what i see, but what is going on. i never know i'm dreaming, it always seems to make sense. sometimes things will repeat and start again and change. the most memorable dreams are of older places from my childhood and more currently known acquaintances in my life are there.

    i love to sleep, sometimes i don't feel like listening to music, so i don't mind not having dreams.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Two and a half years ago we had a stillborn child, and for about 6 months I dreamt loads and they were very normal everyday dream with me the wife and our son, his age would vary in the dreams from baby to about 7 or 8 years old. I was always really happy in the dreams, then I woke up and felt like shit for the rest of the day. They petered out after a while I still get them sometimes but in the dream now I know its not real and I immediately feel like crap while dreaming, and I look at him and I say to myself in the dream, Im sorry, I wish I could bring you back, and then try and enjoy the rest of the dream.
  • Rens
    Some sad stories in here..

    I have a hard time sleeping in the first place. Yesterday night i lay awake till it was time to come out again. I think its because i have nothing to concentrate on and i start getting too aware of my heart beating and it makes me feel weak and fragile.
    (edit, i messed up some muscles around my left chest/ribe side, and when im laying down they can totaly crap up and give a pain rush wich might also explain my awareness.)

    The last 1,5 years i slept shitty, it takes me around 2 hours to get to sleep or longer, and then i sleep between 4 and 6 hours. Luckaly, these days its darker outside, so im able to sleep a bit longer

    Anyway, i hardly have bad dreams, if i have them i just wake myself up, turn around, and start dreaming about little ponys.

    My dreams are mostly not about action hank and big shootouts, i mostly dream weird shit like flying midgets that collect coconuts.. or more down to earth stories, like i just create my own movie.

    I sometimes have the teeth thing too, but i always find myself biting down real hard when i wake up. Also during the day i need to remind myself constantly to stop biting down.

    Im mostly aware that im dreaming, sometimes controling where its going, but dreaming stays weird, its so random.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Last year I used to have these recurring zombie dreams. Sometimes I was the only human left, or I was with my friends, and they would get turned....and I'd have to kill them (usually with a blunt object). Other times, I would be the only zombie, mowing through my friends for fresh...BRRAIINNSSSS! I actually enjoyed these dreams, they were fun. I tend to enjoy nightmares, they're like uncontrollable adventures.

    When I was a kid, I used to dream I was being chase by some creature in my back yard, and I'd try to hop the fence....but my feet were planted, and I couldn't move. I'd always wake up startled right before the creature got to me. I also had a few dreams where I'd be walking/running, and I'd just fall into a never ending pit (like Alice). Creeeppyyyy.

    The ones I don't like are when my GF or Mom are in danger/dying, and I'm helpless. I'd say those are my only "nightmares".
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I keep having dreams of playing with my dog that passed a couple years ago, I wake up and tell my wife I got to play with Kolby. We got him when he was a little puppy and died from cancer at 9 years old. My wife and I got him shortly after getting married. It's sad, but awesome because I've wake up and feel like I was really there playing with him and rubbing his belly and shit and felt so real. happened like 5 or 6 times since he passed a couple years ago. The reason I bring this up now, is it happened again last night.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I once had this dream where there was this silhouette of a quite short person with a very thin neck and a mushroom-shaped head/hat. It's back was facing towards me so I couldnt see its face but it felt very scary.
    There were a bunch of corpses piled up on the other corner of my room which I saw when I turned my head. The silhouette was in the middle of my room butchering some one on my desk while I was laying on my bed. I knew that I was going to be the next one to be butchered and for some reason I couldnt move.

    I tried to focus on the silhouette and then I woke up, and then turned my head and looked towards where the silhouette was and it was real! There really was some black thing with a very thin neck standing beside my bed! I was literally paralyzed from fear. 1 min later I managed to get up and put my glasses on, and that black silhouette was just the back of my office chair ...


    Now I make sure to turn my chair to face sideways before I go to sleep :p
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Yozora wrote: »
    I once had this dream where there was this silhouette of a quite short person with a very thin neck and a mushroom-shaped head/hat. It's back was facing towards me so I couldnt see its face but it felt very scary.
    There were a bunch of corpses piled up on the other corner of my room which I saw when I turned my head. The silhouette was in the middle of my room butchering some one on my desk while I was laying on my bed. I knew that I was going to be the next one to be butchered and for some reason I couldnt move.

    I tried to focus on the silhouette and then I woke up, and then turned my head and looked towards where the silhouette was and it was real! There really was some black thing with a very thin neck standing beside my bed! I was literally paralyzed from fear. 1 min later I managed to get up and put my glasses on, and that black silhouette was just the back of my office chair ...


    Now I make sure to turn my chair to face sideways before I go to sleep :p

    I used to have that kind of office chair, fecking hated it.
  • System
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    System admin
    This one will never be forgetten...

    This man was lying naked on a bed in a dirty, gloomy room with his arms and legs together in a torpedo shape, he was writhing in agony and looked disturbingly anorexic. He kept moaning and pleading for something to kill him...

    Shortly, I was aware that some creature was scaling the window, somehow it managed to absorb the glass and fell to the floor at the foot of the bed. A giant mutant slug opened it's bony, ridged mouth and proceeded to swallow the mans feet. It moved up the rest of him very slowly while constricting it's body to crunch his skeleton as he yelled out in agony.

    Even the way this thing moved creeped the hell out of me, it's skin stretched as it moved up a portion of him and then once stopped, the skin slid back up it's body in a pulsating fashion. If that wasn't enough, it let out these wierd, raspy gasping sounds as it moved.

    Once it had swallowed half of him I was aware of myself standing at the corner of the bed holding a stopwatch, it was 5 secs into 60 secs and strangely I wasn't afraid. The slug thing swallowed his arms up to his chest and began sliding it's jaws up toward his neck and over his face.
    Once it was 59 secs I saw the stopwatch for a moment and then instantly I saw the monster clamp down over the back of the victims head, I felt warmth as the last few millimeters of the head were shrouded in the creatures grasp, everything went pitch black as the watch read 60s, I realised this was my head.

    It didn't end there!

    The creature rolled off the bed and onto the floor, now I was aware that time was passing alot more quickly, the slug thing's skin seemed to be permeable as it let out yellow gas as a byproduct of digestion. Once a week was up he was absorbed and it was over, I woke up.

    Slugs are my phobia and at the time I was a bit skinny but otherwise no idea why the hell I dreamt that, it totally freaked the shit out of me:poly122:
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah the teeth falling out one will show up from time to time for me too. Usually something like i'll feel something in between my teeth and go to floss it and i'll push too far and it will start to feel loose. I'll move it a bit with my tongue and it will fall out. I can taste the iron in the blood in the dreams too. Then i'll feel another one and so on.

    For the most part i don't dream (other than the ones i create) any more my guess is because i have to take sleep aids and have been for years. If i didn't my body would want to work for 18hrs and then sleep for 12hrs. Sadly this planet runs on 24hrs not 30...
  • erik!
    perna wrote: »
    The best dreams are when I can run on all fours, like a puma or something, that's a real rush. Just running and jumping at great speeds for extended periods of time without getting tired.

    Happens ALL THE TIME.

    I have nightmares about spiders. A lot. I fucking hate spiders. I always wake myself up when one gets on me, near me, bites me, etc. I've had dreams where I instigate fights with people. I remember a dream where bears were outside my house trying to get in. I tried to punch them but when I did, it was in slow motion and I never connected. Recently had a dream where I was at my elementary school and everyone had it in for me, but I had a suit like iron man and could turn invisible like the predator!
    Scariest dream I've ever had was a paralysis dream. In the dream I was napping on the couch in front of the tv (which coincidentally is where I was sleeping when I had the dream) when I woke up suddenly. I couldn't move my arms or legs, all I can do is move my eyes to look around. I try to call out to my girlfriend to come help me but my vocal cords don't work. I try to scream to no avail. At this point I was getting really freaked out and desperately trying to move any muscle I could, I didn't even care what it was or what it was doing, just trying to move anything, flailing around violently in my mind while my body did nothing. I try to convince myself it's just a bad dream and that I'll wake up any minute but I don't. More muscles seem to be losing their ability to function, and before long I'm struggling for breath as my lungs have stopped working... then I woke up (and the freaky part was the time on the VCR clock was the same in my dream and real life).

    Most realistic dream I ever had was back when I was 14'ish. Long story short, I dreamt I won $200 on a scratch'n'win lottery ticket and placed the two crisp c-notes under my mattress and it felt soooooooooo real. I woke up (in real life) and couldn't find the money. I thought my brother had stolen my winnings and basically interogated him (LAPD style lol) trying to find out what the hell he had done with my damn money. About 20 minutes later when our mom got home I finally learned that I hadn't actually won any money the previous day (though it took her like 10 minutes to convince me). It was all just a crazy dream and I felt like a retarded monkey.

    And to whoever mentioned the tooth falling out dream, I get that one from time to time. God I fucking hate that dream. For me they always start just crumbling one at a time, first witha few small cracks here, the odd loose tooth that I try to jam back into the gum. Eventually it's just a pile of little tooth chips in my mouth while my hands are cupped over it so none of them spill out in a desperate attempt to save them.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    the scariest dream I have ever had was that I was banging this girl I really didn't like at all in a freaking car.... I remember thinking nooo what the hell are you doing, not her... LOL

    I dreamed once I was strapped to a chair watching myself getting my head opened up like in saw 3 and some one i couldn't see was cutting at my brain and slowly slicing chunks out. It reminded me a bit of how Darth Vader looked when Luke to off his helmet in Return of the Jedi except for the exposed brains and blood all over the place.

    I had the loosing all my teeth dream ass well, about year after I had broken my jaw and eight teeth in an accident at work. I was going to the dentist to get root canals and crowns.
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