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Hi, don't know why I've avoided posting here for so long. Probably fear of the brutal feedback. I wouldn't mind some now though.

Anyway I drew something new to model, it's a dino, toad, cyborg, robot thing. Gonna add more detail in the model just didn't feel like drawing it all.



  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great. The arms and thighs look a little weak in concept compared to the armor segments. Could use more basic shapes for anatomy, which I'm sure will come through when you start sculpting. All together, looks nice.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    agreed with elysium , maybe also giv him a bit more assimetry ? looks really cool the line art !
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    His hands are great!

    I might make his middle toe longer though, give it a more reptilian appearance.
  • El Scorcho
    Thanks guys, I'm implementing that feedback. Here's a small update on the model.

  • inewland53
    Good shit man, I like the knee armor, chest plate and tail. I like the way its coming out, very close to your concept. Keep up the good work.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey man, looking cool. Really feels like this could fit into Unreal Tournament or something, so hopefully you use the Unreal Engine to make those metals shine. Looking forward to the final on this one:) Only crit I can think of is that the face feels more shark like, where the body is reptilian, maybe creating a longer jaw, or an underbite to pull more towards his body, might make the overall more consistant.

  • El Scorcho
    inewland53; Thanks

    Brett; hey thanks for the feedback I tried a couple concept sculpts along those lines. What do think of this head sketch?

    Some more progress, played with his proportions and redesigned some stuff. Never mind cruminess of his head, it's just a concept sculpt right now.

  • Electro
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    Electro polycounter lvl 19
    Beef up the forms of the organic parts I reckon. More muscles, especially in the quadriceps.
    The hard surface stuff is looking interesting so far, especially from the knees down. Keep going :)
  • El Scorcho
    Thx Electro, I keep screwing that up for some reason. Here's a fix

  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    I like that face alot better, more inline with the rest of the character. On the foot it looks like you have 4 toes? One between the back two?, not sure if I am reading this right, but it might look better to have that gone and go with a three toe boot, or have it bend inwards to accentuate the sharp areas of the boot more. Going to keep my eye on this, and looking forward to the final sculpt.

  • El Scorcho
    Thanks Man, keep the feedback coming :)

    Some more progress, nearly finished with basic modeling. Now to refine and detail.

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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    very nice, dont like am replaced by gun he could easily be foiled by a complicated door mechanism, why not mount that gun down the back of the arm/hand leaving him stil able to use both hands.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Hector, yah the foot feels alot better. I am in some agreement with Shepeiro, that the gun isn't working to well. I would be curious to see a back gun, or a side shoulder gun like predator, and letting him have two arms. I know that this is your base pose, but he feels like the back piece is pulling him backwards, you could try making his back higher like he is hunching over helping the head be encased. And beefing up the back and upper shoulders will help it feel like he can support the metal and gun if you place it uptop.
    I know you were trying to get some asymetry in the mix, hence the gun arm, but maybe you can drop that down to the legs, having some gun belt or some leather design to cover up the skin and get away from the metal wedgy feel. I think you can bring that design to the back tail and have straps attached or something.
    Sorry I am bad at explaining, and might have to draw up something to help what I was thinking, but these are just suggestions, as I know you will do something sweet no matter what.

  • El Scorcho
    Thanks Shepeiro, I removed the gun arm for now and I not sure atm the moment if I'll bring it back though.

    Thanks Brett, I fixed his posture and shoulders. Not sure how I'll incorate leather straps though.

    Some very early sculpting progress, lots left to do ;)

  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    I like alot of the armor design, especially the points coming off the knees...mean lookin'. I think the forearm armor in your concept looks alot better than what you have done in 3d, has more of a solid shell feel(in concept) and flows with the arm anatomy alot better. I think you definitely need something on the bare arm where you had the gun.

    The back of the armor looks pretty sweet and I think overall the piece felt more right in your previous to last render. Right now it feels like he is kind of busting out of the armor and the armor feels very rigid in places like the mid-torso and neck.

    Base mesh for the organics seems good but I think you can do better on the high poly, but I know you're just starting on that.

    Great mechanical modeling.
  • Indecom
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    Indecom polycounter lvl 16
    damn man i wish blender could chamfer so i can make some kickass armor like that.
  • El Scorcho
    Thanks Demncage for the feedback demoncage. I'll try to fix those issues.

    Thanks Indecom :)

    The High poly is almost done, just need to finish detailing and refine/polish.

  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    I don't know if its the angel that I'm seeing this at but it looks like the bottom of the jaw is like right on top of his chest armor, so it looks like he couldn't open his mouth with out leaning his head back... He's looking kind of a locust from GoW buy with a tail. Looking pretty sweet though
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