Whats with the lack of punctuality in creating this thread!
Whos got it? - with a good connection so i can make you host for much fun times!
So far im not disappointed at all and i've been talking to friends about it whilst taking screenshots. It occured to me just how awesome it is that each of the screenshots has a story to tell, id be jabbering away on vent like it was fucking christmas talking about how "this one time at bandcamp, a tank charged down and it was just after a zerg...", I can't wait to play this with my friends! I think i've had the most fun playing with americans so far, its really sweet when youre all chatting away and coordinating!
I'm not fond of the matchmaking, although i'd think that once there are more dedicated servers floating about it will resolve a lot of the little lag issues. Still I dont really mind playing on american servers as 150ping is fine with instant hitting weapons. It'd be nice if they had some sort of background ranking that kept score of how many times you'd completed "x" campaign and on what difficulty so it would pair you with people of a similar calibre.
So yeah, who else has it!
played it coop with friend yesterday, PHUN !!
As for the fast vs slow zombies, I say bring it. I enjoy killing them all.
I think the matchmaking is cool, when it works anyways. Never been so easy to start a game with some friends, no need to look for a free server with enough spots for everyone etc.
The demo is painfully short, can't wait to play the other maps, and play as a zombie.
Can't wait for the release.
Experiences I've never had playing any game, ever.
Tanks are such a thrill to fight, they really get you on your toes especially when youre the last guy left. Its been a while since i was genuinely on edge while trying to fight for my life, fuck that shits good.
On the server thing - im wondering what a good PC is to run it, I mean this isnt like TF2 with 32 player servers so how many dedicated servers can 1 PC hold and hold well? It'd be nice if they never ran out or ran on a system similar to World of Warcraft, short queues wouldn't be too painful.
But yea kind of backwards, I guess its just the latest way to cash in on the news/hype. But at least they'll release a free no strings demo in a few days.
Also, what is the word on mods? Has anyone heard anything about custom maps/models yet?
Expert is really goddamn hard. Seriously, seriously hard.... which is good since it gives something to do for a long time. Even though the demo is short, trying to beat it on expert is quick at all! We were getting totally messed up 10 seconds in sometimes. We got all the way to the end once, but couldn't get through that last battle.
Slum, I read awhile ago that you'll be able to make custom maps, but as with the existing maps, spawning and such is handled by the AI director.
several guys at work were playing it today lunchtime and then again after work, it sounded like they were having a blast, it seems to really shine when you're actually playing in the same room with people you know.
also it seems there's a split-screen option in the PC version if you have two controllers plugged in?
MoP : try this for the split screen thing : http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=745113
also it seems people already started to mod the demo and even managed to play L4D on De_Dust
seems you can also try out the infected
Played the demo for a total of 4 to 5 hours so far, probably.
Last night, it was practically unplayable. Most of those problems seem to be fixed already, it drops once in a while but it is playable and there are fewer technical problems.
We did get a drop once or twice (and I had a hard crash too when hosting) but everything else has been pretty flawless, and of course, playing on expert :P
The way swarms of them just pour out at you when you do something like set off a car alarm or get hit by a boomer makes me feel like I'm in a movie and really gets the bum a clenching.
Mongrelman is my steam username if anyone is interested, I'm in the UK.
we suck lol
Last night, looking back i think its the most sadistic shit yet. I'm the only person left alive and im im the process of ressing someone at the top of the 2nd set of escalaters heading towards the train... When i look across i see a Tank's face peering through the window, fuck that was eerie. The tank stood there for a moment quietly watching me, then proceeded the knock the door down. At which point a smoker latched onto me and dragged me into the train right next to the tank, further more there was a Boomer running through the train who vomitted all over me and well yeah, the rest is fairly obvious but it definately wasnt pretty.
I dont get bored of all the little instances and stories this game creates, its really fucking good!
I wish the game had an 'ironsights' toggle so I could bring the gun up to my eye more. I love that in games and in a zombie game, especially with the shotgun, getting those headshots would be that more satisfying.
awesome awesome game!
This game is total fun!
I won't be doing that again.
Also, was quite happy to have killed a tank by myself yesterday
I'm a hunter!
uberbuggy though, since it's not supposed to be supported by the demo