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Anyone work on Tomb Raider Underword?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
Hi, just wondering if anyone here workd on tomb raider underword, I have a question below.

How is the multitexturing done, I see there will be a stone column in legend and/or underworld and then there will be a blend of some ivy or another texture. I'm wondering how you mask out the ivy texture, is this with vertex alpha or do you have a seperate mask texture per object. I'm also wondering if more than 2 blend textures are used on a model.


  • rube
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    rube polycounter lvl 17
    if it's the same method from the previous two then what they probably did was

    make the main wall/floor or whatever geometry and then duplicate the mesh, push it out slightly and assign the tiling ivy texture.. then blend it out with vertex alpha... I ran around in the last two with dxripper in wireframe mode and that seems to be the way they did it... the ripper didn't seem to work in underworld though so it may be different
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