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Game Enviroment (Night Shot)


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HI everyone! This is a scene from my demo reel and was designed to demonstrate my ability to design for games, sticking to all the requirements such as lights, texture maps & polys etc.
I hope to receive some CC, any critics etc welcome because i am self taught and want to become better so i can one day get a job in the industry.

Thanks again




  • Matroskin
    Offline / Send Message
    Matroskin polycounter lvl 11
    your demo looks cool to me man, nice stuff ;)
    Only thing is that you could blend your wireframes into the footage of each piece and not just a quick slideshow at the end.

    Regarding your current environment right here, i think that your logs don't need that vertex in the middle of a cylinder cap. also you could have 1-2 subdivisions in length to make them a bit less straight. Also various metal sheets (roof edges, walls) could have more distortion and be less straight as well.
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