I tried to bake my ambient occlusion map in maya but the baked texture has dark spot on it. I looked through the internet for tutorial but couldn't find any. Can anybody help me out here please.
Yah can't have overlapping. if you have similar geomtry that you want to share the same mapping for then Offset them by 1. This will put it outside the UV box but since the texture should tile it should align it on the texture properly and you will get rid of the overlap.
Yep, overlapping polys are bad for baking AO and normals.
If you are mirroring the tex only bake half of the item, then clone/mirror it. Or put those UV's off the tex area, then move them back after bake.
Don't do this, you'll get bad smoothing on your normal/AO since your tangent space will be off. Take half of the item and offset the UVs by 1 full unit to keep them out of the 0-1 space instead.
If you are mirroring the tex only bake half of the item, then clone/mirror it. Or put those UV's off the tex area, then move them back after bake.
Don't do this, you'll get bad smoothing on your normal/AO since your tangent space will be off. Take half of the item and offset the UVs by 1 full unit to keep them out of the 0-1 space instead.