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Canceling membership to gym?

polycounter lvl 20
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Sage polycounter lvl 20
I have a friend that got a membership at gold gym. She hates the place and wants to cancel but the people at gold gym tell her she can't. How legal is this? She got a two year membership at the place.... Seems odd to me that people can't cancel their gym membership especially when it just started.

I did some digging with google and it seems they have a habit of screwing their customers. Any advise would be helpful, and if anyone knows how legal this is... I'm customer service is trained to deny any cancellations. Thanks.



  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Well if she signed a contract saying that she'll pay for 2 years... then she might be stuck.

    She could just stop paying them, but that might hurt her credit.

    She could get herself kicked out of the gym. Tell her to go sexually harass people in distasteful but legal ways. Take a shit in the shower. Stuff like that :) It might not end well....
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i have had the same shit. u can but u have to do a bunch of retarded shit u agreed to in their fucked up retarded contract. i toss and turn thinking of those asses that write those contracts.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    over here in Vancouver my friend got a membership at fitness world in the contract it says that you may cancel your membership if you move a certain distance from the place and unable to get there im not sure how far check it out.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    haha I have gone through this lately with Ballys Total Rip Off. I had a membership in Chicago when I was working there but when I moved up here to Madison, WI I canceled because they did not have any centers within reasonable distance and in writing said I would no long need the membership. Well I'm still fighting with them over it. They want me to pay for the full 2 years because they lost a customer.

    Gym contracts are a total scam and it's all bs. They should be month to month.
  • Jonathan
    If she signed a contract and doesn't pay, then the gym will send it to a collection agency and then it'll also go against her credit report. :(
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    just get a fake lease agreement signed and show them that you are moving far away (be sure it is out of the specified radius), they never follow up and check
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    I hope I wasn't the only one saw this comming...

  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    That is really odd. But then again gyms profit most from those they suck into long term contracts and don't even go to the gym. I've never had an issue myself, I go to Bally's and when I moved away, they canceled my membership easily. Best of luck to your friend, maybe if she finds a nice employee that is lenient she might sneak out of it.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i bet there is a clause that you can cancel if you move and there are no gold gyms in the area, the area is probably going to be specified as something ridiculous like 50 miles or whatever, but that could be worth a shot
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Ive also heard of cancellations being aloud if you are flying somewhere. It might be cheaper for her to just go on vacation or something rather than buy out her contract. Read the contract and find a loop hole is her only way to beat it with clean credit.

    She could of course look at finding a way of liking the gym. Going at a different time when undesirables arnt there. I wanted to quit the gym once, then I started going at 12midnight and everything was great.
  • Asmuel
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    Asmuel polycounter lvl 17
    Go over the contract, look for a way out. ie. moving or behaving inappropriately

    Also look over what the law is in regards to the supply of such services. If you find that the service they provide is not adequate or appropriate (not what you were told you were signing up for) you may be able to get out of it.

    or sell the membership on

    thats about it
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    Sage wrote: »
    I have a friend that got a membership at gold gym. She hates the place and wants to cancel but the people at gold gym tell her she can't. How legal is this? She got a two year membership at the place.... Seems odd to me that people can't cancel their gym membership especially when it just started.

    I did some digging with google and it seems they have a habit of screwing their customers. Any advise would be helpful, and if anyone knows how legal this is... I'm customer service is trained to deny any cancellations. Thanks.


    Don't they give you a trial period to see if you like it? How long has she had the membership?
  • Mark Dygert
    With the economy in the toilet and people looking to save a few bucks. Starbucks & gym memberships are the first casualties. Something tells me they are just going fight uglier and harder... I'm glad the gym at work is only $5 a month and I can cancel any time.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    At the community center near my house, I believe you can per per use, or month to month. Who the hell goes to the Walmart of gyms and signs a contract?

    Just stop paying them. If you are within your right to cancel as per the terms of the agreement, don't pay them. Let them know it too. You can shred the bill and mail it back to their office. Send a copy back to their head office as well, and let them know what is up. Then you might try the better business bureau.

    Screw googling for info. you get advice from people who will take whatever shit is handed to them quietly without a fight, and then go sit down and post on a board about it, instead of doing something.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Be careful with the stop paying them thing..I was in this bind with gold's and they quickly sell your information to spam solicitors and debt collectors. I was getting phone calls a dozen times a day, all hours of the night, etc... I ended up joining up on a class action lawsuit against the spam companies..it's not a fun process.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Gold's gyms are franchised in groups to cover certain territory. I used to be a member here in Ohio, and my region included Kentucky and Tennessee. I could use any gym in that area, but I also could void my contract if I moved outside of those states. The Gold's franchisee drop the brand a year ago and now operates under the name 'Urban Active.' That means there's not a single Gold's Gym in the state of Ohio. If your friend wants out of her contract, have her tell them she's moving to Ohio. No contract can be enforced if the contractor fails to provide service. It's a good way to get out of cell phone contracts as well.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks I'll tell her that. she hasn't gone once, I think they mislead her about how much it was going to cost. I meet a guy that was a manger at a gold gym once, hence how I know the place is run by creeps. Well she can't stop paying them because it would fuck up her credit. I told her to go talk to a lawyer and find out what the says in that state. Also she doesn't have a copy of the contract.... Not sure why, I might be mistaken. I told her to change her bank account as well so they couldn't mess with her money. Thanks for the feedback. Any more insight you can provide would be nice. Thanks

  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I had a similar problem with my gym in NJ, they wouldn't refund my training sessions saying that they have more locations around the country. Except they are all locations were on the east coast and not in Texas. So after constantly calling them and getting the run around, I mailed them the receipt i had stating that if i move 100 miles away from the nearest location I could cancel and get my money back. Needless to say, i got a check in the mail within 3 weeks.

    Now LA fitness here in Dallas, I discovered that if you are doing training sessions and you do not call them to cancel after the initial sessions are complete they automatically renew your training sessions and start charging you again. I have 25 sessions remaining from the 37 I paid for. Its been canceled but now i have all these sessions I need to take advantage of in case I move to another state where there is no LA Fitness.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    does that mean that if i goat a guy into signing a contract where he has to pay me 50 bucks a week for the rest of his life, for some mundane benefit, he can NEVER get out of that? i'm just assured 50 bucks a week for ever?

    this just smells like bullshit. even cell phones can be canceled with a fee.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    hate business that intentionally fucks over their customers. fuck them, i hope they burn in misery.

    i had a Gold Gym membership and also tried to cancel. they are such scum bags. i was talked into getting it with two other co-workers and i was thinking i could make that happen... used it for 2 days, ha. i never really used it, but continued to pay it on the chances i'd use it again. but, i got a new job and flew 2,000 miles away - this was almost exactly a year ago.

    i was never able to cancel the membership, it had to expire on it's own (was a year contract) i complained about it in writing and have all the shit i had to do in order to cancel the membership:

    that contract i signed that bound me to a Gold's Gym membership had me pretty tied down! the first requirement: Member has to have moved 250 miles away from the Gold's Gym location.

    have to write a letter to ABC Financial's headquarters, The company that handles Gold Gym's membership cancellations, requesting they release my membership. along with my "agreement number" which could be found within the contract and request for a draft bill of my $99 cancellation fee.

    along with this, since I didn't have a new lease or proof I live in Arizona, I needed my employer to write a letter with official letterhead and return address, proving I am in fact an employee of the company, with an attached pay-stub.

    Seriously? They added this shit to their contract, while laughing their asses off, no doubt! I hate them for being so cruel in nature. You can't set these requirements up on accident, like they aren't just following other regulations, they are intentially making it difficult for their customers to cancel a contract. why does it cost $99 to cancel? profit? or expense? it's bullshit man, that's not nice!

    I really, really am starting to resent suits. Do they think they're smart for setting up bullshit like this? I mean it works, good for you! i mean statically people won't mail in their rebates, so these people will take advantage of that. wut a fucking twat move. it's unhealthy for the world to think this shit is cool and truly is unethical. i despise forms and contracts and the people behind them, that are intentionally making life needlessly more difficult, just to make a dollar?

    deny their gifts as they are ment to harm you. they do not care for you.
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