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[Portfolio] Alex Jones (Redone thanks to you)

Level Design


A few months ago I posted my deviant art "portfolio" and got a bunch of great advice from you guys. I made a new site on wordpress that is much better. There is a minimum amount of clicking necessary to see things and I was able to embed the youtube videos for easy watching. There is text for those who are interested but it doesn't get in the way of the pictures. I'm currently looking for entry level stuff like testing and interning in addition to level design in Austin and Dallas. I had a QA interview but I think I blew it because I talked about level design instead of testing most of the time. But level design is what I am most knowledgeable of so it's hard not to talk about it.

I hope you enjoy the site, thanks guys!


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey man, just by coincidence I actually played your level the Knell. It's the only gears of war level I have ever tried made by someone else (I'm always working on something and sadly hardly get to play games anymore). It was really cool, only a little too difficult because there was no checkpoints in the version I played.

    Anways, I like everything about what you did with your portfolio only the links to other level designs isn't quite clear enough in my opinion. I looked at your first page and liked it, then I was thinking "well that can't be the only thing here" and untill I really looked carefully at the top I saw the other links under "pages". People often times look for these links on the left side of the screen or top, so it might be better in one of those spots. Also you might want to just make it bigger type so it stands out more and is really obvious. I have 2 x 24" monitors and it looks tiny.

    Other than that good work man.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Yea I agree with razor. Well put together site, but VERY easy to miss the various pages. Fix that and you're solid.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    The content is way to clustered in the center, I would make it wider, there is too much wasted space at the moment. Also, having enlarged versions of images when you click them would be good.

    like others have said, make the pages buttons way larger. nice color pallete and looks good, just try to eliminate the massive scrolling down-ness of it.
  • Thaur
    Thank you all. I didn't like everything being squeezed in the middle but I am using wordpress's templates and I didn't find anything bigger. I also see no options to increase the size of the links, but maybe it is there. I will have to keep looking around. I know some options have to be paid for.
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