It's that time again... I'm trying to find a game.
I believe it was a freeware game, there might have even been a Linux client. It was a tile-based, turn-based 'rpg'. All the tiles and characters were a tan/parchment color. It was kind of like Gauntlet or something similar, but slow and turn based. It was themed in a western D&D style fantasy.
Any ideas?
That's not much of an obscure game though. It's someone's port of an actual board game.
thanks for the find though, I'll give this a go
When I was older I bought a beefier boardgame that was a similar style... I'm pretty sure it was called WarHammer Quest. One year my family went on this trip to stay at the beach for a week, and we ended up playing WarHammer Quest every night after dinner. I was in shock that my whole family liked playing that game, even my 2 little sisters were into it.
I don't know what happened to either of the board games since then, I guess they are still in my parents house somewhere...