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Fancy Hat

Hey all, I've been watching these forums for quite awhile and finally found an excuse to join. I'm finishing up some work to send off as my portfolio to grad school for illustration. All C&C welcome and greatly appreciated, I've been staring at this guy for way too long.



  • steady
    Offline / Send Message
    steady polycounter lvl 18
    cool, did you make this using vectors with the pen tool or with selections? nice colors
  • Cody
    Offline / Send Message
    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    looks cool. i would try to smooth out the lines on the face and neck, so it looks more like the ear, and less like you used the photoshop cutout filter.
  • Fey
    thanks guys

    @steady- it's actually 99% done in photoshop with just me being compulsive with the brush tool. A very small bit of it is rasterized vectors done with the pen tool.

    @Cody-I'll think about smoothing some more of the tones out. I'm used to working in traditional oils, so I may have to start thinking more about if my drawings are looking like filter pieces rather than just how I paint. It's not a shopped paintover, but I'm seeing how it could look like it.
  • Cody
    Offline / Send Message
    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Well there is no filter for hair like that, so I knew you painted that among other things that couldn't be created with a filter, so I was pretty sure you weren't using any, but ya the skin in places looked very Cutout-esque. But otherwise superb.
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