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FarCry 2

veteran polycounter
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PixelMasher veteran polycounter
I picked up FC2 last night and so far it seems pretty good. The graphics are nice on the 360 version and Im really liking the shanty town style environments.

there are a couple things that bugged me so far about it though. the story suffers from what most open world games do, there is a vague story but really its just a time fill with similar style missions to add most of the playtime.

the healing thing is kinda neat, although it can be frustrating when you are about to die and then get hit and have to start digging a bullet out of your skin all over, it can be heart pounding but it can also be annoying.

I think my biggest piss off with this game is the fact you cant save anywhere in the console version atleast. I have only played for about 3 hours but in that time period ive learned to save every chance i get. It really sucks driving somewhere across the map then either falling from a height you wont think will kill you but it does, or just simply getting gang raped by a mob of enemies. then you have to load your last save, which could have been from 10-15 mins beforehand.

The fire propogation seems really cool and adds a fun element. the only kinda lame thing about it is it will always die out even if there is surrounding grass and trees, I guess this is to stop the entire world from burning down but i wish it spread a bit more.

overall this game seems really fun and im enjoying it. I just hope it doesnt suffre from the repetition assassins creed does.


  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    It's averaging mid-80s across the board on gamerankings. I hope to check it out on PC soon!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    bought the game on steam and am loving it so far. One thing I like is how the fame changes depending on the limited load out you choose. right now I'm rolling with the sniper rifle and flare gun and taking this sort of passive aggressive approach to my attacks.

    Art wise, it feels like crysis lite, which IMO is a good thing as it opens the pausa me purchases a bit more and allow them to release on consoles. The flares through the leaves and the fire effects are a nice touch. I don't like the idea of so many assets looking like a normal map on one uv set and a repeating texture on another as it comes off quite odd at times.

    Anyhoo... Fun times, good game.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The voice acting is truly dire.
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    I'm playing the PC version now. It's pretty fun, though the controls seem a bit sluggish. What I found to easily avoid being gang raped is to use the flamethrower. You might get hurt from 1-2 bullets and a bit of fire, but it sure keeps people away.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    MoP wrote: »
    The voice acting is truly dire.

    yea I noticed that too, very emotionless and almost seems as if its playing back too fast, no pauses between sentences or anything. kinda weird.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    I've been trying to place the PC version, but turning on dx10 causes the game (including intro video and the menus) to run at about 1 frame every 5 seconds (no, that is not an exaggeration).
    Some other people are having the same problem, I'm hoping it gets sorted soon as I've been waiting for the game for awhile.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Played it for a little while, but I couldn't get into it. Felt myself getting bored, restless, and thinking about all the other more fun things I could do.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    me too, this game is simple no better than others, so many marketing for something that didnt impress me.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    I was REALLY looking forward to this game...I got it for PC. And it did not live up to the hype I put on it.

    The graphics are a let down. I can deal with that but the aiming is just fucking driving me nuts. For some reason it just seems really bad to me.

    Also, it is really repetitive. I have played for maybe 5 hours and it is already pretty boring.

    Anyways I will play it more but I am pretty disappointed.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Anyone who likes shooters but not this game is bad at having fun. Come on, a huge, destructible open world, and your choice of weapons? Surely you can find some kind of gameplay you enjoy.

    Sniping is awesome. Really digging the game, congrats to the guys who worked on it here.
  • Michael Knubben
    So, is this 'open world' in the same vein as Oblivion, then? Meaning: very little in the way of an overarching, driving storyline, and more like a string of dungeon missions (savannah missions?) that don't even manage to feel superficially different?

    Mind you, I could still enjoy it if that were true, but I'm not sure I could spend money on it then. A shame really, as I was looking forward to it.

    I'll try the demo.
  • frostymoose
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    frostymoose polycounter lvl 17
    It actually does remind me quite a bit of oblivion (which i absolutely could not stand)...

    I was really disappointed with the game at first, but once I finally figured out how to actually progress the story line a bit, it got a little better... What made it 10x better is when i stopped listening to my buddies and doing their shitty boring missions. Every story mission you get an option between doing some little sidething for your "buddy" (I hate all of them), or you can just do the mission. Helping out your buddy invariably means driving around forever and getting little to no action... And then you for some reason might not have to do the main mission anymore. If you still need to complete your objective, it gets incredibly dull because doing the buddy mission usually means that you've somehow tricked or coerced somebody into ordering the troops away from the objective you were after.
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    SupRore wrote: »
    Anyone who likes shooters but not this game is bad at having fun. Come on, a huge, destructible open world, and your choice of weapons? Surely you can find some kind of gameplay you enjoy.

    Sniping is awesome. Really digging the game, congrats to the guys who worked on it here.

    That's exactly my thought. I find it totally awesome, one of the best games I've played in months. I love just exploring the world and doing safari.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    just got it for my 360 ill update you guys on what i think of the game, only reason i bought it is to tide me over until gears 2 :P
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, I haven't had this many issues just trying to get a game to run properly since Gears (on the PC, due to microsoft live shite).

    Having reinstalled the game, and running it in dx9 so it will actually play, when I start the game the camera view points straight up and the mouse has no effect whatsoever, although it works in the menu.

    Anyone have an idea how to fix that problem?

    EDIT: After some internet digging I found that having a guitar hero controller plugged in causes this, unplugging that fixed it.
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah its sad to here there are so many issues with the installation and DRM... hopefully you ll give this game a chance , I can say things get a lot more fun after 2-3 hours of play in single player, I agree tho that the learning curve is rough and the tutorial takes a while to complete. The missions are kind of repetitive but the large range of weapons and possibilities makes it fun.

    The editor is whats really keeping me addicted tho, ive just finished to make a map name Cubed that is base around the "cube" movies, its a series of cubic rooms where you need to watch your step if you dont want to fall into a trap... I cant wait to host it in multiplayer.

    I must say I am very proud of what the team did, Ive worked a year with them and it was a blast, it gave me a very positive impression of the game industry since this was my 1st real job in the biz.

    So yeah my opinion is somewhat biased, heh :)... but I hope you guys experience the some chaos in the game which is what I think is the strongest point of this game.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I worked on the game briefly.

    I thought the idea of weapon jamming and malaria were very contrived gameplay mechanics that stifled the player in a way that felt more cumbersome rather than challenging.

    Can't believe nobody complained about the driving, and the save system yet.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Just been playing it for a couple of hours now and enjoying it, looks stunning (particularly during the day in the savannah part) even on dx9 (hope the dx10 issues get sorted soon).

    I like the weapon jamming, it adds an element of unpredicatbility and encourages people to buy weapons from the dealer. I was using a peachy sniper rifle for a while I found, it jammed several times and at one point exploded in my hand when I fired. Had the flare gun as my secondary weapon and RPG as special, so I had to run around macheteing people which was fun.

    Just bought the flamethrower and was messing around with burning stuff, really impressed with the fire in the game and how it spreads and is moved by the wind.

    So far I don't find the malaria element adds much to the game, but it's not been a problem (so far anyway).

    Special event of the day: Driving along the railway track and having a gazelle walk infront of my jeep. The jeep won.
  • [Deleted User]
    The malaria gets better as the game progresses it seems (less frequent attacks). I think mainly it's just an excuse to force you to do some side quests and essentially prolong the game. I love the weapon jamming though, I don't think it's contrived at all, it really just adds to the immersion.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    been playing this the last couple of days and i think its pretty fun (tho getting a bit boring in places, driving everywhere and stopping every 5 seconds to fend of dudes is getting a bit old). The missions are more or less the same but there's so many ways to go about them and the explosions and fire in this game are great fun :P

    was gonna ask if anyone knows who the character artist (or lead char artist) was in this thing, looks great.

    Overall i think crysis can look nicer but there's alot more variety and interest in this game.

    ...and sticking bombs on enemy cars before they give chase rocks ^_^
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    where are the trigens im not buying the game without them
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    played it a bit last night, good first impressions for me.. I did keep wondering 'is this going to be the game?'- no sciency plot going on? I know first and foremost far cry is about exploring massive vistas and pottering about the forest. But isnt it secondly about mutants and secret corporations?

    edit: oh actually the introduction to the buddies was lame.. ok the guy you save, fair enough. then you go to that bar and then some text explains about some bird 'This is your second best buddy!'... is it?? she risks her life saving me in a firefight when I'm just some bub who strolls into her favourite bar? Maybe she's really good pals with that other dude.. no idea it doesnt say. seems odd
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I bought this game specifically so I could play it the same way I played Far Cry 1 (or at least the half of it I actually got through before it made my old computer start puking everywhere) and Crysis. That is, running around the edges of enemy strongholds, sniping and otherwise stealth killing everybody in sight and then going building to building with my machine gun and blasting the faces off anybody remaining.

    After I bought it, I realized that my beastly little gaming rig is five hundred miles away and my sister has to ship it to me. So I guess I'm going to have to wait until later this week to actually play.

  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I think the introduction to the second buddy could have been done better, to give them more of a reason to actually want to help you. I do like that the game changes who the buddies are when you play, in my case both my buddies are the women.

    @Nizza: Use the bus if you haven't already. I find it quicker and less boring to just get the buss to the right chunk of the map then drive to the objective.

    @Swizzle: When you can play I'd suggest also going nuts, seeing which way the wind is blowing and starting some fires around a camp so it gets blown into it, sniping a gas tank and watching it fly around, then fire an RPG, which misfires and ends up spinning around the ground infront of you before blowing up in your face. Then heal, grab a jeep and drive into the camp running down everyone but one guy, who you whack with the machete then plunge it into his chest as he lies on the ground dying.

    A gripe I do have is the respawning of enemies, you clear an area, go through to do something, then when you come back it's full again, everytime. I'm hoping that gets sorted with a patch, and that they add predators (which I've read is in the works). Hopefully we'll be able to dart a lion and somehow get it onto a jeep, then leave it near some enemies to wake up and have lunch.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    By the sound of it I think I'll give the game another go. Normally if a game doesn't hook me immediately I feel like I'm wasting my time trying to get to a place in the game where I -do- like it.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I like it so far, 3 hours into it and im enjoying the jamming weapons, illnesses, critical failures, fires! I never had the problem with respawning enemies, i went way back to places ive been before and they are not there, i shut the game down went back... Its fun finding people that you can save lying around, one girl was locked into a room the other in the middle of nowhere lying sick. :P
    I just had a go with the editor, its super quick to learn N easy. I bet there is going to be a bunch of cool maps by the community. I played online but not ranked matches because thats not working or i dont get how to join a game that already started, i don wanna join a empty game and hope people will come.

    the unranked match was a blast I went commando style. like the upgrade or level system, got a grenade launcher and owned pretty much with it :P But you cant pick up enemies weapons, i miss that...
    the game is running silky smooth at dx9 top settings.
    Cant sort servers by ping...

    lol there are my random comments :P

    what weapons are you guys using? btw the ones ive tried all feels solid except the grenade which they hotkeyed to q, i keep pressing it by mistake. ah well i can fix that :P
  • frostymoose
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    frostymoose polycounter lvl 17
    Its fun finding people that you can save lying around, one girl was locked into a room the other in the middle of nowhere lying sick. :P

    what weapons are you guys using? btw the ones ive tried all feels solid except the grenade which they hotkeyed to q, i keep pressing it by mistake. ah well i can fix that :P

    There's people randomly lying around?? I think I've played about 10 hours and haven't run into anybody outside of town who did not have and unhealthy interest in shooting me.

    As for weapons, I'm partial to the Dragunov and the m79 grenade launcher. I don't particularly care for any of the special weapons, but the PKM and the SAW are alright.
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    why does everyone hate me in this game i cant go 3 minutes without encountering someone who wants me dead. the games fun but i wish i could get a breather, its almost daunting to go from one place to another especially if your playing the 360 version!
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    just bought it from steam haha that thing is evil !
    Looks pretty good, especially with anisotropic filtering and transparency AA, the buddies system is quite fun when they come save your butt/when you have to save them, I wish a friend could pop in and join/race/fight me to the final goal though.
    I can see the gameplay as being a tad redundant after a while, I've already done similar missions twice in a row..guess I've been unlucky...also sucks balls that the guards spots you scout aren't yours after that (or affiliated to your faction, etc).
    3 hours into it so far, guess we'll see how much I like it over the week:p
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    the more new weapons I get the more I like it... I love the big grenade launcher (found a shite rusty one in a cabin somewhere)
    got the grenadier pouch, blew up some shit.. until it blew up in my hands :(
    need to unlock the damn purchase now!

    Has anyone else driven the dirt buggy car? found one tucked away in a checkpoint, really fun. I was starting to think there were only 2 cars in the game.. (they have a jeep in there as well I see)

    I have to say, I would really miss the quicksave feature.. PC all the way :P
    edit: ooh, btw I just bought the IEDs.. hot damn, scatter five of those bad boys and there aint nothing walking out of that
  • Armanguy
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    Armanguy polycounter lvl 17
    have not purchased ied's yet what can i use them for?
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I haven't bothered to read. . . sorry, I'm lazy, and I've only played a bit, so I don't want to read any spoilers.

    But the game is awesome.

    There's some things that bug me (voice acting, flipped weapons, etc.) but overall it's been fantastic.
    I love the open world fps concept, and I think it works very well. I love gun jams, and lighting fields on fire.

    I do wish that there were non combatants around though. On the intro-cab ride in, there were citizens walking along the road. I never see anyone in game that doesn't have a gun. And I don't see anyone outside of Pala, and Mike's Bar, that doesn't want to kill me.

    The Buddy system is great (once I suspended disbelief at my buddy always showing up at exactly the right time). I love that you can get pulled from battle, covered while you heal, and then get back into it without having to load or restart a mission. I do wish that I could bring buddies with me and fight along side them on missions, rather than just having them come in to save my ass.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    man....give this game more time...it gets REALLY good. the ultra slow day/night cycle rules. i've played for a good 6 hours or so.....only rained once. i have approached security checkpoints in so many different ways from ultra stealth to mega insane flames and blow ups galore. there is nothing like driving a boat on the river super slow at night wondering if there is going to be a camp around the corner. also....i recommend turning the music OFF completely....so much nicer w/just the ambients goin.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    If you've never set off an ammo stash, give it a go :)
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    yup....sit and watch the fireworks.....careful tho..
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    LOL that happened to me last night, scared the bejeezus out of me!
  • TheSplash

    Hey kids, this is why you don't use unedited photos as textures! Especially when they have copious lighting information in them and don't match the scale of the object!
  • Spinks
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    Spinks polycounter lvl 18
    oh man that is one horrid rock
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    lol but its so photo real

    I will wait till I have a beedfier pc for this game I am south african so I miss africa...well the sunshine and mountains, animals and grass etc not the crazy politcs and violence
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    anyone else feel that the game is sweet but its not really far cry 2? nothing here says sequel to me, seems like it was just handy for them to use the name. Could be called Simon's Safari Shootout and we'd be none the wiser

    or Aarons African Adventure..
    Paul's Planes Panic?
    Jules' Jungle Jaunt???
    Fenwick's Forest Fumble????
  • Mark Dygert
    TheSplash wrote: »
    Hey kids, this is why you don't use unedited photos as textures! Especially when they have copious lighting information in them and don't match the scale of the object!
    lil more bloom and you'd never notice...
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    wow i cant belive that slipped through. jeez.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    or Aarons African Adventure..
    Paul's Planes Panic?
    Jules' Jungle Jaunt???
    Fenwick's Forest Fumble????
    Should'a been Mel Gibson's Safari 4.
    I believe the most accurate and riveting representation of life and death in Africa has already come and gone with Mel Gibson's Safari 3.

  • Rox
    Oh dear god...
    I could almost forgive them for all the horrid rocks...
    But then they go and cover a whole floor with that texture.



    [edit] Holy crap, for a game that encourages saving like a fool, FC2 sure discourages saving like a fool... It's been taking it ages to refresh my saved games list lately, so I figured I'd dig up the folder and delete all my old saves. I'm not halfway through the game, and my saved games folder is 2.3GB. Each file ranges between 2 and 6MB, the ones late in the game larger than the early ones. And there's over 700 files... I have NOT saved 700 times. Unless each quicksave becomes a permanent file, too... Christ... [/edit]
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yep i believe quicksaves are counted as seperate saves... noobs! who does that...
  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    Tried playing the first one. It kept freezing up on me and the quicksaves wouldn't work, I kept getting booted way back to the begining of the level when I died. I finally gave it up about half way through.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    this game is completely unrelated to the first one
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    which is quite a shame though. I really liked Far Cry's plot, I just hated the way they implemented the monsters.
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