Holla all.
When textureing and baking, is it worth it to add polygons to a repeating wall, this way to bump out the normal that would otherwise be flat if viewed from the side( two left side)? you know, matching the highPoly mesh more better. Or would it just be better to leave it one flat plane (far right image.)
Iam also aware that I could "cut" edges into the side of my "wall" to better match the high-poly mesh. But I think that if I do create stone blocks for the lowpoly then its worth it to keep em seperate because I can make those lower and look better. I think at least.
Anybody have any ideas or suggestions, I would love hear em'. Iam at the crossroads at which method to take and which would actually be the best.
Parallax doesn't solve the edge problem though, only the interior "extrusions". Some great images and tips in the rock tutorials thread. Simply put, you can make a quick displacement map of your wall, use that map to displace a highly-subdivided plane, then run Polycruncher on it.
You know, Ive had polycruncher sitting on my compurter for awhile now, but never actually installed because I only started using max about 4months ago. But this morning all of that changed.
Wow! the power of polycruncher is amazing.
man, polycruncher is badass.