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Post lens effects - 3ds max

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System admin
Hi guys, I’ve always wondered this and now it has become important for a current project which will be rendered entirely in scanline with no advanced lighting… Is it possible to keep a constant size for say a glow effect or any lens effect, so that no matter the distance you are from the glow source it keeps at the same scale and intensity?
This is one of two objects in the scene which could use a glow effect; Light1.jpg

Shows lit and unlit states, any help?



  • Eric Chadwick
    Offline / Send Message
    Even though Video Post is so ancient and badly designed, it still has the best post process filters for rendering. Look up Lens Effects Glow Filter.

    If Video Post is too weird/daunting, you can use the Glow effect in the Effects part of the Environment panel.
  • System
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    System admin
    Don't get me wrong, I have used these post effects many times before but only for static scenes, this time round for an animated scene it just seems that you can't move away or closer to the glow source without a change in intensity and size which doesn't reflect as real world values would.
    For instance, a floorlight I have is a blurred mess at reasonable distance using glow effects, is it possible to script a consistant value of intensity and size when the camera moves away from the source of a lens effect?
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Wait, do you want the glow to be the same size in screen pixels, regardless of how close the object is? So a lamp right next to you would have a glow falloff of like 20 pixels, and a lamp down the street would also get a falloff of 20 pixels? That's how it works for the most part, unless you enable distance-based effects.
  • System
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    System admin
    My mistake, should have made more sense than that :poly136: What I meant to say was when you move away from a source the glow size increases alot with the reverse happening when you are in close. The effect is too strong and in reverse of what it should actually be in real life. Tried turning off distance based effects and it has worked for the first time! Well, kind of, still getting an increase in glow size when moved away and decrease when close but it is alot more subtle.
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